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Speakers & Chairs
General Chairs of ICIL 2012: Maria Bottis & Nikos Kanellopoulos Arts and Ethics session chairs: Nikos Kanellopoulos & Andreas Giannakoulopoulos Libraries and Intellectual Capital Chair: Petros Kostagiolas Women in Academia session chairs: Tesi Sali, Rector, Ionian University & Maria Bottis Young Scholars' Forum Chair: Christina Banou
ICIL series founder: Maria Bottis
Theodore C. Buchelos, Interpreter of the 5th ICIL 2012 - CV
Theodore C. Buchelos, Interpreter of the 5th ICIL 2012
Theo Buchelos holds a degree in Interpreting from the Ionian University Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting with Greek, English and French as active languages (interpreting from and into these languages). He ranked 6th at the DFLTI admission examinations in 1992 and studied Translation with Greek, English and French as his working languages and in 1996 he was admitted –after successfully passing the pertinent induction exams- to the Department’s Interpreting Section whence he graduated in 1998. At that time he received a scholarship to attend the DFLTI Postgraduate Studies Programme which he completed in 2001 with a dissertation on the Theory and Teaching of Interpreting. In July 200 he was offered (and he accepted) a place as a PhD student at the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh in the field of Theory of Interpreting. He has taught “Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting from English into Greek” (2001-2005) and “Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting from Greek into English” (2001-2011) at the Ionian University DFLTI and is currently teaching at the Masters 2 Programme on Conference Interpreting at the Strasbourg University, in collaboration with the City Unity College of Seattle in Athens.
He also speaks fluently German, Spanish and Italian and has been working as freelance translator and interpreter since 1994. He has attended the DFLTI seminar entitled “French Legal Language and Translation” (1996), the University of Athens Conference on “Greek Language and Terminology” (1999) and the DFLTI Conference on “Issues of Specialised Translation and Terminology” (2000).
He has published the following translations: - “How the United States Approaches the Problem of Stolen Property”, International Rotary Club, Chapter of Corfu (1996); - “Corfu: Divine beauty with a human face”, A presentation of the Island of Corfu, published by the Corfu Association of Hotel Owners (1997); - “From pre-trial detention to parole” (De la détention avant jugement à la libération conditionnelle), Proceedings of the 1st Meeting on “Prison Overcrowding in Europe” (1997); - “Greece and Bulgaria at the Crossroads of Two Centuries: From the Experiences of Past to the Challenges of Future”, by Kyriakos Kentrotis published in the Journal of Modern Hellenism (1998); - “The Strychnine Lady”, Translation of the psychodrama by Yiannis Christou. a) Performed at the Ionian Academy under the auspices of the Department of Music Studies, Ionian University, Corfu, 8 October 2000; b) Performed at The Athens Concert Hall, Athens, 12 November 2000; - “Modern Geopolitics: Founding and Methodological Definition”, by I. Th. Mazis (in press); - “Turkey, Central Asia and the Caucasus: Ten years after independence”, by Shireen Hunter for the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) (in press). Theo Buchelos has worked as interpreter during the European Union Summit Meeting (1994); for the Spanish Ambassador in Greece (since 1998); for the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs (1999); for the Region of Ionian Islands (since 1998); the Municipality of Corfu (since 1999); The French Ambassador in Greece (2003) and in a great number of conferences on a vast range of diverse subjects. In the summer of 1998 he coordinated the DFLTI Greek Language and Culture Summer School, in 2000-2001 he was awarded a 12-month grant in the framework of the Interreg II Programme and from 2000 until 2002 he taught “English Language and Music Terminology” at the Department of Music Studies, Ionian University.
He is specialised in Legal and Medical Interpreting, has been working for many years for the Hellenic Cardiological Society and as editor for the Forum of Clinical Oncology.
Chairs - CV and Papers  Bottis MariaGeneral Chair, Women in Academia session chair - Assistant Professor, Attorney-at-law Ionian University, Greece Read more
She is an Honors graduate of Athens Law School in 1990. She is a holder of a LLM degree (Cambridge Law School, UK, 1991) a LLM degree from Yale Law School in 1992 and a PhD on medical information law from the University of Athens. In 2000, she was appointed a Faculty Fellow at Harvard University, Center for Ethics and the Professions (2000-2001). She is an elected member of the board of the International Society for Ethics and Technology. She has authored five books, the latest being A Defense of Intellectual Property Rights, 2009, Edward Elgar Publishing (with Professor Richard Spinello). She is also the author of many Greek and international publications on data protection, digital divide, library ethics, privacy medical/health law and others. Updated:30-03-2012 15:30
 Gritzalis DimitrisProfessor of ICT Security Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Read more
Dr. Gritzalis is a Professor of ICT Security with the Dept. of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece. He is also the Director of the Information Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection Research Group, as well as the Director of the Graduate Programme in Information Systems at AUEB.
He holds a B.Sc. (Mathematics, Univ. of Patras), a M.Sc. (Computer Science, City University of New York) and a Ph.D. (Critical Information Systems Security, Univ. of the Aegean).
Prof. Gritzalis has served as Associate Commissioner of the Greek Data Protection Commission and as the President of the Greek Computer Society. He is, also, the national representative of Greece to IFIP TC-11.
His publication record includes include 10 books and more than 150 papers. His current research interests focus on security in ambient intelligence, security paradigms, privacy enhancing technologies, and critical ICT infrastructure protection Updated:30-03-2012 01:32
 Kanellopoulos NikolaosGeneral Chair - Arts and Ethics session chair - Professor, Department of Audio and Visual Arts Ionian University, Greece Read more
Studies/ Education:
1982:Ph.D: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
1978:M.Sc(by research): Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
1976:B.Sc.(honours): Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Research Interests:
Electronic Governing
Art and Culture
Computing Systems Architecture
Quality Reservation in Education, in Public Governing and in Industry
Computer Science Applications
Academic Positions:
1/2010-Today: Professor, “Computing Systems and Computer Science Applications”, Audiovisual Department, Ionian University
11/2007-1/2010: DEP Member, Audio Visual Arts Department
10/2007- Today: President, Audio Visual Arts Department
1/2005-10/2007: Co-president, Computer Science Department, Ionian University
7/2004-10/2007: Associate Professor, Archives and Library Science Department, Ionian University
6/2003-7/2004: DEP Member, Archives and Library Science Department, Ionian University
2000-2002: President, National School of Orchestral Art. Institution of High Education (Min. Culture)
1987-5/2003: DEP Member, Department of Computer Mechanics & Informatics (Architecture and Hardware Sector), University of Patras
1980-1983: Professor's Assistant, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Professional Experience:
1998-2010: Headmaster, Sector “Applications and Services of Stock Market” Researching Academical Institution of Computer Technology.
1996-2009: Athens Office Director, Researching Academical Institution of Computer Technology.
1996-2007: Scientific Director, Research Unit 4, “Computer Architecture & Communication Systems”, ΙΤΥ
1987-1996: Principal, Digital Systems Sector, ΙΤΥ
1986-1987: Principal, Digital Systems Laboratory, ΙΤΥ
1985-1986: Technical Director of Research and Development, SA
1983-1984: R&D Manager, Panorama Office Systems Ltd, UK
1978-1979: Researcher, International Computers Ltd Research Center, Manchester, UK
1977-1978: Researcher, “Digital Systems Laboratory” (DSL), Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Dept., University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Updated:30-03-2012 15:26
 Karakostas IoannisProfessor of Civil Law University of Athens, Greece Read more
Professor Ioannis Karakostas was born in 1943 in Chalkida. In 1966 he obtained his Law Degree from the University of Athens. In 1973 he obtained his doctorate degree from the, "Regensbourg" Law School in Germany. Since 1983 he has been a Professor of Civil Law at the University of Athens. Ioannis Karakostas is the author of several monographs e.g (Enviromental law in Greece, Encyclopaedia of laws, Kluwer Verlag 1999 etc.). Pr. Karakostas speaks fluently English, Italian and Spanish and has developed significant research activities in many different legal subjects. He directs the quarterly journal "Environment and Law" and participates in the Editorial Board of many journals. Updated:15-05-2012 17:09
 Kotsiris LambrosProfessor emeritus-Member of the Greek Academy Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Read more
Lambros Kotsiris is Professor emeritus of Law at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and a Member of the Greek Academy. He teaches at the National School of Judges, at the Hellenic Open University and at the Law School of the Aristotelian University (Erasmus students and students of the LL.M. Program). He has been the Head of the Legal Department in Greek banks (Chios Bank and Piraeus Bank). He has chaired and participated in numerous national and international conferences, in WIPO and in UNCITRAL. He has served as member (and president) of many Committees working on law proposals in the fields of copyright, the structural reform of privatization, insolvency law and the adoption of Model Insolvency Law of UNCITRAL. He served also as a member and as a president of many institutions, such as the Hellenic Copyright Organization, the National Committee of Professional Athletics and the Institute of the Aegean for the Law of the Sea & Maritime Law. He has written more than 200 monographs, books, studies and articles, on all subjects of Commercial Law –and not only- in Greek, English, German and French. Updated:30-03-2012 01:30
 Sali TesiWomen in Academia session chair - Rector - Professor, Museology – Museum Planning and Utilisation Ionian University, Greece
Confirmed Speakers - CV and Papers  Alexandropoulou TzeniAssociate Professor in Computer Law, Department of Applied Informatics University of Macedonia, Greece Paper: Minors' internet navigation and personal data protectionRead more
Dr. Evgenia Alexandropoulou is an Associate Professor in I.T. Law in the Department of Applied Informatics at the University of Macedonia – Thessaloniki, where she’ s currently teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. A former attorney at law at the Supreme Court, she headed the legal department of Egnatia Bank in Northern Greece. She was also a member of the editorial board of the Law Review “Harmenopoulos”, edited by the Bar of Thessaloniki. She has written several scientific books and articles on Civil, Banking, Labour, International and IT Law. In recent years her interests have focused mainly on personal data and software protection. Paper: Minors' internet navigation and personal data protectionUpdated:20-06-2012 11:49
 Alhazidou ElpidaTeacher, Distinction from PTDE University of Athens, Greece Paper: Introducing the new technologies in the Classroom: Is that a way to achieve “Active Learning”? Lets see deeper into curriculum development for the Gifted StudentsAuthors: Konstantinos Kalemis, Alhazidou Elpida, Georgopoulou Maria
 Aliprandi SimoneAttorney-at-law and Researcher Copyleft-Italia.it Project, Italy Paper: Copyright in the digital age: attitudes, social perception and level of awarenessRead more
Simone Aliprandi is an Italian attorney-at-law and researcher who is constantly engaged in writing, teaching and consulting in the field of copyright and ICT law. He has an additional degree in Public Administration Science and he holds a Ph.D. in Information Society at the Bicocca University of Milan. He founded and still coordinates the Copyleft-Italia.it project and has published several books devoted to openculture and copyleft. He also collaborates as a legal consultant with Array ( http://www.arraylaw.eu  ).
More information about his activities: http://www.aliprandi.org  . Paper: Copyright in the digital age: attitudes, social perception and level of awarenessUpdated:11-04-2012 13:42
 Anastasopoulos DimitrisAttorney-at-Law, LLM, President of Chairman, e-themis, Greece Paper: Τhe conformity to the provisions of the constitution of the «anonymity on the internet»Read more
Dimitris Anastasopoulos is an attorney at law at the Athens Bar Association since 2007. He is a graduate of the University of Athens School of Law from which he has also received his Master’s degree in Criminal Law. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in Law at the University of Athens. His research project focuses on the protection of privacy on the internet from the perspectives of constitutional as well as criminal law. During the summer of 2011 he was a Visiting Researcher at the Harvard University School of Law.
He is the president of the Greek Jurists’ Union ‘e-Themis’. ‘e-Themis’ ( www.ethemis.gr  ) has the statutory goal to actively contribute in the scientific debate about aspects of Greek and European Law, especially about legal issues which arise in the areas of information technology, personal data protection and communications. Its members are lawyers and legal scholars, mainly from Athens, but also from other Greek cities. Among its numerous activities, the successful organisation of three major national conferences related to the aforementioned legal issues and an event at the Athens Bar Association for the «anonymity on the internet» can be mentioned.
Paper: Τhe conformity to the provisions of the constitution of the «anonymity on the internet»Updated:16-08-2012 16:08
 Artemi PetrosLibrarian Library Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus Paper: Promoting Open Access at the Cyprus University of Technology: survey resultsAuthors: Stamatios Giannoulakis, Marios Zervas, Petros Artemi
 Asai RyokoGuest Researcher Uppsala University, Sweden Paper: Regulation of potentially harmful content on minors in SNSAuthors: Ryoko Asai, Iordanis KavathatzopoulosRead more
Ryoko Asai is an assistant professor at Nihon University in Tokyo, Japan and a guest researcher at Uppsala University in Sweden. She received her Ph.D. degree in Political Science at Meiji University in Tokyo 2007. Its focus is on culture and technology,
currently work on information ethics from the social identity perspective and from the gender perspective. Paper: Regulation of potentially harmful content on minors in SNSAuthors: Ryoko Asai, Iordanis KavathatzopoulosUpdated:29-03-2012 18:46
 Bloomfield Brian p.Department of Organisation, Work and Technology Lancaster University, United Kingdom Paper: Mors ex Machina: On Autonomous Systems and the Rules of War.Authors: Brian p. Bloomfield, Theo Vurdubakis
 Bonadio EnricoLecturer in Law City University London, United Kingdom Paper: Digital Copyright and Internet Freedom: Two Enemies to be ReconciledRead more
Enrico Bonadio is Lecturer in Law at City University London (City Law School), where he teaches Intellectual Property Law and EU Law. He holds a PhD in International and EU law from the University of Florence. He is Associate Editor and Intellectual Property Correspondent of the European Journal of Risk Regulation. Enrico is Solicitor of England and Wales (non practicing) in addition to being an Italian-qualified Avvocato. He practiced as Intellectual Property attorney for several years in top-tier international law firms.
He regularly publishes and lectures in the field of intellectual property law. He recently published a book on TRIPS Agreement and genetic resources (Jovene, 2008) and several articles in leading international peer-reviewed journals, including The John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law, European Intellectual Property Review, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, International Trade Law & Regulation and European Journal of Risk Regulation.
Enrico is Visiting Professor at Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and Université Catholique de Lyon as well as lecturer of International and WTO Law at the Naval Academy of Leghorn and IP law at the LLM in Intellectual Property offered by WIPO and the University of Turin. He also recently taught at Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala and University of Pisa.
He received his law degree from Pisa Law School in 1999. He then attended the Post-Graduate Course in International Trade Law (jointly organised by the University Institute of European Studies of Turin and the International Labour Organization), as well as the Specialization Course in Intellectual Property (jointly organised by WIPO and the University of Turin).
Enrico is member of AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle), ATRIP (International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property), IPI (Intellectual Property Institute), LES (Licensing Executives Society), ESIL (European Society of International Law), BILA (British Italian Law Association) and The Law Society of England and Wales. Paper: Digital Copyright and Internet Freedom: Two Enemies to be ReconciledUpdated:01-06-2012 17:22
 Brey PhillipProfessor Department of Philosophy University of Twente, Netherlands Paper: The Transformation of Morality and Ethics in the Information AgeAuthors: Phillip BreyRead more
Philip Brey is full professor of philosophy of technology and chair of the department of philosophy of the University of Twente, the Netherlands. He is also past president of the Society for Philosophy of Technology, a member of the executive board of the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology, and conference series director of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy. He previously taught at Delft University of Technology and the University of California, San Diego. His research focuses on philosophy and ethics of computing and information and philosophy of technology. He currently leads a large five-year international research project on the implications of new media for the quality of life.
Paper: The Transformation of Morality and Ethics in the Information AgeAuthors: Phillip BreyUpdated:23-05-2012 21:39
 Cabral SarahBoston College, United States of America Paper: Rethinking Gene PatentsAuthors: Richard A. Spinello, Sarah CabralRead more
Sarah Cabral joins the Portico program from her current position as a Faculty Fellow in the Philosophy Department at Stonehill College, where she taught an introductory philosophy course to freshman students. Before this latest position, Sarah taught diverse courses in philosophy, such as Business Ethics, Great Ideas: Antiquity and Modernity, Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Perspectives on Women at Loyola University of Chicago, Gordon College, Salem State College, and Johnson and Wales University. Sarah was the recipient of the teaching assistantship and fourth year fellowship at Loyola University of Chicago and was awarded the summer fellowship at the Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College. Additionally, she has studied for a year at Oxford University and worked in Corfu, Greece. Sarah holds a B.A. in Philosophy and English Language and Literature from Gordon College, a M.A. in Humanities from University of Chicago, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Loyola University Chicago. Sarah’s dissertation research focused on the relationship of form and content in the writing of Soren Kierkegaard. Paper: Rethinking Gene PatentsAuthors: Richard A. Spinello, Sarah CabralUpdated:10-07-2012 12:50
 Coeckelbergh MarkDepartment of Philosophy University of Twente, Netherlands Paper: mDignity in the Global Village: Reflections on the Digital Divide, Capabilities, and New Information TechnologiesRead more
Mark Coeckelbergh teaches philosophy at the University of Twente, The Netherlands, and is member of the management team of the 3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology. He is the author of several books, including Imagination and Principles (2007) and Growing Moral Relations (2012, forthcoming), and has numerous publications on ethics of information technologies and robotics. He also has an interest in environmental ethics and human development. Paper: mDignity in the Global Village: Reflections on the Digital Divide, Capabilities, and New Information TechnologiesUpdated:04-06-2012 14:13
 De-Bellis NicolaMedical Librarian University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Paper: 1) Bibliometrics: History and Institutionalization // 2) Measuring individual scientists through bibliometric indicators: caveats and opportunities for the academic librarianRead more
Nicola de Bellis graduated in philosophy at the University of Bari, Italy, he obtained a PhD in history of science in 1998 with a doctoral dissertation on the communication structure of Renaissance natural history. Having joined a medical library in 2002, he has been working since then on the boundary line between information science, history and philosophy of science. In 2009 he published the book “Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis: From the Science Citation Index to Cybermetrics” (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009) and he currently acts as a consultant on bibliometric databases and techniques to the academic personnel of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Paper: 1) Bibliometrics: History and Institutionalization // 2) Measuring individual scientists through bibliometric indicators: caveats and opportunities for the academic librarianUpdated:25-06-2012 14:58
 Deliyannis IoannisLecturer, Department of Audio Visual Arts Ionian University, Greece Paper: Legal Issues in Using Musical Content from iTunes and YouTube for Music Information RetrievalAuthors: Dimitra Karydi, Ioannis Karydis, Ioannis DeliyannisRead more
Dr Ioannis Deliyannis is a Lecturer in the Audio Visual Arts department (Ionian University) in the field of Interactive Multimedia. His research interests include the application of Interactive and Networked Multimedia Technologies in the area of AudioVisual Arts, and he has recently founded the imediaTV lab, an experimental tv-broadcasting station supporting novel content presentation. He is the author of a series of journal and conference publications in the above fields, followed by a series of books targeting the experimental and creative aspects of the technologies involved. Paper: Legal Issues in Using Musical Content from iTunes and YouTube for Music Information RetrievalAuthors: Dimitra Karydi, Ioannis Karydis, Ioannis DeliyannisUpdated:05-06-2012 16:17
 Dimopoulos AngelosAssistant Professor Tilburg University, Netherlands Paper: Of TRIPs and traps: the interpretative jurisdiction of the CJEU over patent lawAuthors: Angelos Dimopoulos, Petroula VantsiouriRead more
Angelos Dimopoulos is Assistant Professor at Tilburg University and Research Coordinator of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center. Angelos obtained his PhD in Law at the European University Institute and holds masters degrees from the Universities of Cambridge (LLM) and Hannover (MLE). He is a member of the Thessaloniki Bar Association and he has worked as a practicing lawyer in Greece and as an intern for the European Commission. Angelos is the author of the book EU Foreign Investment Law (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011) and his research interests lie in the areas of EU internal market law, external relations law, and international economic law. Paper: Of TRIPs and traps: the interpretative jurisdiction of the CJEU over patent lawAuthors: Angelos Dimopoulos, Petroula VantsiouriUpdated:27-06-2012 17:01
 Easton CatherineSenior Lecturer in Law, School of Law Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Paper: Ethics and self-regulation: An analysis of the position of ICANN and the expansion of generic top-level domain namesRead more
Personal Webpage:
• Organiser of BILETA’s 2011 international Conference at MMU: http://www.law.mmu.ac.uk/bileta/
• Guest Editor of the Spring 2012 edition of the European Journal of Law and Technology showcasing cutting-edge research in information technology law and legal education
• BILETA Treasurer
• Peer reviewer in the area of interactive teaching for the Liverpool Law Review and the European Journal of Law and Technology and in the area of technology and participation for the Journal of Business Ethics
• Facilitator of MMU’s Postgraduate Passport Working Group Scheme to support research students’ employability
• Facilitator of BILETA’s post-graduate network
• Research degree supervisor and PhD Examiner
• Creator and facilitator of MMU School of Law’s student-centred peer mentoring scheme
• Awardee of a 2012 HEA International Scholarship to carry out research into legal education and technology in the USA
• Facilitator of the National Law Student Forum, a national initiative to support student-centred legal curriculum development and participation
• Presentations given on the use of interactive Classroom Response System Interactive Technology to teach law given at MMU and UWE
• Presented research into Classroom Response System Interactive Technology in a workshop at The HEA’s Scottish Legal Education Event, December 2011
• Gained funding to run a Higher Education Academy Discipline-based workshop session on the Changing Nature of Legal Education
• ERASMUS exchange facilitator, organising on-going collaboration and teaching English Legal System at the University of Western Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
• Creator of the online interactive teaching resources attached to John Fairhurst’s “Law of the European Union” textbook published by Pearson and Hilaire Barnett’s “Constitutional and Administrative Law” textbook published by Routledge
• Author of an interactive English Legal System book which seeks to present legal knowledge in a clear, accessible manner with a focus on the acquisition of core skills
• Developer of the Public Law area of Pearson’s innovative Virtual Learning Environment
Lecturer in Law Manchester Metropolitan University Sept 2001-June 2005
Senior Lecturer in Law Manchester Metropolitan University June 2005-present
• Easton, C. Revisiting the law on website accessibility in the light of the UK's Equality Act 2010 and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities International Journal of Law and Information Technology 20 (1) 2012 pp19-47
• Easton, C. Embedding ever-evolving interactive clicker technology in the legal curriculum European Journal of Law and Technology 3 (1) 2012
• Easton, C. English Legal System: Course Notes London: Hodder 2012
• Easton, C. An examination of the Internet’s development as a disabling environment in the context of the social model of disability and anti-discrimination legislation in the UK and USA Universal Access in the Information Society (DOI) November 2011 http://www.springerlink.com/content/60542p8143150277/
• Easton, C. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0: An Analysis of Industry Self-regulation International Journal of Law and Information Technology 19 (1) 2011 pp74-93
• Easton, C. An examination of clicker technology use in legal education Journal of Information Law and Technology 2009 (3) http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/elj/jilt/2009_3/easton/
• Russell, C. Access to Technology for disabled people: the forgotten legacy of innovation? Information and Communications Technology Law 12 (3) 2012 pp 237-246
Easton, C. SCRIPT/BILETA Response to the Government Consultation "A Communications Review for a Digital Age" 2011:
Accepted and In Press:
ICANN’s core principles and the expansion of Generic Top-Level Domain names International Journal of Law and Information Technology
Conference Papers:
Easton, C. The digital divide and the disabled European ecitizen: The post-Lisbon future British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Conference Northumbria University 29-30 March 2012
Easton, C. Revisiting the law on website accessibility in the light of the Equality Act 2010 and the UNCRPD British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association Conference MMU 11-12 April 2011
Easton, C. Embedding ever-evolving interactive clicker technology in the legal curriculum: a best practice guide, British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association Conference MMU 11-12 April 2011
Easton, C. Asking the Audience: Using Clicker Technology in Legal Education British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association Conference University of Winchester 21-23 April 2009
Easton, C. An exploratory study into the use of interactive technology to teach law Learning in Law Association Conference Warwick University 24th January 2009
Russell, C. An analysis of policy in relation to technology and disability: towards a universal service model Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference Manchester 19th March 2008
Russell, C. Online accessibility: the W3C Guidelines – a smokescreen for bad practice? Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference Kent 4th April 2007
Russell, C. An examination of IT policy in a developing nation: case study South Africa Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference Glasgow 8th April 2004
Russell, C. An examination of socio-legal issues surrounding access to technology Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference Nottingham 15th April 2003
Book Review:
Russell, C. Cyberspace and its socio-legal implications Entertainment Law 2(1) 2003 pp114-116
MMU Research Institute Collaborative Fellowship: The Internet, deliberative democracy and the learning disabled citizen £2460
MMU Promising Researcher Fellow 2011 £5000
BILETA interactive technology research grant 2010-2011 £2500
Institutional Teaching and Learning Fellowship 2008-2009 £9000
Socio-legal Studies Association travel grant to finance research in South Africa £650
BILETA Treasurer (British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association)
Member of the Society for Computers and Law
Member of the Socio-Legal Studies Association
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Manchester Metropolitan University
LLB: Lectures and Seminars
Information Technology Law, European Union Law, Public Law, Criminal Law, English Legal System, Legal Theory, Legal Research, Mooting
GDL Seminars
Public Law, Criminal Law, English Legal System
Open University LLB
Understanding Law – Year One: Comprising: Law and Legal Systems, Public Law, Law of Contract, Tort Law, Human Rights Law and European Union Law
Criminal Law, English Legal System
Other Teaching-related Experience:
LLB Year One Leader (approx. 250 students)
LLB Information Technology Law, Public Law and English Legal System Subject Leader
LLM Law, Technology and Governance module leader (on stream from Sept 2011)
LLB Admissions Tutor
Dissertation Supervisor and member of Dissertation Supervision Working Group
Member of Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee: Student Voice Representative
Other Current Roles:
External Examiner University of Hertfordshire Sept 2012-on-going
(LLM Telecommunications Law)
Materials Developer Routledge Publishers June 2010-ongoing
Associate Law Tutor Hong Kong University March 2009-ongoing
External Examiner Liverpool John Moores University June 2008-ongoing
(Criminal Law; Evidence; Sex, Crime and Society; Property Offences; Intro to Legal Theory) Paper: Ethics and self-regulation: An analysis of the position of ICANN and the expansion of generic top-level domain namesUpdated:31-05-2012 13:52
 Georgopoulou MariaTeacher, Distinction from PTDE University of Athens, Greece Paper: 1. Can we develop e-pedagogy by enhancing the new technologies involved? Is that a new approach to digital literacy across the Curriculum for the gifted students? // 2. Introducing the new technologies in the Classroom: Is that a way to achieve “Active LeAuthors: Konstantinos Kalemis, Mamfeda Panagiota, Georgopoulou MariaRead more
Maria Georgopoulou is a teacher, with distinction from PTDE of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She speaks three languages apart from her mother tongue: English, French and Spanish. She has also attended numerous conferences and seminars. Paper: 1. Can we develop e-pedagogy by enhancing the new technologies involved? Is that a new approach to digital literacy across the Curriculum for the gifted students? // 2. Introducing the new technologies in the Classroom: Is that a way to achieve “Active LeAuthors: Konstantinos Kalemis, Mamfeda Panagiota, Georgopoulou MariaUpdated:08-06-2012 12:46
 Giannakaki MariaAttorney at Law, D.E.A. Athens Bar Association, Greece Paper: The ‘right to be forgotten’ in the digital era: Has the appropriate balance been struck between conflicting rights?Read more
Maria Giannakaki is an attorney at law at the Athens Bar Association since 2003. She graduated at the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens (2000) and received her master degree (D.E.A.) on Information Technology Law (“Informatique et Droit”) from the University Montpellier I, France (2002). She specialises on Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law, with a strong focus on Greek and EU data protection law. As an associate in “Karageorgiou & Associates Law Firm” her data protection practice involves international data transfers, employee data protection, as well as data protection and privacy compliance for multinational companies having presence in Greece. She regularly publishes articles and comments on data protection related cases in foreign law reviews. Paper: The ‘right to be forgotten’ in the digital era: Has the appropriate balance been struck between conflicting rights?Updated:29-03-2012 15:57
 Giannoulakis StamatiosLibrarian Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus Paper: Promoting Open Access at the Cyprus University of Technology: survey resultsAuthors: Stamatios Giannoulakis, Marios Zervas, Petros ArtemiRead more
Stamatios Giannoulakis received his BSc degree in Library Science and Information Systems in 2005 from the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece. In 2007 he received his Msc in Information Science, Library Management
and Organization specializing in new information technologies. From 2007 until 2009 he worked as a librarian at the Library of the Ionian University, Corfu, Greece.
He then moved to Cyprus where in 2010 he worked as a librarian at the Library of the Neapolis University, Paphos. Since December 2010 he has been working as a Librarian in the Acquisitions Department at the Library and Information Services of the Cyprus University of Technology. Paper: Promoting Open Access at the Cyprus University of Technology: survey resultsAuthors: Stamatios Giannoulakis, Marios Zervas, Petros ArtemiUpdated:03-04-2012 13:16
 Johnston AlexanderLeibniz University, Germany Paper: (Un-)Lawful Interception - Tapping the Man-Machine?Read more
Alexander Johnston is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hanover, Germany.
He studied social psychology, sociology, political science and law and had short time stays at EBS European Business School and Beijing Institute of Technology.
Currently he also works part-time as an assistant to Members of Parliament at the State Parliament of Lower Saxony.
Paper: (Un-)Lawful Interception - Tapping the Man-Machine?Updated:01-06-2012 18:01
 Kalamboukis TheodoreProfessor Department of Informatics Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Paper: A Retrieval System of Greek Legal DocumentsAuthors: Aggeliki Plati, Theodore Kalamboukis
 Kalemis KonstantinosProfessor, M ed UOA, Training Institute of National Centre for Public Administration & Local Government, Greece Paper: 1. Can we develop e-pedagogy by enhancing the new technologies involved? Is that a new approach to digital literacy across the Curriculum for the gifted students? // 2. Introducing the new technologies in the Classroom: Is that a way to achieve “Active LeAuthors: Konstantinos Kalemis, Mamfeda Panagiota, Georgopoulou MariaRead more
Prof. Konstantinos Kalemis is an Instructor at the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (E.K.D.D.A.) in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning and assigned at the Department of Primary Education (PTDE) in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has authored a large number of scientific articles, studies and papers in Educational Congress and Seminars. His interests focus on the introduction of New Technologies as an alternative teaching process and the design of new curriculum plans for the open and d-Learning. His research interests also include the education of immigrant ethnic minorities focusing on the gifted and talented students and aim to advance the theory and technology of natural language and knowledge processing, especially semantic analysis that bridges the gap between language and knowledge, by the novel use of both machine learning and inference methods; and to develop usable and competitive knowledge retrieval, question answering and textual entailment approaches enhanced by the semantic analysis techniques for providing context- and knowledge-aware intelligent services such as knowledge querying, delivering, assessing and sharing in education and business information systems. Paper: 1. Can we develop e-pedagogy by enhancing the new technologies involved? Is that a new approach to digital literacy across the Curriculum for the gifted students? // 2. Introducing the new technologies in the Classroom: Is that a way to achieve “Active LeAuthors: Konstantinos Kalemis, Mamfeda Panagiota, Georgopoulou MariaUpdated:08-06-2012 12:46
 Karapapa StavroulaLecturer Brunel University - United Kingdom, United Kingdom Paper: Transformative uses in US and EU copyrightRead more
Stavroula Karapapa (LLB, LLM, PhD) is lecturer in intellectual property law at Brunel University Law School and practicing Barrister at the Athens Bar, specialising in Intellectual Property and Internet law. Her research interests focus on the complex intersection of law and technology. She is now preparing the publication of her monograph entitled “Digital Private Copying: The Scope of User Freedom in EU Digital Copyright” with Routledge Publishers (forthcoming 2011). She has also published on issues of intellectual property and digital copyright. Paper: Transformative uses in US and EU copyrightUpdated:27-04-2012 11:05
 Karyda MariaAssistant Professor - Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering University of the Aegean, Greece Paper: EU΄s Data Protection Reform and the right to be forgotten - A legal response to a technological challenge ?Authors: Lilian Mitrou, Maria KarydaRead more
Εκπαίδευση - Σπουδές
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα, Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Τμήμα Πληροφορικής. Περιοχή Έρευνας: Διοίκηση Ασφάλειας Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων. Τίτλος Διδακτορικής Διατριβής: “Διοίκηση Ασφάλειας Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων: Οργανωσιακά Ζητήματα Ανάπτυξης, Εφαρμογής και Ενσωμάτωσης Πολιτικών Ασφάλειας”
Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα (M.Sc.), Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Τμήμα Πληροφορικής. Τίτλος Μεταπτυχιακής Διατριβής: “Οι συνέπειες της τεχνολογικής υπεροχής σε θέματα Ασφάλειας Πληροφοριών, στον ανταγωνισμό γεωπολιτικών σχηματισμών”.
Πτυχίο Πληροφορικής, Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Τμήμα Πληροφορικής. Paper: EU΄s Data Protection Reform and the right to be forgotten - A legal response to a technological challenge ?Authors: Lilian Mitrou, Maria KarydaUpdated:20-09-2012 13:12
 Karydi DimitraIonian University, Greece Paper: Legal Issues in Using Musical Content from iTunes and YouTube for Music Information RetrievalAuthors: Dimitra Karydi, Ioannis Karydis, Ioannis Deliyannis
 Karydis IoannisIonian University, Greece Paper: Legal Issues in Using Musical Content from iTunes and YouTube for Music Information RetrievalAuthors: Dimitra Karydi, Ioannis Karydis, Ioannis Deliyannis
 Kavathatzopoulos IordanisProfessor, Department of Information Technology, Human-Computer Interaction Uppsala University, Sweden Paper: Regulation of potentially harmful content on minors in SNS // Kill -9 * (or the Big Kill Switch of the Cloud Computing Era)Authors: Ryoko Asai, Iordanis KavathatzopoulosRead more
Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos is Professor at the Department of Information Technology, Human-Computer Interaction, Uppsala University, Sweden. His PhD is in Psychology and he is also Docent of Psychology. His main interests are in the areas of Information Technology Ethics and Business Ethics. Iordanis has developed education programs for ethical competence of professional decision makers, and he has constructed special tests for the assessment of ethical problem-solving and decision-making ability. He has built tools, methods and computerized instruments for the design of ethically usable IT systems and for the support of decision makers in ethical issues. Paper: Regulation of potentially harmful content on minors in SNS // Kill -9 * (or the Big Kill Switch of the Cloud Computing Era)Authors: Ryoko Asai, Iordanis KavathatzopoulosUpdated:29-03-2012 20:57
 Kitahara MunenoriProfessor of legal informatics (Rechtsinformatik), Faculty of Economic Sciences Hiroshima Shudo University, Japan Paper: Information Society Law and Information Technology: The Fusion of Law and Information TechnologyRead more
Munenori Kitahara (LL.M) is Professor of legal informatics (Rechtsinformatik) at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and the Graduate School of Economic Sciences in Hiroshima Shudo University, Japan. He lectures “Research on Information Society,” “Legal Informatics,” and “Personal Data Protection Management System.” He was a guest professor at the Legal Informatics Institute of Hannover University in Germany (1999-2000).
He was a research member of legal expert systems (Legal Expert System Les-2, Lecture Note in Computer Science, No.264, Springer Verlag 1987). He is also a member of IVR. He presented several papers: “The Impact of the Computer on the Interpretation of Law (ARSP Beiheft 39, 1991), “Personal Data Processing and Business Ethics”(IVR 22nd World Congress, Granada 2005), “Ethics of Cyberspace: Information Ethics and Information Moral” (IVR 23rd World Congress, Krakow 2007), “The Right to Data Protection in Digital Society” (IVR 24th World Congress, Beijin 2009), “The Fusion of Law and Information Technology” and “Law and Technology Security Standard” (IVR 25th World Congress, Frankfurt am Main 2011), “The Information Society Law in Japan” (The 3rd International Seminar on Information Law 2010, Ionian University, Corfu).
His latest research is “Systematizing and Networking Information Society Law.” The legal system consists of twelve legal groups and some fifty acts which have been related to information, information devices and information networks. He also proposes networking the legal system, and the fusion of law and information technology.
Paper: Information Society Law and Information Technology: The Fusion of Law and Information TechnologyUpdated:05-06-2012 15:54
 Köklü KayaSenior Research Fellow Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Germany Paper: Three Strikes and you’re out – or how lawmakers fail to deal with copyright law in the digital ageRead more
Dr. Kaya Köklü is a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law in Munich. He specializes in intellectual property law, with a focus on copyright and patent law matters. Since beginning of 2010, Kaya Köklü is also in charge as a UDRP-Panelist for domain name disputes at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva/Switzerland.
Kaya Köklü read law at the Universities of Bochum and Düsseldorf (PhD). In the past years, he worked as an attorney for law firms in Istanbul, Tokyo and Düsseldorf.
He publishes and lectures frequently on intellectual property law issues. Among various other events, he spoke at international IP related seminars, courses and conferences in China, USA, Turkey and Germany.
He is a member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR e.V.), the Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP), the Licensing Executive Society (LES) and the German Group of the Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale (ALAI).
Paper: Three Strikes and you’re out – or how lawmakers fail to deal with copyright law in the digital ageUpdated:29-03-2012 18:52
 Kosmides TimoleonDr. jur., LL. M. Eur. / Lecturer-elect (University of Thessaloniki), Lecturer (University of Munich), Attorney at Law Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Germany Paper: The legal nature of the controller's civil liability according to art. 23 of Directive 95/46 EC (Data Protection Directive).Read more
LL. M. Eur., Dr. jur. (University of Munich), Lecturer (University of Munich) – Attorney at Law
Timoleon Kosmides, born in Thessaloniki (1983), is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany, and an Attorney-at-Law registered in Thessaloniki, Greece. He is an Honors graduate of the Law Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds a master’s degree (with highest honors) in European and International Economic Law from the Law Faculty of the University of Munich and a Ph.D. (summa cum laude) from the same Law Faculty. He was a guest researcher and a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law in Munich (2007-2009). In 2009, he was appointed a postdoctoral research assistant at the Max Planck Institute. He also worked as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Munich (2007-2010).
Timoleon has authored 2 books in German as well as many articles in Greek and German. His main scientific fields of interest are: civil law, european civil law, information and information technology law, intellectual property law, EU law, environmental law and others.
Paper: The legal nature of the controller's civil liability according to art. 23 of Directive 95/46 EC (Data Protection Directive).Updated:10-08-2012 16:50
 Küzeci ElifAssistant Professor, Faculty of Law Bahçeşehir University, Turkey Paper: Litmus Paper of Democracy: Fundamental Rights and Freedoms on the InternetRead more
Professional Experience
Sept. 2011- Feb. 2011: Instructor at Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law
July 2006 - Sept. 2011: Instructor at Başkent University Faculty of Law
Nov. 2002 – July 200: Research Assistant for general public law at Başkent University Faculty of Law
2002: Licence to practice as attorney at law
Education & Qualifications
2010: Ph.D. Degree in Law-Social Sciences Institute, Ankara University, Turkey (thesis title: Personal Data Protection, grade: 3.81/4.00)
Sept.-Dec. 2008: Research on data protection & surveillance society issues at University of Cologne, Faculty of Law
Jan, 21- Feb, 8 2008: Participated in a continuing professional development in Data Protection and Freedom of Information via distance learning, The University of Edinburgh
2004: LL.M. Degree in Law-Social Sciences Institute, Ankara University, Turkey (thesis title: Freedom of Expression on the Internet, grade: 93.55/100)
2001: LL.B. Degree in Law-Başkent University Faculty of Law, Turkey (grade: 3.34/4.0, honour degree)
1997: High School Diploma, Ari College, Ankara, Turkey
• The Internet Society (ISOC)
• Informatics Association of Turkey (Member of Working Group on Law)
• Internet Committee of Turkey (Member of Working group on Law)
• Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD-German Academic Exchange Service) Freundes Kreis
Paper: Litmus Paper of Democracy: Fundamental Rights and Freedoms on the InternetUpdated:02-05-2012 16:52
 Kyriakoulakos PanayiotisLecturer, Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering University of the Aegean, Greece Paper: European TV Business Ethics: Legitimating Public Financial Contribution To Public Tv BroadcastersAuthors: Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, Irene SyngelakiRead more
Lecturer in Computer Cinematography at the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering of the University of the Aegean, Electrical Engineer graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ph.D. in Sciences of Art from the University of Paris X-Nanterre, was awarded a post -graduate and doctoral studies Grant from “Alexander S. Onassis” Foundation.
Producer of audiovisual and interactive works implemented via Computer Animation techniques.
He participated in numerous Research and Development Projects on Digital Image Subjects, in collaboration with INA (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel) and IOM (Hellenic Audiovisual Institute), and other European R&D Institutes and partners. Dr Kyriakoulakos has a long teaching experience in audiovisual and new technologies subjects in France (University of Paris 1) and Greece (University of the Aegean). Paper: European TV Business Ethics: Legitimating Public Financial Contribution To Public Tv BroadcastersAuthors: Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, Irene SyngelakiUpdated:29-03-2012 19:14
 Laukyte MiglePh.D. in Law and the New Technologies: Legal Informatics and IT Law Bologna University School of Law, Italy Paper: A Rawlsian Perspective on Copyright and Justice in ItalyRead more
Studying different aspects of the intersection among science, society, and the new technologies, and investigating the role of law in mediating between scientific innovation and societal needs.
Completed a Ph.D. Program in Law and the New Technologies: Legal Informatics and IT Law at Bologna University School of Law (Bologna, Italy). Thesis title: “Law and Science Through the Lens of Patent Law and Software Agents.” (discussed in July 2010).
Spent five weeks at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, working with Prof.Jasanoff’s Science and Technology Studies programme at the Kennedy School of Government (Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA).
Completed a Master’s Course in Legal Informatics and IT Law at the Bologna University School of Law (Bologna, Italy).
Completed a Master’s Course in Legal Informatics at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), spending six months under the Erasmus Project at the University of Saragossa (Spain).
Took a law degree at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) Paper: A Rawlsian Perspective on Copyright and Justice in ItalyUpdated:04-06-2012 14:09
 Lucchi NicolaPostdoctoral Researcher Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium Paper: The Role of Internet Access in Enabling Individual’s Rights and FreedomRead more
Nicola Lucchi is Marie Curie FSR Fellow at the Université catholique de Louvain, Institut pour la recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences juridiques. He holds a Degree in Law (University of Ferrara, Italy) and a postgraduate certificate in EU Law (University of Ferrara, Italy). He has also completed a PhD in Law (University of Padua, Italy). In the past, he was a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley (Boalt Hall School of Law), at the University of Texas at Austin and Research Fellow of the Stanford Center for Internet & Society. Most recently, he was the Global Engelberg Research Fellow at the NYU School of Law within the Hauser Global Law School Program and stipendiat at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law in Munich. His research interests are in the areas of international and comparative law covering a broad range of legal fields: media law and regulation, IP and biotech, information law and civil rights. His current research agenda deals with the impact of new technologies on the access to information and its social, economic and legal aspects. Paper: The Role of Internet Access in Enabling Individual’s Rights and FreedomUpdated:21-10-2012 13:18
 Maggini GolfoAssociate Professor of Philosophy Department of Philosophy, Psychology & Pedagogy School of Philosophy University of Ioannina, Greece Paper: Bodily Presence, Absence, and their Ethical Challenges: Towards a Phenomenological Ethics of the VirtualRead more
Golfo Maggini graduated from the Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Pedagogy of the University of Athens in 1991. She pursued her postgraduate and doctoral studies at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne and University of Paris XII-Val de Marne. She has been a postdoctoral researcher at State University of New York at Stony Brook and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has published numerous papers in hellenic and international philosophy journals. She is the author, among others of three scientific monographs on contemporary philosophy: Habermas and the Neoaristotelians. Ethics of Discourse in Juergen Habermas and the Challenge of Neoaristotelianism (Athens 2006, in Greek), Towards a Hermeneutics of the Technological World: From Heidegger to Contemporary Technoscience (Athens 2010, in Greek), and La justice de la pensée. La critique de la métaphysique de la subjectivité dans le différend heideggerien avec Nietzsche (Publications of the Saripoleion Foundation of the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Athens 2011; elaborated version of her Ph.D. thesis, University of Paris 1997). Her focus of research interest lies in phenomenology, hermeneutics, practical philosophy and philosophy of technology. Golfo Maggini is currently associate professor of modern and contemporary European philosophy at the University of Ioannina, Greece.
Paper: Bodily Presence, Absence, and their Ethical Challenges: Towards a Phenomenological Ethics of the VirtualUpdated:30-10-2012 16:56
 Magkos EmmanouilAssistant Professor in Computer Security and Cryptography, Department of Informatics Ionian University, Greece Paper: Sociopolitical, Ethical and Technological Factors in e-ElectionsAuthors: Andreas Reggios, Emmanouil MagkosRead more
Emmanouil Magkos received his first degree in Computer Science from the University of Piraeus, Greece in 1997. In April 2003 he received a Ph.D. in Security and Cryptography from the University of Piraeus, Greece. Currently he is affiliated with the Department of Informatics, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, where he holds the position of Assistant Professor in Computer Security and Cryptography.
His current research interests include: privacy and security in distributed applications and pervasive environments, key management in wireless ad-hoc networks, security against self-propagating malware, e-voting security and privacy. Paper: Sociopolitical, Ethical and Technological Factors in e-ElectionsAuthors: Andreas Reggios, Emmanouil MagkosUpdated:29-03-2012 19:14
 Mamfreda PanagiotaTeacher, Distinction from PTDE University of Athens, Greece Paper: Can we develop e-pedagogy by enhancing the new technologies involved? Is that a new approach to digital literacy across the Curriculum for the gifted students?Authors: Konstantinos Kalemis, Mamfreda Panagiota, Georgopoulou MariaRead more
Teacher, Distinction from PTDE of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She speaks English, French and Spanish as well. She has also attended numerous conferences and seminars. Paper: Can we develop e-pedagogy by enhancing the new technologies involved? Is that a new approach to digital literacy across the Curriculum for the gifted students?Authors: Konstantinos Kalemis, Mamfreda Panagiota, Georgopoulou MariaUpdated:09-06-2012 14:51
 Milossi MariaAttorney at Law, DESS, PhD (cand.) University of Macedonia, Greece Paper: Privacy protection in eHealth environmentRead more
Maria Milossi, born in Thessaloniki-Greece, 1979, is attorney at law at the Bar of Thessaloniki since 2005. She graduated at the Faculty of Law of the School of Law, Economics and Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2003) and received her master degree (DESS) on Internet Law (Droit de l’Internet) from the Faculty of Law of the Sorbonne Paris-I Panthéon University in Paris, France (2004). During her post graduate studies, she worked for the Communication Service of the same University as responsible for legal issues, co-operated with French Personal Data Authority (CNIL) and helped to the reconstruction of University’s dynamic site by creating new data-bases. At the moment, she is preparing her PhD in personal data entitled “The legal protection of economic personal data and their electronic treatment in Greece and France” at the University of Macedonia-Department of Applied Informatics. Since 2008 she teaches legal informatics, public administration and e-government at the Interbalkan Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) in Thessaloniki. During the first semester of 2009-2010 she was teaching legal issues on personal data, cyber crime and internet security in the Public Institute of Professional Training (I.E.K) in Thessaloniki. Her interests focus on personal data protection, human rights and cyber crime. She has also attended several conferences about e-government, personal data and privacy in electronic communications. Paper: Privacy protection in eHealth environmentUpdated:04-05-2012 10:36
 Mitrou LilianAssistant Professor, Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering University of the Aegean, Greece Paper: EU΄s Data Protection Reform and the right to be forgotten - A legal response to a technological challenge ?Authors: Lilian Mitrou, Maria KarydaRead more
Dr. Lilian Mitrou, born in Athens-Greece (1964), is Assistant Professor at the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering (University if the Aegean). She holds a PhD in Data Protection (Law School of Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt). L. Mitrou teaches electronic democracy, electronic governance,information law and data protection at the University of Athens (Dept of Law, Dept. of Political Sciences - Postgraduate Studies) as well as information law and electronic governance at the National Academy of Public Administration. She has served as a Member of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (1999-2003) and as Adviser to the Prime Minister in sectors of Information Society and Public Administration (1996 - 2004). From 1998 till 2004 she was the national representative in the EC- Committee on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data. She served as member of many Committees working on law proposals in the fields of data protection(transposition of Directives 95/46/EC, 97/66/EC and 02/58/EC), electronic government, electronic commerce etc. Her professional experience includes senior consulting and researcher positions in a number of private and public institutions. She published twelve books or chapters in books (in Greek, German and English) and many journal and national and international conference papers. Paper: EU΄s Data Protection Reform and the right to be forgotten - A legal response to a technological challenge ?Authors: Lilian Mitrou, Maria KarydaUpdated:20-09-2012 13:13
 Muller VincentProfessor of Philosophy - Division of Humanities & Social Sciences Anatolia College/ACT, Greece Paper: Should we try to make machines that are more intelligent than humans?Read more
JUames Martin Research Fellow: Future of Computing and Cognitive Systems with the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technologies
Vincent C. Müller's research at the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology focuses on the nature and future of computational systems, particularly on the prospects of artificial intelligence. He is the coordinator of the European Network for Cognitive Systems, Robotics and Interaction (2009-2014), funded by the European Union through two FP7 projects with 3.9 mil. € ( www.eucognition.org  ). Müller is also Professor of Philosophy at the American College of Thessaloniki/Anatolia College.
Müller has published a number of articles on the philosophy of computing, the philosophy of AI and cognitive science, and related areas. He is currently preparing a book on the basic problems of AI and several edited volumes on the theory of cognitive systems and artificial intelligence. In 2011, he organized the first of a series of conferences on the 'Theory and Philosophy of AI' ( www.pt-ai.org  ). Müller is frequently invited to talk at events that concern the theory of cognitive systems. His studied philosophy with cognitive science, linguistics and history at the universities of Marburg, Hamburg, London and Oxford.
Find him at his website: http://www.typos.de/  Paper: Should we try to make machines that are more intelligent than humans?Updated:02-05-2012 17:51
 Murata KiyoshiCentre for Business Information Ethics, School of Commerce Meiji University, Japan Paper: Atheoretical legal policy for privacy protection in JapanAuthors: Yohko Orito, Kiyoshi MurataRead more
Kiyoshi Murata is Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics and Professor of MIS at the School of Commerce, Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan. He has studied information ethics since 1997 and established the centre in April 2006, which is the only research institute to study information ethics in Japan. Kiyoshi has been International Research Associate at the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK since 2005 and serves as the editor in chief of Journal of the Japan Society for Management Information and Journal of Information and Management and an editorial board member of Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society. His research interest is in e-business, information quality management, knowledge management and information ethics in business organisations including privacy, surveillance, ICT professionalism and gender issues. Paper: Atheoretical legal policy for privacy protection in JapanAuthors: Yohko Orito, Kiyoshi MurataUpdated:28-06-2012 00:02
 Orito YohkoAssociate Professor, Faculty of Law and Letters Department of Comprehensive Policy Making Ehime University, Japan Paper: Atheoretical legal policy for privacy protection in JapanAuthors: Yohko Orito, Kiyoshi MurataRead more
Yohko Orito is an associate professor at Faculty of Law and Letters, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan. She received her PhD in commerce from Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan in 2007. Her research interest is in information ethics in business organisations, particularly use of personal information in businesses and protection of the right to privacy and freedom. Paper: Atheoretical legal policy for privacy protection in JapanAuthors: Yohko Orito, Kiyoshi MurataUpdated:28-06-2012 00:01
 Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi FerenikiLL.B., LL.M. (Athens), M.P.H. (Harvard), Legal Auditor Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Greece Paper: The right to be forgotten in the digital eraRead more
Fereniki Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi works as a legal Auditor at the Data Protection Agency in Greece. She has studied Law at the University of Athens (law degree and LL.M.) and the University of Humboldt in Berlin (PhD) and Public Health and Law at the Harvard University (M.P.H.). She has teaching experience at the Universities of Athens, Piraeus, and Peloponnese in Greece, the University of Berlin, and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (Main courses: Bioethics, Public Law, and American Law). She has published three books concerning bioethics, social networks and blogs and many papers regarding public law, new technologies, bioethics and medical law. She speaks English, Greek (mother tongue), German, French and Italian.
Paper: The right to be forgotten in the digital eraUpdated:10-09-2012 17:51
 Papadopoulos MarinosAttorney-at-Law, LLM, PhD (cand.) University of Athens, Greece Paper: Elaborating upon Copyright's externalities and the Tragedy of the Commons.Read more
He is an Attorney-at-Law registered in Athens, Greece. He holds a law degree from Athens Law school and a graduate degree Master of Science from Boston and Harvard universities. He has, also, graduate studies at Stanford University upon Information technology and Law as well as The George Washington University upon Management. He's candidate for a PhD in Law at Athens Law School. He is an active participant in international fora upon issues of Information Technology & Law as well as Information Society. He is the Legal Lead for Creative Commons in Greece. (Further info at URL: http://www.marinos.com.gr  ) Paper: Elaborating upon Copyright's externalities and the Tragedy of the Commons.Updated:06-06-2012 11:19
 Papagounos GeorgiosProfessor Deree -The American College of Greece, Greece Paper: On Privacy and Trust
 Pappas IoannisElectrical and Computer Engineering specialization in Computer Science National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Greece Paper: On Legal Documents and Formal MethodsAuthors: Stefaneas Petros, Pappas IoannisRead more
His objective is to conduct research in the field of Formal Methods, Mathematical Logic and Law. Parallel to that, he is working on his thesis under the supervision of V. Kanellopoulos concerning Additive Combinatorics (first draft ready).
-National Technical University of Athens: Diploma of Electrical and Computer Engineering specialization in Computer Science (in progress).
-Oxford's University Department of Continuing Education, Introduction to Political Philosophy Course (completion with credit).
-Secondary School: 2th Lyceum of Sparta.
1. P. Stefaneas and I. Pappas: On legal documents and formal methods, ICIL 2012(accepted).
-2011 Junior Programmer in Intelligent Media Company, Athens, Greece.
-2008 Fund Raiser in Doctors Without Borders, Greek Department, Athens, Greece.
-He has translated to Greek elements of work by W.T. Gowers and Ludwig Wittgenstein concerning the philosophy of mathematics.
-During his studies at School of Electrical and Computer Engineering he has implemented projects concerning Database Systems course, Signals and Systems course, Digital Signal Processing course, Cryptography course and Applications of Logic to Computer Science course. Paper: On Legal Documents and Formal MethodsAuthors: Stefaneas Petros, Pappas IoannisUpdated:30-04-2012 11:12
 Petkoff PeterLaw Lecturer, Brunel Law School Brunel University, United Kingdom Paper: Mixed Blessings - the Un-Holy Alliance between Religion, Spirituality and Intellectual PropertyRead more
Peter Petkoff (Brunel University and Regent’s Park College, Oxford) is a law lecturer at Brunel University and a Director of Religion, Law and International Relations Programme at Regent’s Park College, Oxford and a Managing Editor of the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion. He has studied law and theology in Sofia, Leeds, Oxford and Rome and his research interests are in the area of law and religion, EC Law, Intellectual Property and Comparative and International Law. His academic appointments include working on research projects at Oxford University (European Company Law and Arms Exports), Exeter University (Comparative European Family Law) and Bristol University (Changing Nature of Religious Rights Under International Law), a DAAD visiting lectureship at the Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law and the Leopold-Wenger-Institute for Legal History at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. He is currently engaged in research projects which study the coexistence of civic and religious legal systems on national, regional and international level and the formation of Christian, Jewish and Islamic legal harmonisations in the twelfth and the thirteenth centuries. He is a qualified solicitor in England and Wales and a European Trade Mark attorney. Paper: Mixed Blessings - the Un-Holy Alliance between Religion, Spirituality and Intellectual PropertyUpdated:08-05-2012 13:53
 Plati AngelikiResearch Assistant with the Information Processing Laboratory Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Paper: A Retrieval System of Greek Legal DocumentsAuthors: Aggeliki Plati, Theodore KalamboukisRead more
Angeliki Plati was born in Athens, Greece in 1988. She lived her early life in Thasos -a Greek island- by the age of 18, when she moved to Athens.
She is a final year student at the Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece), in the Department of Informatics and an adjunct research assistant with the Information Processing Laboratory. She is specialized in “Databases and Knowledge Management” and in “Computer Systems and Networks”. Her main scientific interests are extended to the field of Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval Systems, Software Development for mobile devices and communication over Distributed Wireless Networks. Paper: A Retrieval System of Greek Legal DocumentsAuthors: Aggeliki Plati, Theodore KalamboukisUpdated:23-06-2012 22:59
 Siller AliciaPsychologist Legal Research Institute of the National University of Mexico, Mexico Paper: Information law: transdisciplinarity of its studyRead more
• Candidate to obtain in June the Ph.D. according to the Master's and Doctoral program in Social Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
• At present, ascribed to the specialization in Methodology of Social Research at the Institute of Legal Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and works on social research about Information Law.
• Currently, at the Research Institute of Mathematics Applied and Systems (IIMAS), adapts to Structural Equation Models the application of Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model (1994) in social research.
• Masters in Psychoanalytic Research by the Mexican Association for the Practice, Research and Teaching of Psychoanalysis (AMPIEP).
• Specialization in child psychodiagnostic by the Mexican Association for the Practice, Research and Teaching of Psychoanalysis (AMPIEP).
• Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Iberoamerican University
• Associate founder of the Integral System of Training and Evaluation since 2005 to date.
Main lines of research:
• Social Psychology:
Methodology: Design, implementation and transdisciplinary coordination
Fields: Gender, Human Rights and Legal Research
• Clinical Psychology:
Psychodiagnostic: Children and adults. Attention disorders.
Fields: Individual, educational, and vocational.
Paper: Information law: transdisciplinarity of its studyUpdated:26-06-2012 17:31
 Smyrnaki EvgeniaAttorney-at-Law, LLM in Computers and Communications Law Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom Paper: ‘Clouds’ under suspicionAuthors: Smyrnaki Evgenia, Smyrnaki OuraniaRead more
Smyrnaki Evgenia is an attorney at law registered at the Heraklion Bar Association since 2008. She holds an LLB from the University of Athens (2001-2005), a Master’s degree in Bioethics (University of Crete) and an LLM in Computer and Communications Law (Queen Mary University of London). She has participated with oral presentations in the 9th World Congress of Bioethics 2008 (paper title: “Criminal DNA Databases”), in the 18th World Congress on Medical Law 2010 (paper title: “Wrongful life: Medical Responsibility”) and the 7th Bioethics Retreat of the Joint Postgraduate Program in Bioethics- University of Crete (presentation title: "Το δικαίωμα της εγκύου να αρνηθεί θεραπεία"). Her publications include "Surrogate Motherhood" (Rhadamanthys, 2008), "Wrongful life and Birth" (Medicine and Law Journal, 2012). Paper: ‘Clouds’ under suspicionAuthors: Smyrnaki Evgenia, Smyrnaki OuraniaUpdated:30-04-2012 10:45
 Smyrnaki OuraniaM.Sc. in Computer Science - Information Systems University of Crete, Greece Paper: ‘Clouds’ under suspicionAuthors: Smyrnaki Evgenia, Smyrnaki OuraniaRead more
Smyrnaki Ourania is a software engineer and web programmer cooperating with the Multimedia Laboratory of the University of Crete.
- B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science (University of Crete)
- M.Sc. in Computer Science - Information Systems (University of Crete, 2011- present)
She is a co-author of the paper "Scalability of Replicated Metadata Services in Distributed File Systems" which has been accepted as a full paper to be presented at the 7th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, 14-15 June 2012, Stockholm
Paper: ‘Clouds’ under suspicionAuthors: Smyrnaki Evgenia, Smyrnaki OuraniaUpdated:30-04-2012 10:48
 Spyropoulos ChrisAttorney at Law Athens Bar Association, Greece Paper: Webcam-Sex Services in the Adult Entertainment Industry: Sociological, Economic and Legal AspectsRead more
Chris Spyropoulos (born in Athens, 1978) is an Attorney at Law (Athens Bar Association, 2002). He holds a LLM in Information Technology, Media & e-commerce law from the University of Essex (“Distinction”). He specializes in civil and commercial law and in special aspects such as telecoms and cybercrime law. Paper: Webcam-Sex Services in the Adult Entertainment Industry: Sociological, Economic and Legal AspectsUpdated:01-06-2012 17:20
 Stamatoudi IriniGeneral Director Hellenic Copyright Organization, Greece Paper: The reproduction of copyright works for the benefit of blind and deaf-muteRead more
Irini Stamatoudi is the General Director of the Greek National Copyright Organization. She is teaching on the WIPO - ILO - University of Turin Masters in Intellectual Property, on the WIPO Academy specialisation courses on copyright and e-commerce and she was a lecturer in Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leicester in England. She holds degrees from the University of Athens in Greece (Ptyhio Nomikis) and from the University of Leicester (LL.M and Ph.D). She has published six books (I. Stamatoudi and P. Torremans (eds), Copyright in the New Digital Environment: The Need to Redesign Copyright, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2000; I. Stamatoudi, Multimedia products as copyright works, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002; I. Stamatoudi, Community Competition Law and Intellectual Property, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2006 (in Greek); I. Stamatoudi, Copyright Law. National Laws, Community Laws and International Conventions, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2007 (in Greek); L. Kotsiris - I. Stamatoudi, Commentary to the Greek Copyright Act, P. N. Sakkoulas, 2009 (in Greek); I. Stamatoudi (ed.), Journalists and Mass Media Publishers. Copyright Law Issues, P. N. Sakkoulas, 2009 (in Greek)) and numerous articles in law journals in Greece, UK, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the US, Poland and Turkey. Paper: The reproduction of copyright works for the benefit of blind and deaf-muteUpdated:02-08-2012 11:46
 Stefaneas PetrosResearcher National Technical University of Athens, Greece Paper: On Legal Documents and Formal MethodsAuthors: Stefaneas Petros, Pappas Ioannis
 Syngelaki IreneLawyer, DEA in Public Law, PhD candidate University of Athens, Greece Paper: European TV Business Ethics: Legitimating Public Financial Contribution To Public Tv BroadcastersAuthors: Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, Irene SyngelakiRead more
Laywer, Athens Law Bar, Master Degree (DEA) in Public Comparative Law, University of Paris 1- Pantheon/ Sorbonne, Ph.D. candidate in Public Comparative Law, co-supervision from Athens University and University of Paris 1- Pantheon/ Sorbonne. Paper: European TV Business Ethics: Legitimating Public Financial Contribution To Public Tv BroadcastersAuthors: Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, Irene SyngelakiUpdated:29-03-2012 19:17
 Taddeo MariarosariaSenior Research Associate University of Oxford, United Kingdom Paper: Individual Rights and Online Security: A Fine Ethical BalanceRead more
I hold a Marie Curie Fellowship at the University of Hertfordshire, where I am working on Informational Conflicts and their ethical implications. I am also affiliated to the Information Ethics Group (IEG) at the University of Oxford. I obtained a European PhD in Philosophy at the University of Padua. My PhD thesis concerned the epistemic and ethical implications of the occurrences of e-Trust in distributed systems. I graduated in philosophy at the University of Bari with a MA thesis on the Symbol Grounding Problem. Paper: Individual Rights and Online Security: A Fine Ethical BalanceUpdated:29-03-2012 15:07
 Tartari EdliraBarrister and Solicitor Albanian Bar Association, Albania Paper: Ethical considerations regarding the protection of Intellectual Property in AlbaniaRead more
Primary school (1969-1977)
High School (1977-1981)
Superior Pedagogical Institute "Luigj Gurakuqi" Shkoder. (1984-1987)
Faculty of Law (1998-2002).
Work Experience
September 1988 - September 1995 - school teacher in "Girolamo De Rada" School
September 1995 - September 2003 - teacher in "Turgut Ozal” Private School
October 2003 - 2008 - Member of the Law Office "Tartari & Tartari.”
2009 - Lawyer at Central Directorate of University Hospital Centre "Mother Teresa”.
2010 – Member of the Law Office "Tartari & Tartari"
Paper: Ethical considerations regarding the protection of Intellectual Property in AlbaniaUpdated:01-06-2012 17:08
 Tassis SpirosAttorney-at-Law Athens Bar Association, Greece Paper: Electronic Social Media A legal or social liability?Read more
Spiros Tassis is an Independent Lawyer/Legal Adviser in Athens, Greece, appointed to the Supreme Court, with more than 12 years of expertise in IT and telecommunications law, data protection and privacy, competition and IP, renewable energy and liberalized markets. He is also focusing to commercial transactions and agreements, contract procedures (procurement and sales, RFPs, RFQs), Terms of Services, distribution agreements and litigation.
He recently advised the Ministry of Communications and co-drafted a new law on deploying fiber optics networks. Previously he has acted as a Legal Adviser to electronic communications operators, such as Vodafone Greece and Cosmoline S.A., where he gained a great experience, on liberalized market legal analysis and the legal issues associated with these markets, sales and procurement, advising on new services and products, drafting and negotiating contracts, extra-judicial settlement and court procedures.
He is a founder partner of the “KLMBT" Law Firm and is also an Editor of the "Media and Telecommunications Law Review". His recent Legal Framework Guide on Electronic Communications in Greece is published in the Greek Law Digest, a guide for investments in Greece under the auspice of the INVEST IN GREECE Agency, the Foreign Ministry and the Greek Ministry of Development. He is also contributing to a publication on the legal implications in online activity and prepares a legal guide on e-communications legislation in EU and Greece. Paper: Electronic Social Media A legal or social liability?Updated:28-06-2012 18:03
 Togias StavrosLLM, PhD (cand) University of Athens, Greece Paper: Blowing the whistle: Ethical and legal issuesRead more
Stavros Togias (born in Athens, 1978) is a PhD candidate in the University of Athens Faculty of Law. He holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Law and Procedure from the afore mentioned Faculty. His current research explores issues in the fields of search and seizure of computer data, on-line criminal investigations and digital evidence. Alongside his academic interests, he is an Attorney at Law (Athens Bar Association, 2002) specializing in Criminal Law, with an emphasis on white-collar and electronic crime. Paper: Blowing the whistle: Ethical and legal issuesUpdated:01-07-2012 11:15
 Trokanas TheodorosPhD, Attorney-at-Law Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Paper: The impact of ACTA on access to medicines.Read more
Theodoros Trokanas was born in Thessaloniki. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds a Master’s degree in “Human rights and protection of humanity” in a private law specialty from the University of Burgundy in France as well as a Phd in civil law from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His academic interests include family law, bioethics, health law, assisted reproduction technology law. He is the author of the book “Human reproduction, Individual autonomy and its limits” published in 2011 by Sakkoulas Publications. He is a practising lawyer, a member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki. He currently teaches civil law at the Department of Accounting and Finance at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. He has an excellent command of English, French and a good command of German and Spanish. Paper: The impact of ACTA on access to medicines.Updated:25-06-2012 14:30
 Tsapogas DimitrisResearcher and Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Communication University of Vienna, Austria Paper: The Evolution of the European Privacy and Data Protection Laws: Milestones, Main Actors and Challenges in Policy Making // Institutional Understandings of Democratic Communication and the Changing Notions of PrivacyAuthors: Dimitris Tsapogas, Katharine SarikakisRead more
Dimitris Tsapogas is a Researcher and Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna. He holds a degree in Philosophy and History of Science from the University of Athens and a Master of Science in Interactive Technologies from the University of Brighton. Dimitris’ interests are in the evolution of the concepts and regulations of privacy and surveillance as well as in the ethical, social and political implications of information and communications technologies. By bridging his philosophical and technical academic backgrounds, he aims to contribute to the understanding of users’ relation to the media in the context of the changing notions of privacy and surveillance. More specifically, his interdisciplinary research explores the possible barriers that privacy and surveillance concepts pose to users’ democratic participation and engagement. Paper: The Evolution of the European Privacy and Data Protection Laws: Milestones, Main Actors and Challenges in Policy Making // Institutional Understandings of Democratic Communication and the Changing Notions of PrivacyAuthors: Dimitris Tsapogas, Katharine SarikakisUpdated:29-03-2012 20:04
 Tsiavos ProdromosDepartment of Management, Information Systems and Innovation Group London School of Economics, United Kingdom Paper: Implementing Open Data Policies in Greece at a Time of Crisis: Legislative Review and Socio-technical Analysis
 Tsiftsoglou AnnaPhD Candidate, Public Law University of Athens, Greece Paper: United States v Jones, And the New Paradigm of Fourth Amendment JurisprudenceRead more
Anna Tsiftsoglou is a PhD Candidate in Public Law at the University of Athens, Greece. Her research interests include security & human rights from a comparative perspective. She studied Law at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece (LL.B) and under a University of California scholarship at Berkeley Law School (LL.M.), where she served as an Associate Editor of Berkeley Technology Law Journal (BTLJ). She has worked for the European Commission in Brussels and as a lawyer in private practice in Greece. Currently, she is a contributor to the Greek legal periodical Administrative Law Review. Her research is funded from the ‘IRAKLITOS II’ grant for young scholars. Paper: United States v Jones, And the New Paradigm of Fourth Amendment JurisprudenceUpdated:19-07-2012 12:57
 Vantsiouri PetroulaPhD Candidate, Faculty of Law University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Paper: 1) The Adoption Of Anti-Circumvention Regulation In The Eu And The Us; An Ill-Grounded Decision? // 2) Of TRIPs and traps: the interpretative jurisdiction of the CJEU over patent lawRead more
Petroula Vantsiouri is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Cambridge and her research explores topics in intellectual property law. She holds an LL.M. from Harvard Law School, a Postgraduate Specialization Diploma from the University of Thessalonki, and a law degree from the University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She has worked as a practicing lawyer, a trainee for the Office of Harmonization in the Internal Market and as a research assistant, and she is a member of the New York State Bar Association as well as of Thessaloniki Bar Association. Paper: 1) The Adoption Of Anti-Circumvention Regulation In The Eu And The Us; An Ill-Grounded Decision? // 2) Of TRIPs and traps: the interpretative jurisdiction of the CJEU over patent lawUpdated:13-06-2012 10:29
 Veglis AndreasAssociate Professor, Media Informatics Lab Department of Journalism & MC Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Paper: The e-citizen in the Cyberspace – A journalism aspectAuthors: Andreas Veglis, Andreas PomportsisRead more
Andreas Veglis was born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1964. He received his BSc in Physics, MSc in Electronics and Communications, and PhD in Computer Science, all from Aristotle University. He is currently an Associate Professor, head of the Media Informatics Lab in the Department of Journalism & Mass Communication at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In November of 2010 he has elected head of the postgraduate program of the Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In March of 2012 he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Department of Journalism Mass Communication. His research interests include information technology in journalism, new media, course support environments, and distance learning. He is the author or co-author of ten books, he has published 41 papers on scientific journals and he has presented 57 papers in international and national Conferences. Dr. Veglis has been involved in 11 national and international research projects. Paper: The e-citizen in the Cyberspace – A journalism aspectAuthors: Andreas Veglis, Andreas PomportsisUpdated:07-06-2012 12:34
 Yadin AharonSenior Lecturer at the Management Information Systems, Economics and Management, and Sociology Departments The Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Israel Paper: Information Ethics In The Social Networks EraRead more
Aharon Yadin is a Senior Lecturer at the Management Information Systems, Economics and Management, and Sociology Departments, the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel (Israel). Aharon's primary teaching areas are Computer Programming and Architectures, Business, Management and Marketing Information Systems, Project Management and Ethics. Prior to entering the academic world, Aharon worked in the high tech industry. He has over 30 years of Information Technology experience including: management, system performance analysis and enhancement, computer center and Information Systems management, communication technologies, wireless networks and document management. Aharon is involved with research, development, consulting and lecturing on innovative and new computing technologies.
Aharon has published and presented papers at many conferences, he is the author of 11 textbooks and consults various organization as well as the European Commission on software related projects and technologies (research, development and marketing). Paper: Information Ethics In The Social Networks EraUpdated:30-03-2012 16:25
 Yannopoulos GeorgeLecturer University of Athens, Greece Paper: Real rights in virtual world and virtual rights in real worldRead more
Georgios Yannopoulos (born Athens, 1964) is a Lecturer at the Department of Law of the University of Athens, teaching Legal Informatics. He is a graduate of the same Faculty (1988) and holds interdisciplinary qualifications in Computer Programming (1986) and Systems Analysis (1987). He has accomplished a PhD (1996, Greek State Scholarship) and has conducted post-doctoral research (1997), at Queen Mary College, University of London. In 1996-97 he was a Senior Research Fellow at the University of London and in 1998 a Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster. From 1999 to 2004 he was a Special Teaching Fellow at the University of Athens. He is the author of two books and various publications relating to substantive IT Law and Computer Applications in Law. His research interests include Internet Law and Regulation, the Liability of Intermediaries, Access to Legal Information, Legal Databases and Legal Expert Systems. He is a Lawyer (admitted 1990, Athens Bar Association), currently counselling a bank and has worked in telecommunications (OTE SA) and the Organising Committee of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. Paper: Real rights in virtual world and virtual rights in real worldUpdated:30-03-2012 16:22
 Yekrangi MohammadLecturer on Criminal Law Azad University, Iran Paper: Cyber Ethics and Internet Filtering: Challenges and Solutions in Iranian Legal SystemAuthors: Hassan Alipour, Mohammad YekrangiRead more
PhD in Criminal Law and Criminology from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran; Lecturer on Criminal law on the post-graduate level of Azad University; Author of eleven papers and a book entitled “Comparative Study of Crimes against the Administration of Justice”; The main research field: “Philosophy of law” and “International Criminal law”; Member of Iranian association of penal law. Paper: Cyber Ethics and Internet Filtering: Challenges and Solutions in Iranian Legal SystemAuthors: Hassan Alipour, Mohammad YekrangiUpdated:29-03-2012 19:28
 Zachou VichelminaDr., Adj. Lecturer Ionian University, Greece Paper: From medieval to modern documentation as a source of information
 Zervas MariosDirector, Library Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus Paper: Promoting Open Access at the Cyprus University of Technology: survey resultsAuthors: Stamatios Giannoulakis, Marios Zervas, Petros Artemi
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