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Chairs - CV and Papers
Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Evgenia

Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Evgenia

General Co-Chair, Local Chair - Associate Professor in Computer Law, Department of Applied Informatics
University of Macedonia, Greece

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Dr. Evgenia Alexandropoulou is an Associate Professor in I.T. Law in the Department of Applied Informatics at the University of Macedonia – Thessaloniki, where she’ s currently teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. A former attorney at law at the Supreme Court, she headed the legal department of Egnatia Bank in Northern Greece. She was also a member of the editorial board of the Law Review “Harmenopoulos”, edited by the Bar of Thessaloniki. She has written several scientific books and articles on Civil, Banking, Labour, International and IT Law. In recent years her interests have focused mainly on personal data and software protection.

Updated:24-02-2011 21:46

Bottis Maria

Bottis Maria

General Co-Chair, Paper Chair - Assistant Professor, Attorney-at-law
Ionian University, Greece

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Maria Bottis is an Attorney-at-law since 1992 and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Archive and Library Sciences, Ionian University.

She is an Honors graduate of Athens Law School in 1990. She is a holder of a LLM degree (Cambridge Law School, UK, 1991) a LLM degree from Yale Law School in 1992 and a PhD on medical information law from the University of Athens. In 2000, she was appointed a Faculty Fellow at Harvard University, Center for Ethics and the Professions (2000-2001). She is an elected member of the board of the International Society for Ethics and Technology. She has authored five books, the latest being A Defense of Intellectual Property Rights, 2009, Edward Elgar Publishing (with Professor Richard Spinello). She is also the author of many Greek and international publications on data protection, digital divide, library ethics, privacy medical/health law and others.

Updated:10-01-2011 13:20

Iglezakis Ioannis

Iglezakis Ioannis

General Co-Chair, Sessions Chair - Assistant Professor of Computers & Law, Faculty of Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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Ioannis Iglezakis is an Assistant Professor of Computers & Law at the Faculty of Law in the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (Greece) and attorney-at-law at the Thessaloniki Bar Association. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Aristotle University (Thessaloniki). After completing master degrees in the Universities of Thessaloniki (1990) and the University of Hannover (1993), he received his Ph.D. from the University of Thessaloniki in 2000. He was scientific collaborator in the postgraduate program "Single European Legal Space: sector of New Technologies and Law", in the University of Thessaloniki (2002-2003) and Visiting Lecturer in the same University (2003-2009). He is the author of seven books related to I.C.T. (in Greek) and has various publications in Greek, German and English legal reviews, on issues related to I.T. law, public, economic and EU law. He is also the co-author of Cyberlaw (Hellas), Kluwer Law Editions, and Legal and Socioeconomic Aspects of Intrusion, IGI editions.

Updated:02-05-2011 17:43

Intzessiloglou Nikolaos

Intzessiloglou Nikolaos

Professor, Faculty of Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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Date and Place of Birth: Feb. 25, 1949 in Thessaloniki.

Nationality: Greek.

Family: married; father of two sons.

Military service: 26 April 1972-31 October 1974

Profession: Lawyer (registered in the Bar Association of Thessaloniki since 1975), Lawyer Emeritus (since Mars 2009), Professor in the Law Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (since 1985).

B) Education

June 1961: completed grade school (graduated "first class with distinction" (grade 10/10) from the 3rd Public School of the city of Yannitsa (Macedonia, Greece)).

June 1967: completed secondary education (graduated "first class with distinction" (top of his class: grade 19,1 on 20)) from the private high school of George N. Intzesiloglou in the city of Yannitsa.

September 1967-April 1972: student in the Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Macedonia, Greece).

1st April 1972: Law Degree (4 years of courses), in the Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (graduated "first class law degree" (top of his class: grade 9,5 on 10)).

1975-1976: DEA (Diplôme d'études approfondies) in "Sociology of Law", Université de Droit, d' Économie et de Sciences Sociales de Paris (Paris 2) (University of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Paris).

1976-1977: DEA in "European Law", University of Paris 2.

1978-1979: DEA in "Sociology", Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences) in Paris.

1979-1980: DEA in "Political Studies", University of Paris 2.

19 December 1980: Doctorate (PhD) in Law ("Doctorat d' Etat en Droit"), awarded best Doctoral Thesis in 1980 (Picard prize), Université de Droit, d' Économie et de Sciences Sociales de Paris (Paris 2) (title of the thesis: "The contribution of systems analysis in the field of Law" ("La contribution de l' analyse systémique dans le domaine juridique")), 816 pages, reedited in Lille: ANRT, 1984 (under the name: Indjessiloglou Nicolas)).

1983: Postdoctoral readership (fellowship) in Sociology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

C) Scholarships

1967-1971: Scholarship for university studies awarded by the National Organization for State Scholarships (IKY), for excellence in the University entrance examinations and in the examinations of every academic year during the four years of university studies.

1975-1979: Scholarship awarded by the French Government for postgraduate and doctoral studies in Sociology of Law.

1979-1980: One of the two scholarships awarded by the Greek Government (Ministry of National Economy) to a jurist and an economist for European studies, in view of Greece's entry in the EEC (European Economic Community).

1988 (summer): DAAD scholarship for collaboration and research with German colleagues in Munster (Germany).

D) Academic Career and Teaching

1981-1985: Professor in private institutions of higher learning in Thessaloniki (Courses taught: a) Law, b) Sociology, c) Economy, d) History of Political Ideas).

1983-1994: Professor in the Technological Institute of Thessaloniki (Courses taught: a) Psychology b) Sociology of professions c) Human Relations and d) Welfare State and Social Policy).

1985-1990: Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Courses taught:

a) Undergraduate level: aa) "Sociology of Law" and bb) "Law and electronic technology";

b) Postgraduate level: "Sociology of Law".

_1990-2000: Associate Professor at the same Faculty of Law for the teaching of the courses mentioned just above.

_2000- today: Professor at the same Faculty. Courses taught:

a) Undergraduate level: aa) "Sociology of Law", bb) "Law and electronic technology", cc) "Economic analysis of Law and Institutions".

b) Postgraduate level: aa) "Sociology of Law" and bb) "Institutions of European peoples".

1990-1993: Professor for the Master of "Sociology of Law" of the "International Institute of Sociology of Law" in Onati (Spain), integrated in the postgraduate program of the Universities of San Sebastian and of Bilbao (Spain).

1991-1992: Invited Professor at the Faculty of Economy in the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki). Courses taught: a) Introduction to Sociology, b) Sociology of the Industrial Society).

1991-1992: Invited Professor at the Faculty of Applied Computer Science in the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki). Course taught "Society and New Technologies".

1992-1997: Professor for the Master of "Legal Theory" organized by the "European Academy of Legal Theory" in Brussels, at the Faculties of Saint-Louis and at the Catholic University of Brussels (KUB) in Belgium. Seminar taught: "System Theory and Legal Science".

1992-1996: Member of the founding Committee of the Faculty of "Journalism and the Mass Media" of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and president of this Faculty, elected by the Senate of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, during the academic year 1995-1996.

1992-2006: Professor at the Faculty of "Journalism and the Mass Media" of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Courses taught: "Sociology of Mass Media" and "Science of Communication and Techniques of Persuasion: Rhetoric, Public Opinion and Propaganda".

1993-2009: Seven times Head of the Department of "History, Philosophy and Sociology of Law" at the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

2003-2006: Elected Dean of the "School of Legal, Economic and Political Sciences" at the Aristotle University of Thessalonica.

2004-2008: Responsible for the teaching of legal and sociological courses in the new "Faculty of Urban, Regional Planning and Development Engineering" of the Polytechnic School at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

2004- today: Professor for the interdisciplinary Master "Information Science and Management" created by the Faculty of Economic Sciences and by the Faculty of Information Science at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Course taught: "Law and Information".

2009- today: Professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) teaching the course of "Introduction to sociology".

2010-today: Course taught in the Faculty of Law (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) "General sociology".

2010-today: Course taught in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (Polytechnical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) "Sociology".

E) Publications

-10 monographs and books

- 4 textbooks

-87 articles

(In Greek, English, French and German languages).

The titles of some of his works indicating the directions of his scientific researches and intellectual interests:

-"La perception de la Justice chez les adolescents en Grèce: étude de socialisation juridique" ("The perception of Justice by teenagers in Greece: a study of legal socialisation"), Paris: Université de Droit, d'Économie et de Sciences Sociales de Paris (Paris 2), 1976, 99 pages (empirical research, in french language).

-"La notion d'entreprise dans le Droit européen de la concurrence" ("The notion of undertaking in the european competitive Law"), Paris: Université Paris 2, 1977, 158 pages (in french language).

-"La fonction de l'image du chef politique dans la citée Grecque antique" ("The function of the political leaders' images in the ancient greek cities"), Paris: Université de Paris 2, 1980, 111 pages (in french language).

-"L' apport de l' analyse systémique dans le domaine juridique" ("The contribution of the system analysis in the field of law"), Paris: Université Paris 2, 1980, 816 pages (doctoral thesis for the Doctorat d' État (Paris 2) republished by the ARNT, 1984, in Lille, in french language).

(In the above mentioned four monographies, the author's name has been written as next: Nicolas Indjessiloglou).

-"The socialization of individual", Thessaloniki: Paratiritis, 1983, 333 pages (in Greek language).

-"Law and electronic technology", Thessaloniki: Paratiritis, 1988, 143 pages (in Greek language).

-"Sociology of Law: Epistemological considerations: The object of study of legal sociology and its position in the legal science", Thessaloniki: Sakkoula publisher, 1990, 183 pages (in Greek language).

-"Society and new technology", Thessaloniki: Sakkoula publisher, 1992, 539 pages (in Greek language).

-"Sociology", Athens: OEDB (Publishing Organization of teaching Books), 1998 (at the head of a group of four authors), 252 pages (in Greek language).

-"The Greek national identity", Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2006, 238 pages (in Greek language).

-"The notion of cause in the enriching without legal cause", in "Armenopoulos" review of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki, July 1976, pp. 422-431 (in Greek language).

-"The European community politics for the reservation of Maritimes biological sources), in review "Archives du Droit Communautaire" ("Archives of European Community Law"), number 1, vol. 2, 1981, pp.9-31 (in Greek language).

-"Contemporary political institutions and psychosocial concentration of power", in the "Politismos" (Thessaloniki) review, number 5-6, 1981, pp. 10-16 (in Greek language).

-"The system analysis in the social sciences"), in "Politismos" review, number 7-8, 1982, pp. 16-24 (in Greek language).

-"The concept of marginality as instrument of sociological research", in the review "Dikaio kai Politiki" ("Law and Politics"), Thessaloniki, number 2, 1982, pp. 65-110 (in Greek language).

-"Economic tensions-conflicts and organisational and morphological dynamics of the legal system in the area of work relations"), in review "Dikaio kai Politiki" ("Law and Politics") (Thessaloniki), number 3, 1982, pp. 317-357 (in Greek language).

-"Education and Socialization", in review "Politismos", number 16, 1984, pp. 28-32 and in the review "Contemporary Education", number 16, 1984, pp.55-61 (in Greek language).

-"From the crisis towards the development of the Sociology"), in review "Politismos", Sept-Oct. 1985, pp.11-18 (in Greek language).

-"The methodology of self-education in the service of social development-liberation: From the archaeology of the education towards the social self-determination", in review "Politismos", June 1986, pp. 11-22 (in Greek language).

-"The semiotic and cybernetic approaches of the structure and of the function of law as social system", in "The dynamics of signs: Fields and methods of socio-semiotics", Thessaloniki: Paratiritis, 1986, pp. 207-230 (in Greek language).

-"An essay of identifying the social totality of legal phenomenon as a system", in "Rechtstheorie", Beiheft 10, 1986, pp. 271-279 (in french language).

-"Essai d'élaboration d'un programme de recherche scientifique interdisciplinaire pour l'étude du phénomène juridique" ("An essay of elaborating an interdisciplinary scientific research program for the study of legal phenomenon"), in "Revue Interdisciplinaire d'Études Juridiques" (Bruxelles), 1987, numéros 19, pp. 43-82 (in French language).

-"La formation en informatique des avocats et des étudiants en Grèce" ("Professional education in computers for lawyers and students in law in Greece"), in "Informatique et Droit: 20 ans d'experience", 1987, vols. 3, pp. 249-266 (in french language).

-"Methodological-sociological approach of the interpretation and application of the European community competitive law by the European Court of Justice", in "Armenopoulos", scientific review of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki), number 8, Thessaloniki 1987, pp. 43-87 (in Greek language).

- "Critical introduction to sociology" (about 100 pages in ten numbers of the review "Politismos" during the years 1987 and 1988) (in Greek language).

-"La dynamique de la politique culturelle communautaire: Ses tendances et ses realisations" ("The dynamics of the European cultural politics: Its tendencies and its realisations"), in "Hellenic Review of International Relations", vol. 5-6, 1985-1986 (published in 1988), pp.161-195 (in French language).

-"La dynamique sociale dans l' évolution du système juridique: vers des systèmes juridiques de coordination et vers un nouveau pluralisme juridique" (Social dynamics in the evolution of the system of Law: towards legal systems of coordination and a new legal pluralism), in "ARSP" supplementa volume V: "Contemporary conceptions of Social Philosophy", Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1988, pp. 226-231 (in french language).

-"Incertitude et prévision dans la nouvelle complexité institutionnelle du lien social" (Indeterminacy and prevision in the new institutional complexity of social relations), in "Le lien social: Identités personnelles et solidarités collectives dans le monde contemporain", Actes du XIIIe Colloque de l΄AISLF, Genève: Université de Genève, 1989, pp. 622-628 (in french language).

-"The question of introducing new technology in the workplace, the politics of professional rearing and the mobility of young people in the European Community" in the book "Greek Youth: Education, Employment, Pleasure Time", works of the 5th Congress of the "Greek Society of Social Sciences", Athens: Papazisis publisher, 1989, pp.144-179 (in Greek language).

-"From the history of law to the sociological history of law: Epistemological thoughts about the scientific foundation of the sociological history of law" in the collective volume published in Professor K. Vavouskos' honour, Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas publisher, 1989, pp. 149-169 (in Greek language).

-"La Sociologie du Droit en Grèce" ("The Sociology of Law in Greece"), in "Developing Sociology of Law", Ferrari (V) (ed), Milano: Giuffré, 1990, pp. 185-247 (in French language).

-"Methodological questioning in confronting social complexity", in a collective volume, published in prof. D. Konstantopoulos' honour, Thessaloniki: Aristotle University service of publications, 1990, pp. 393-422 (in Greek language).

-"Un programme d' integration de la Sociologie Juridique dans une Science Juridique a l' objet d' étude élargi" ("A program of integrating sociology of Law into a science of Law with an enlarged object of study), in A-J Arnaud: "Sociology of Law: The best of the 1st and 2nd High Level Seminar (1989-1990))", a publication of the Onati (Spain) International Institute for the Sociology of Law, 1990, pp.137-152 (in French language).

-"Révolution: Rupture et continuité dans le Système Juridique" ("Revolution: Rupture and continuity in the System of Law") in Neil MacCormick, Zenon Bankowski: "Shaping Revolutions", Aberdeen University Press, 1991, pp.128-138 (in French language).

-"Système juridique et culture: une approche sociologique globale du phénomène juridique" ("Legal system and culture: a global sociological approach of the legal phenomenon") in F. Chazel et J. Commaille: "Normes juridiques et régulation sociale", collection "Droit et Société", Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1991, pp. 391-413 (in French language).

-"Sociolegal approach of the artificial insemination", in the review of the Committee of the "Association of Social Defence", n. 8, 1991, pp. 6-19, (in Greek language with a summary in French).

-"Organizing the field of sociological research in Family Law", in the 1st collective volume published in Prof. J. Deliyiannis' honour, Thessaloniki: Publication service of the Aristotle University, 1991, pp. 59-89 (in Greek language).

-"Un essai d' approche socio-historique de quelques aspects du Droit byzantin" ("An essay of socio-historical approaching some aspects of the Byzantine Law"), in Bruno de Witte and Caroline Forder (Eds): "The common law of Europe and the future of legal education", Deventer (NL): Kluwer, 1992, pp.567-591 (in French language).

-"Raison pratique, science juridique et perspective socio-juridique: une approche systémique" ("Practical reason, legal science and socio-legal perspective: a systemic approach"), in ARSP "Praktische Vernunft, Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft", Beiheft nr.52, 1993, pp.113-121 (in French language).

-"The open system research program in a three-dimensional social science of law", in "Rechtsnorm und Rechtswirklichkeit", Festschrift für Werner Krawietz zum 60, Berlin: Dunker und Humblot, 1993, pp.247-264 (in English language).

-"L' integration européenne et le rôle idéologique de la Grèce dans les Balkans" ("The European integration and the ideological role of Greece in the Balkans"), aus dem 5. Griechisch-deutschen Symposium (22-23 Mai 1992), mit dem Thema "Die Balkanlander im Europa der Gegenwart" Thessaloniki: IMXA (Institut of Balkan studies), 1994, pp. 93-112 (in French language).

-"L'approche systémique et le réalisme jurisprudentiel: Un cas d'action du sous-système judiciaire des Communautés Européennes" ("Systemic approach and jurisprudential realism: a case of action of the judiciary subsystem of the European Community"), in "Revue de la Recherche Juridique: Droit prospectif", numéro 55, 1993-1994, pp. 1103-1126 (in French language).

-"Hellenic cultural identity, self-understanding and modernization", in the annual scientific review "Aissymnitis", n. 5, 1994, pp.235-276 (in Greek language).

-"The efficacy question of legal regulation in the area of mass communication", in the book "The Mass media in the framework of the European Union", proceedings of the 1st Colloquium of the Faculty of Journalism an Mass media", Athens: Papazisis publisher, 1996, pp. 39-60 (in Greek language).

-"Offene Rechtssysteme und Interdisciplinarität" ("Open legal system and interdisciplinarity"), in Michael Fischer & Paul Hoyingen-Hüne: "Paradigmen: Facetten einer Begriffskarriere", Frankfurt am Main / Wien: Peter Lang Verlag, 1997, pp. 141-165 (in German language).

-"L' espace-temps du système juridique: de la spatio-temporalité systémique à la spatio-temporalité juridique" ("The space-time dimension of the legal system: from the systemic space-time dimension towards the legal space-time dimension"), in the review "Archives de Philosophie du Droit", tome 42, 1998, pp. 285-341 (in french language).

-"Reflections about communication and journalism studies" in the collective book: "The construction of the reality by the mass media", Athens: Alexandreia publications, 1998, pp. 534-548 (in Greek language).

-"From the individual to the person: the asceticism as a methodology of self-understanding, existential originality and cultural evolution", in the proceedings of a congress organised by the "Association of scientific reflection" in the island of Aigina from the 2 till the 4 June 1995, published in Aigina in 1998, pp. 52-84 (in Greek language).

- "The factors favouring xenophobic feelings and some propositions to confront them", in the review "Publications of the Hellenic Section of the International Society of Social Defence for a Humanistic Counter-criminal Politic", Thessaloniki, number12, 1998, pp.68-82 (in Greek language).

"Constructing collective identities. The case of national identity", in the collective book: ""We" and the "Others". References to trends and symbols", Athens: Gutenberg publisher, 1999, pp. 177-202 (in Greek language with a summary in French language).

-"Personal choices and cultural strategies in the Greek society of the 21st century", in proceedings of the Scientific Journeys organized the 24 and 25 April 1999 by the City of Katerini and the school of Parents of the city of Katerini: "Greek society, education and church at the step of the 21st century. Questions-perspectives", Katerini: Mati publishing, 2000, pp. 23-35 (in Greek language).

-"Globalization and the Balkans", in proceedings of the International Congress: "The Balkans. History, culture and perspectives" organized and published by the "Historical and ethnological Society "Philippos"" of the city of Yannitsa, (Macedonia, Greece), the 1 and 2 December 2000, pp. 105-138 (in Greek language).

-"Justice and legal order at the time of globalization", in Aris Kazakos (ed.): "Law and the challenge of globalization" proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the Faculties of Law, 18-19 Mai 2001, Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoula publisher, 2002, pp. 165-185 (in Greek language).

-"Globalization and capitalist system with competitive market", in Aris Kazakos (ed.): "Law and the challenge of globalization" proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the Greek Faculties of Law, 18-19 Mai 2001, Athens-Thessaloniki: Sakkoula publisher, 2002, pp. 257-277 (in Greek language).

-"The DIAS proposal: A research program conceiving Law as an open social system", in "Rechtstheorie", 33 Band, Heft 2-4, 2002, pp. 413-482 (in English language).

-'"Famous Cappadocians' biographies from the antiquity to our modern era", in the proceedings of the 1st Panhellenic Scientific Congress: "Cappadocia: History-Theology-Education-Culture" organized by the Department of "Pastoral and Social Theology" of the Faculty of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki the 22-24 September 2002 in Thessaloniki (Greece), Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki service of publication, 2003, pp. 111-162 (in Greek language).

-"The historical demand for "open" thought", in the yearbook "Nomos" of the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, published in Prof. Lambros Kotsiris' honour, Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki publication service, 2004, pp. 393-428 (in Greek language).

-"Intergrading Sociology of Law in a Global Legal Science", in "Theorie des Rechts und der Gesellschaft", Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 2003, pp. 721-746 (in English language).

-"The principle of justice and its LIC functions in the globalization era: a systemic interdisciplinary approach" in Arend Soeteman (ed.): "Pluralism and Law", proceedings of the 20th IVR world Congress, in Amsterdam 2001, volume 4: Legal reasoning, in "Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie", Beiheft nr. 91, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004, pp. 138-150 (in English language).

-"Aristotelian thought and open systems: Applications in the 21st century's society, law, economy and politics", in the proceedings of the 6th Panhellenic Congress: "Aristotle and the modern era" organized and published by the "Historical and Ethnographic Society of Chalkidiki" (Macedonia, Greece) the 19-21 October 2001 in the city of Ierissos in Chalkidiki, 2004, pp. 125-161 (in Greek language).

-"Socio-semiotic and socio-cybernetic approaches to legal regulation in an interdisciplinary framework", in Zenon Bankowski (ed.): "Epistemology and ontology", IVR-Symposium Lund 2003, "Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie", Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005, pp. 61-76 (in English language).

-"The necessity of teaching sociology in the high schools and in the Universities"), in the proceedings of the Panhellenic Congress: "Relating high school and university" organized by the Minister of National Education, the Pedagogical Institute of Greece and the University of Thessalia in the city of Volos (Greece) the 18-20 Mars 2005, Thessaloniki: Ziti publisher, 2005, pp. 145-160 (in Greek language).

-"The other "self" and the time", in the book in memoriam of the 75 years since the creation of the Faculty (School) of Legal, Economic and Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki publication service, 2006, pp. 141- 152 (in Greek language).

-""Law and Literature" and "Law as Literature"". An introductive and critical approach", in the book in memoriam of the 75 years since the creation of the Faculty (School) of Legal, Economic and Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki publication service, 2006, pp. 159-174 (in Greek language).

-"On Panayotis Kanellopoulos' works: Questions about Knowledge, Culture, Politics, Morals and Metaphysics", in the book published in Prof. Vassilios Gioultsis' honour, Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis publishers, 2007, pp. 289-312 (in Greek language).

-"Personalities of Cappadocia", in the quarterly review of the historical and ethnological association "Filippos", number 54/2007, 1st part, pp. 6-17 (in Greek language).

-"The Cappadocian Generals-Emperors", in the quarterly review of the historical and ethnological association "Filippos", number 55/2007, 2nd part, pp. 6-15 (in Greek language).

-"The Cappadocians' awake of national consciousness", in the quarterly review of the historical and ethnological association "Filippos", number 57/2007, 3rd part, pp. 6-12 (in Greek language).

"Famous Cappadocians in the modern times", in the quarterly review of the historical and ethnological association "Filippos", number 58/2008, pp. 16-22(in Greek language) .

-"Aspects of Cappadocians' lives", in the annual review "Asia Minor's spark" published by the "Association of the refugees from Minor Asia" in the city of Serres (Macedonia, Greece), number 13/2008, pp. 25-62 (in Greek language).

-"The socialization of young people and deviancy", in the collective book "Deviancy and school", Thessaloniki: Kyrikidi brothers publisher, 2009, pp. 49-108.

F) Participation in European Programs

_Representative (local coordinator) of the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the following networks of the Erasmus program:

-ICP "Academia" NL1091/10 (all branches of Law) (about 20 Universities from all EEC (now European Union) countries).

-ICP "Law and Economics" B1077/10 (15 European universities).

-ICP "European Economic Diploma in Business Administration" F208104/92 (eight European Universities).

-ICP "European Master's in Legal Theory" B1193/10MM

-2 networks of the Tempus program (JEP4180/92 and JEP0426/92) (from Poland and Hungary).

_Participation in the 1st EPEAEK (1998-2001), that is a European research program of the Law Faculty/Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for the reform of graduate studies in Law, as well as in the 1st EPEAEK (1998-2001) European research program of the Law Faculty/Aristotle University of Thessalonica for professional practice and formation of students in Law.

-Responsible of the Faculty of Law for the 2nd European program EPEAEK (2004-2007) concerning the providing of education materials for the Faculty of Law/Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

-Coordinator of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Faculty of Law for the LEGIS Intensive Education Program concerning Information Science and Law (2007- today).

-Participation in the Erasmus-Socrates European teaching program organized by the Faculty of Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for Erasmus students. Courses taught in English language: "Sociology of Law" and "Cyberspace law".

G) Other academic and social activities

_Participation as a speaker in 44 international scientific conferences and colloquia.

_Director of the Greek and international scientific annual review of Sociology of Law "Aissymnitis" ("Aισυμνήτης").

_President of the "Scientific Society of Study and Research on Sociology of Law" ("EMEKοD").

_Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Review "Archives de Philosophie du Droit" (Philosophy of Law Archives) published in Paris.

_Scientific correspondent of the international review "Droit et Société" ("Law and Society) published in Paris.

_Fellow of the International Institute of Legal Sociology of Onati (Spain) (nominated in 1992).

_Member of the jury of the "European Award for Legal Theory" (Brussels) for the best doctoral thesis of each year in Europe.

-Member of the Special Supreme Court (in Athens) (2005-2007).

-Member of the Special Court (in Athens) (article 88 of the Greek Constitution) (2006-2007).

_Participation as main speaker in many courses of professional formation programs and in Open University courses organized in about 20 cities of Greece on subjects concerning European integration, national identity, education, socialization, immigration problems, work organization, social dimensions of new technologies (especially of electronic and biological technologies), Human Rights, Justice, Globalization Process, the problems of youth and other social and legal issues.

_Participation in more than seven hundreds interviews, round tables, discussions etc. on Greek TV, radios and newspapers on a variety of social, political and legal topics.

_Member of 5 national and international scientific associations.

_Member of many university committees in the Faculty of Law and in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Updated:29-12-2010 12:22

Kotsiris Lambros

Kotsiris Lambros

Professor emeritus of Law, Member of the Greek Academ
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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Lambros Kotsiris is Professor emeritus of Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a Member of the Greek Academy. He teaches at the National School of Judges, at the Hellenic Open University and at the Law School of the Aristotelian University (Erasmus students and students of the LL.M. Program). He has been the Head of the Legal Department in Greek banks (Chios Bank and Piraeus Bank). He has chaired and participated in numerous national and international conferences, in WIPO and in UNCITRAL. He has served as member (and president) of many Committees working on law proposals in the fields of copyright, the structural reform of privatization, insolvency law and the adoption of Model Insolvency Law of UNCITRAL. He served also as a member and as a president of many institutions, such as the Hellenic Copyright Organization, the National Committee of Professional Athletics and the Institute of the Aegean for the Law of the Sea & Maritime Law. He has written more than 200 monographs, books, studies and articles, on all subjects of Commercial Law –and not only- in Greek, English, German and French.

Updated:24-11-2010 22:31

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Koutsouradis Achilleas

Professor, Law School
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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Achilleas Koutsouradis was born in Athens (1952). He is a lawyer in the Supreme Court and a Professor of civil law at the Law Faculty of the University of Thessaloniki. He studied law at the University of Thessaloniki and graduated from the International School of Comparative Law in Strasbourg. He has also a PhD from the Law Faculty, University of Wuerzburg, Germany. His research interests lie in the field of civil law (with emphasis on the law of persons) of Civil Procedure, the history of law, tourism law and comparative law. His writings include textbooks, monographs, contributions to projects and numerous articles in Greek and foreign magazines. He was a member of legislative committees of the Ministries of Justice and Development. He is a member of several scientific societies in Greece and abroad. Also, he represents Greece in the Commission on European Family law and he is a member of the international editorial advisory committee of the German legal magazine “Zeitschrift fuer das gesamte Familienrecht”. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Greek magazine “Applications of Civil Law and Immigration law review”.

Updated:02-03-2011 15:20

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Paraskevopoulos Nikolaos

Professor, Dean, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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Professor Nikolaos Paraskevopoulos graduated from the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and was awarded an LLM Degree from the Department of Criminal law and Criminology of the same University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Legal Studies from the Aristotle University and now serves as a Professor of Criminal Law at the Law School. He is also the Honorary President of the Therapy Centre for Drug-Addicted Individuals (KETHEA) and an honorary Lawyer.

He teaches Criminal law at undergraduate and postgraduate level. His scientific interests are extended to the field of the History of Criminal Law and the proliferation of drugs.

He has been an elected President of KETHEA during 1999-2005 and a member of permanent Committees of the Council of Europe (PC-DC, CDPC) for Criminal Matters.

He has written monographs on topics related to the General Part of Criminal Law, Penology and History of Criminal Law. He is a regular columnist in the everyday newspaper ELEFTHEROTYPIA.

Personal webpage: Νέο παράθυρο

Updated:15-01-2011 14:37

Vlahavas Ioannis P.

Vlahavas Ioannis P.

Professor, Department of Informatics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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vlahavasIoannis Vlahavas is a professor at the Department of Informatics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He received his PhD degree in Logic Programming Systems from the same University in 1988.

During the first half of 1997 he was a visiting scholar at the Department of CS at Purdue University. He specializes in logic programming, knowledge-based and AI systems and he has published over 130 papers, 9 book chapters and co-authored 6 books in these areas.

He teaches logic programming, AI, expert systems and DSS.

He has been involved in more than 20 research and development projects, leading most of them. He was the chairman of the 2nd Hellenic Conference on AI and the host of the 2nd International Summer School on AI Planning.

He is currently leading the Logic Programming and Intelligent Systems Group (LPIS Group, Νέο παράθυρο) (more information at Νέο παράθυρο).

Updated:02-03-2011 14:49

Confirmed Speakers - CV and Papers
Akrivopoulou Christina

Akrivopoulou Christina

University of Thrace, Greece

Paper: The Individuals Fragmented Political Autonomy: Surveillance of Public Spaces, Anonymity and the Myth of ‘Public Security’
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Akrivopoulou Christina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 22 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Akrivopoulou Christina full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 155.19 KB
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Schools, Programs, Professional skills:
2010- Member of the Hellenic Open University, Co-operating educational staff.
2009- Special Scientist at the Democritus University of Thrace.
2009 Defense of PhD thesis entitled ‘Between Autonomy and Intimacy: Redefining the right to Private Life (Art. 9 (1) of the Greek Constitution)’.
2009- Member of the Editor Board, ‘Gazette of Public Law’.
2007- Associate and Columnist, ‘Revue Hellénique des droits de l’ homme’.

• “Interpretations and misinterpretations of the constitutional acknowledgement of interpersonal effect of Constitutional Rights”. Presented at the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 20.2.2002.
• “La vita privata nella Costituzione Greca”. Presented at the Faculty of Law of the University of Messina, Italy on 4.4.2005 (guest speaker).
• “Nuovi diritti e technologie nella Costituzione Greca dopo la revisione del 2001”. Presented at the Faculty of Law of the University of Messina, Italy on 6.4.2005 (guest speaker).
• “Fundamental Rights and punitive damages”. Lecture on the Aristotle University Law Faculty in the master class of Comparative Law, on 15.2.2007 (guest lecturer).
• “The jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights as a common European Constitution”. Presented at the University of Helsinki at the annual conference “The many Constitutions of Europe”, May 12-14, 2009.
• “Public Security versus privacy and autonomy: The Greek legislation on public surveillance”. Presented at the LSE at the 4ο Symposium of the Greek Observatory entitled “Contemporary Greece”, June 25-26, 2009.
• “Protecting personal data through the aspect of the right to private life". Presented at the Constitutional Law Conference of the “Aristovoulos Manessis Group” of the Greek Constitutionalists Association, Syros, September 18-19, 2009.
• “The evolution of the fundamental rights protection in liberalism: in respect to Paolo Ridola’s work”. Lecture on the Aristotle University Law Faculty in the master class of Political Science, on 17.3.2010 (guest lecturer).
• “The role of practice in Greek legal education. Lecture presented in the 18th International Congress of Comparative Law, Washington, USA.

Paper: The Individuals Fragmented Political Autonomy: Surveillance of Public Spaces, Anonymity and the Myth of ‘Public Security’

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Akrivopoulou Christina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 22 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Akrivopoulou Christina full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 155.19 KB

Updated:03-06-2011 13:15

Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Tzeni

Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Tzeni

Associate Professor in Computer Law, Department of Applied Informatics
University of Macedonia, Greece

Paper: 1) Testing the Legitimacy of Personnal Data Processing // 2) Personal financial data: Regulatory framework of their e-processing focusing on the function of interbanking information systems in Greece and France
Authors: Milossi Maria, Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Tzeni
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Tzeni abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 9.68 KB
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Dr. Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Evgenia is Associate Professor in Computer Law at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia - Thessaloniki - Greece. She is also attorney at law at the Supreme Court (Bar of Thessaloniki). She used to be, for several years, head of the legal department of a Greek bank (Egnatia Bank) and member of the editorial committee of the Law Review Harmenopoulos (edited by the Bar of Thessaloniki). She has written a lot of scientific articles and books in the area of Civil, Banking, Labour, International and IT Law. In the last few years her interests focus on personal data protection, human rights and intellectual software property.

Paper: 1) Testing the Legitimacy of Personnal Data Processing // 2) Personal financial data: Regulatory framework of their e-processing focusing on the function of interbanking information systems in Greece and France
Authors: Milossi Maria, Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Tzeni

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Tzeni abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 9.68 KB

Updated:05-04-2012 18:20

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Alexopoulou Konstantina I.

Athens Bar Association, Greece

Paper: Social Network Sites (SNS): A harmless remarkable technological phenomenon or a harmful backdoor with long-term unpredictable consequences?
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Alexopoulou Konstantina I. abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 11.22 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Alexopoulou Konstantina I. full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 276.27 KB

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Andrade Norberto

Scientific Officer
European Commission, Spain

Paper: Identity Management Systems and the Principle of Multiple Identities
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Andrade Norberto abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 12.98 KB
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Education and training
September 2006: Legal Researcher - PhD Candidate
European University Institute (EUI), Law Department, Florence, Italy

September 2006 - June 2007: Master of Research
European University Institute (EUI), Law Department, Florence, Italy

September 2003 - July 2004: Master of Arts in International Relations and European Studies
Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary

September 1998 - June 2003: Law Degree (Graduation Diploma)
Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa

Work experience
October 2004 - September 2006: Legal and International Relations Expert in the field of Telecommunications

Author webpage for Norberto Andrade in the Social Science Research Network: Νέο παράθυρο

Paper: Identity Management Systems and the Principle of Multiple Identities

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Andrade Norberto abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 12.98 KB

Updated:26-02-2011 13:52

Antoniou Athina

Antoniou Athina

Master’s Degree in Public Law
National School of Public Administration, Greece

Paper: e- ID Card and Data Protection: a Field of Controversy or the Path for Good Governance?
Authors: Antoniou Athina, Mitrou Lilian
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Antoniou Athina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 25.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Antoniou Athina presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 406 KB
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2008-2010: National School of Public Administration, Department of Regional Administration
2004-2006: Master’s Degree in Public Law, University of Athens, Law School, Public Law Department
1999-2003: University of Athens, Law School

Work Experience and training
2010: Greek Ministry of Interior, Decentralisation and E- Government
September 2009 - December 2009: Greek Ministry of Interior, Decentralisation and E- Government, Human Resources Directorate, Department of Rights and Obligations – Practise during studentship in the National School of Public Administration
2005-2008: Attorney at law, specialized in public law
2003-2005: Training in law offices

Additional Information
Post – Graduate Scholar of the State Scholarships Foundation during post graduate studies in Public Law
Member of the Athens Bar Association from 2003 to 2008

Paper: e- ID Card and Data Protection: a Field of Controversy or the Path for Good Governance?
Authors: Antoniou Athina, Mitrou Lilian

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Antoniou Athina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 25.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Antoniou Athina presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 406 KB

Updated:19-05-2011 10:31

Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa

Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa

Deputy Law Librarian
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria

Paper: Passage of Freedom of Information Bill in Nigeria: The Unending Journey
Authors: Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa, Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 62.6 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 175.69 KB
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Anyaegbu, Mercy Ifeyinwa, a chartered librarian, is the Deputy Law Librarian, Faculty of Law, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State Nigeria. She holds a Masters Degree in Library Science, Diploma in Law and Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration. Presently, she is pursuing a doctorate degree programme at University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She is also a part time lecturer at the Department of Library and Information Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. She has many journal articles to her credit. She has also presented papers in several national and international conferences. Her research interest is in legal research, ICT and bibliometrics.

Paper: Passage of Freedom of Information Bill in Nigeria: The Unending Journey
Authors: Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa, Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 62.6 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 175.69 KB

Updated:30-05-2011 11:06

Asprogerakas-Grivas Theodore

Asprogerakas-Grivas Theodore

Attorney-at-Law, Master of Arts (MA), PG Diploma
King's College London, United Kingdom

Paper: The european commission’s policy on the harmonization of protection of the moral rights of authors and performers in the european union
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Asprogerakas-Grivas Theodore full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 204.35 KB
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Theodore Asprogerakas-Grivas is the senior Legal Adviser of AEPI (Hellenic Intellectual Property Society), which collectively represents, administers and protects in Greece the economic rights of authors, composers, lyricists and other rightowners in their musical works (local and international). He is also the Legal Adviser of SOPE (the Hellenic Copyright Protection Society), which, among others, represents, administers and protects in Greece the “grand” rights of foreign authors of theatrical works, directors, script-writers and composers of classical music. He provides legal consultation and also practices active litigation on all Intellectual Property matters before national Courts, the European Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities and the European Court of Human Rights. He has published several monographs and articles on Intellectual Property and other fields of law. He is an active member of various Legal Societies, such as the ALAI, the Hellenic Society of Philosophical and Historical Research of Law (permanent member of its Board of Directors), La Société Hellénique d’ Informatique Juridique et de Cybernétique du Droit, the Hellenic Society of Criminal Law, the Society of Administrative Studies, the Hellenic Society for Legislation, the IAEL etc. He also has a Postgraduate Diploma and a Master of Arts from King’s College London on UK, EC and US Copyright Law.

Paper: The european commission’s policy on the harmonization of protection of the moral rights of authors and performers in the european union

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Asprogerakas-Grivas Theodore full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 204.35 KB

Updated:12-09-2011 16:30

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Baker Roy

PhD, Lecturer, Macquarie Law School
Macquarie University, Australia

Paper: The Psychology of Speech Regulation
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Baker Roy abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:03 - Size: 13.21 KB

Bania Konstantina

Bania Konstantina

PhD Candidate, LL.M., MSc, Department of Law
European University Institute, Italy

Paper: Competition and Public Service Broadcasting: Has the right balance been struck between European Union oversight and the Freedom of the Member States to develop their national public broadcasting policies?
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Bania Konstantina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 77.55 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Bania Konstantina full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 434.09 KB
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2010-present PhD Candidate, Department of Law, European University Institute, Italy, IKY Scholar
2008-2009 LL.M. in International and European Law, Program on International Legal Cooperation, Institute of European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
2006-2007 Master in Business Administration, Business Communication Concentration, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
2005-2006 Erasmus Scholar, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
2001-2006 LL.B., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Konstantina Bania is currently a PhD candidate in Law at the European University Institute and a lawyer admitted at the Thessaloniki Bar. Konstantina completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law of the Artistotle University of Thessaloniki (“Magna cum Laude”, 2006) and the University of Salamanca (Erasmus Scholar, 2005-2006). She subsequently obtained a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Barcelona (“Summa cum Laude”, 2006-2007) and an LL.M. in International and European Law from the Institute of European Studies/Vrije Universiteit Brussel (“Summa cum Laude”, 2008-2009). Konstantina has worked extensively on various areas in the media and telecommunications sector: she has been providing legal services to IT qualifications providers and online companies, media consulting services to organizations and individuals and has completed a traineeship with Unit C4, State aid in media and telecommunications, European Commission, DG Competition. Konstantina specializes in Competition Law, both European and national, with a stronger focus on the application of Competition Law to the media industry.

Paper: Competition and Public Service Broadcasting: Has the right balance been struck between European Union oversight and the Freedom of the Member States to develop their national public broadcasting policies?

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Bania Konstantina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 77.55 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Bania Konstantina full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 434.09 KB

Updated:22-04-2011 20:01

Banti Victoria

Banti Victoria

Athens Bar Association, Greece

Paper: The Τhreat to Consumers’ Privacy: Digital Management Systems of Protection of Privacy and Personal Data
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Banti Victoria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 106.45 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Banti Victoria presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 91 KB
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Dr. Victoria Banti is attorney-at-law registered at the Athens Bar Association. She has graduated from the Law School of Athens and holds a master degree from the London School of Economics on commercial law and a master degree on information technology law from the Law School of Oslo. She was awarded her PhD by the Law School of Athens (Department of Civil Law). At the moment she serves as rapporteur on the project 'Digital Greece 2020'.

Paper: The Τhreat to Consumers’ Privacy: Digital Management Systems of Protection of Privacy and Personal Data

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Banti Victoria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 106.45 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Banti Victoria presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 91 KB

Updated:20-05-2011 11:54

Belavusau Uladzislau

Belavusau Uladzislau

Ph.D. Researcher - Department of Law
European University Institute, Italy

Paper: Hate Speech: Clash of Freedoms in Information Law and Ethics
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Belavusau Uladzislau abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 74.62 KB
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Uladzislau is a doctoral (Ph.D.) researcher at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). In 2010, he spent a semester as a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley (USA).
In addition to a diploma with honors in international law, Uladz holds a Master (LL.M.) degree in EU law from Collège d'Europe (Bruges, Belgium). Uladz was a visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany) as well as a guest lecturer and visiting researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
He is finalizing his doctoral thesis on the transatlantic legal study of freedom of expression (between the USA and Europe) and has a wide range of professional interests covering comparative human rights, EU law, constitutional theory, and sociology of law. 

Amongst others, his articles on human rights and EU law appeared in the German Law Journal, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, European Public Law, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, European Journal of Legal Studies, European Law Reporter, etc.
Uladz speaks several Slavic, Romance, and Germanic languages, which inspires his passion for history, art, traveling, and versatile music.

Selected publications on SSRN: Νέο παράθυρο
Personal Webpage: Νέο παράθυρο

Paper: Hate Speech: Clash of Freedoms in Information Law and Ethics

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Belavusau Uladzislau abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 74.62 KB

Updated:28-02-2011 17:22

Borghi Maurizio

Borghi Maurizio

Law Lecturer
Brunel University, United Kingdom

Paper: Mass Digitisation and the Moral Right of Integrity
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Borghi Maurizio abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 13.91 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Borghi Maurizio full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 93.56 KB
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Maurizio Borghi is lecturer in intellectual property law at Brunel University Law School, West London. He is founding member of ISHTIP, the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property, and he is member of the board of trustees of Nexa Centre for Internet and Society, University of Turin. His research interests are focused on developing a right-based understanding of copyright law for the “information society”. He has extensively published on copyright law, history and theory, as well as on digital copyright and on philosophical issues of access to knowledge.

Personal webpage: Νέο παράθυρο

Paper: Mass Digitisation and the Moral Right of Integrity

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Borghi Maurizio abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 13.91 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Borghi Maurizio full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 93.56 KB

Updated:02-05-2011 12:58

Bülow William

Bülow William

Research Assistant, department of Philosophy and the History of Technology
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Paper: From Theory to Practice: Autonomy, Privacy and the Ethical Assessment of ICT
Authors: Bülow William, Wester Misse
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Bülow William full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 138.26 KB
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William Bülow (born 1986) is a research assistant at the Department of Philosophy and the History of Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He holds a B.A degree in practical philosophy from the University of Linköping, Sweden. Since February 2011 he holds a Master of Arts in Practical Philosophy from the University of Linköping, Sweden. His research areas are in applied ethics, especially in the ethics of technology. Currently he is working within a project on public acceptance of information and communication technologies.

Paper: From Theory to Practice: Autonomy, Privacy and the Ethical Assessment of ICT
Authors: Bülow William, Wester Misse

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Bülow William full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 138.26 KB

Updated:22-04-2011 20:20

Chatziioannou Konstantinos

Chatziioannou Konstantinos

Attorney at Law, LLM, PhD candidate
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: The Criminalization of Hacking Tools as a Reasonable Measure of Protection Regarding Attacks against Information Systems and Computer Data
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Chatziioannou Konstantinos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 5.92 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Chatziioannou Konstantinos presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 402.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Chatziioannou Konstantinos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 177.44 KB
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Chatziioannou Konstantinos, born in Thessaloniki (1984), is a lawyer who deals primarily with criminal law. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2005), After receiving a master’s degree in European law from the University of Heidelberg (2007) and a master’s degree in Criminal Law from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2009), he is currently pursuing his PhD thesis at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on cybercrime law. His main research fields of interest are: Cybercrime Law, Criminal Protection of Personal Data, Crimes against Intellectual Property and European Criminal Law. He is fluent in English, German and Spanish.

Paper: The Criminalization of Hacking Tools as a Reasonable Measure of Protection Regarding Attacks against Information Systems and Computer Data

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Chatziioannou Konstantinos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 5.92 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Chatziioannou Konstantinos presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 402.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Chatziioannou Konstantinos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 177.44 KB

Updated:02-02-2012 12:27

Corrales Marcelo

Corrales Marcelo

LL.M, Research Associate
University of Hannover/IRI, Germany

Paper: Legal Issues in the Cloud
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Marcelo Corrales, is an Attoney-at-Law registered in Paraguay. He studied law at the Universidad Catolica de Asuncion and received his Master's degrees in Law and Information Technology and European Intellectual Property Law from Stockholm University, Sweden. Since October 2007 he is a Research Associate at the IRI, University of Hanover in Germany where he works in EU funded projects and gives lectures in Intellectual Property, Data Protection and Biotechnology Law.

Paper: Legal Issues in the Cloud

Updated:22-11-2010 18:00

Daly Angela

Daly Angela

Department of Law
European University Institute, Italy

Paper: Private power and new media: the case of the corporate suppression of WikiLeaks and its implications for the exercise of fundamental rights on the Internet
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Daly Angela abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 152.12 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Daly Angela presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 182.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Daly Angela full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 214.11 KB
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2009-present PhD in Law, European University Institute (Florence, Italy)
2006-2007 LLM in French and European Law, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
2003-2006 B.A.(Hons) in Jurisprudence, Balliol College, University of Oxford
2003 SQA Highers in English, Maths, French, Italian, Physics and Chemistry

2011 Manager of sub-project on new media, European Commission 7th Framework Programme MEDIADEM, European University Institute
2011 Research assistant to Giovanni Sartor, Professor of Legal Informatics and Legal Theory, European University Institute
2007-2009 Policy adviser, Ofcom, London:
• Spectrum Markets team, Spectrum Policy Group
• Radio Policy and Broadcast Licensing team, Content and Standards
• Consumer Policy team, Strategy and Market Developments
• Member of the Ofcom Diversity Working Group

Positions of Responsibility
2010 - present Co-ordinator, Information Society working group, European University Institute
Member of the Dynamic Coalition on Freedom of Expression and Free Media on the Internet at the United Nations Internet Governance Forum
UK steering board member, British Council Global Changemakers UK Middle East and North Africa programme

2009 Project manager, European Alternatives and Effat University (Jeddah) Europe and Saudi Arabia Active Students Partnership (supported by King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Paper: Private power and new media: the case of the corporate suppression of WikiLeaks and its implications for the exercise of fundamental rights on the Internet

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Daly Angela abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 152.12 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Daly Angela presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 182.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Daly Angela full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 214.11 KB

Updated:17-05-2011 16:50

De-Busser Els

De-Busser Els

Senior Researcher, European Criminal Law
Max Planck Institute, Germany

Paper: Can the EU’s Data Protection Rules Survive Data Transfers to Third States?
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document De-Busser Els abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 142.9 KB
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Dr. Els De Busser studied Law at Antwerp University, Belgium and obtained additional degrees in Criminology and an Advanced Master’s degree in European Criminology and Criminal Justice Systems from Ghent University, Belgium. From March 2001 to October 2009, she worked as a researcher and professor’s assistant in the field of European Criminal Law at Ghent University, Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy where she defended her PhD entitled ‘EU internal and transatlantic cooperation in criminal matters from a personal data perspective. A substantive law approach’ in May 2009.

In November 2009, she joined the European Criminal Law section of the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg, Germany. Her research and publications focus on international and European judicial and law enforcement cooperation in criminal matters and the involvement of private actors in criminal investigations.

Dr. Els De Busser is Secretary of the Scientific Committee of the Association of International Penal Law (AIDP), managing editor of eucrim, the European Criminal Law Associations’ Forum and member of the editorial board of the International and European Criminal Law Section of Panopticon, Journal for Criminal Law, Criminology and Forensic Welfare Studies.

Paper: Can the EU’s Data Protection Rules Survive Data Transfers to Third States?

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document De-Busser Els abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 142.9 KB

Updated:27-02-2011 04:28

De-Groote Bertel

De-Groote Bertel

Law Professor, Member of Ghent University Association
University College Ghent, Belgium

Paper: Information and Communication Technology in the light of the European PIL-instruments: consumer protection in an e-era
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document De-Groote Bertel abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 9.89 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation De-Groote Bertel presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 1.13 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document De-Groote Bertel full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 773.34 KB
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Since 2009 Bertel De Groote is a research fellow at the Research Centre on IT LAW Νέο παράθυρο ( Centre de Recherches Informatique et Droit Νέο παράθυρο [ FUNDP Νέο παράθυρο]). Besides he teaches law (introduction to law, estate planning, IT-Law) at the University College Ghent Νέο παράθυρο (Member of the Ghent University Association), where he is director of the study programs in Business administration and where he invests himself in internationalization of the study programs. Bertel De Groote is also affiliated researcher at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Ghent University Νέο παράθυρο. Moreover he is research fellow at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Université de Liège Νέο παράθυρο (ULG). He is interested in problems of private international law related to the development of information technology. Besides his research covers a variety of field, such as consumer law and more specifically problems of overindebtedness, the integration of technology in the judiciary, and questions related to estate planning.

Bertel De Groote is member of the editorial board of the Journal of law and information technology Νέο παράθυρο (RDTI).

Personal website: Νέο παράθυρο

Paper: Information and Communication Technology in the light of the European PIL-instruments: consumer protection in an e-era

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document De-Groote Bertel abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 9.89 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation De-Groote Bertel presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 1.13 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document De-Groote Bertel full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 773.34 KB

Updated:04-07-2011 11:02

Deliyanni Elsa

Deliyanni Elsa

Assistant Professor
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: Rethinking about Freedom and Ethics in the Era of Νetworks: New Trends in Journalism Ethics
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Deliyanni Elsa full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 236.45 KB
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2004: Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY of THESSALONIKI (tenuarship, since 2009-10).
1998: Lecturer.
1995: Charged with Law Courses.

Media Law and ethics, Copyright Law, Communication policy and culture.

Media Ethics / Media Law / Copyright law / New Media Law and Ethics

Communication Policy and Culture I (European Audiovisual policy).
Communication Policy and Culture II (Copyright, New media, Remix culture).

Paper: Rethinking about Freedom and Ethics in the Era of Νetworks: New Trends in Journalism Ethics

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Deliyanni Elsa full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 236.45 KB

Updated:20-06-2011 12:26

Deliyannis Ioannis

Deliyannis Ioannis

Lecturer, Department of Audio Visual Arts
Ionian University, Greece

Paper: imediaTV: Open and Interactive Access for Live Performances and Installation Art
Authors: Deliyannis Ioannis, Karydis Ioannis, Karydi Dimitra
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Deliyannis Ioannis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 56.68 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Deliyannis Ioannis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 215.21 KB
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Dr Ioannis Deliyannis is a Lecturer in the Audio Visual Arts department (Ionian University) in the field of Interactive Multimedia. His research interests include the application of Interactive and Networked Multimedia Technologies in the area of AudioVisual Arts, and he has recently founded the imediaTV lab, an experimental tv-broadcasting station supporting novel content presentation. He is the author of a series of journal and conference publications in the above fields, followed by a series of books targeting the experimental and creative aspects of the technologies involved.

Paper: imediaTV: Open and Interactive Access for Live Performances and Installation Art
Authors: Deliyannis Ioannis, Karydis Ioannis, Karydi Dimitra

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Deliyannis Ioannis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 56.68 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Deliyannis Ioannis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 215.21 KB

Updated:22-04-2011 19:48

Draganov Jivko

Draganov Jivko

Associate Professor in Intellectual Property Law
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria

Paper: Recent Developments of the Bulgarian Trademark Legislation and Practice
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Draganov Jivko abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 91.43 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Draganov Jivko full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 141.24 KB
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Positions held:
Associated Professor in Intellectual Property Law at the Law Faculty of the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria;
Attorney at Law;
Professional Representative at the OHIM and at the Bulgarian Patent Office;

Teaching experience:
UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria:
Associate Professor in Intellectual Property Law (June, 2009 - ); Scientific secretary of the Department of Private Law (2008- 2010), Chief Assistant Professor in Civil Law (2006 – 2009); Assistant Professor in Civil Law ( 2005– 2006); Part time Assistant Professor in Law (2000 – 2005); Intellectual Property Law, European Union Law, International Business Law and Foundations of Law – lectures and seminar classes;
American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria:
Adjunct Professor in Business Law
Teaching experience with other universities (2000 – 2010) Varna Free University, Varna, Bulgaria; South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

M.A. Psychology, 1997;
M.A. Law, 1999;
Doctor in Intellectual Property Law, 2006

Main area of studies and practice:
Intellectual Property Law; European Union Law;

International studies and Experience:
Katholikke Universitat, Brussels, Belgium Research on Intellectual Property (Industrial designs protection in the European Union) – 2008;
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Japan – Studies on Intellectual Property Protection on Japan in relation to the establishment of Managerial Skills Development Center with the support of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency and the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy - 2006;

Recent publications:
1. "Some Aspects of the Harmonization and Enforcement of Industrial Design Protection in an New Member State of the European Union: The case of Bulgaria", ICIP Revue de Droit Intellectuel-Review of Intellectual Property Law 2008, n° 4, p. 543 – 554, Brussels, Belgium;
2. Legal Protection of Industrial Designs in the EU, UNWE Publishing house, Sofia, 2008, 294 pages;
3. Harmonization of the Legislation Regarding the Industrial Design Protection in the EU, Contemporary Law magazine, 2007, n°5
4. Legal Regime of Trademarks, Company Names, Geographical Indications, Domain Names, Ciela Publishing House, Sofia, 2006, 260 pages;
5. “Intellectual Property in Japan and the New Employee Invention System” Case study materials for MSDC at the IPS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007

Paper: Recent Developments of the Bulgarian Trademark Legislation and Practice

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Draganov Jivko abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 91.43 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Draganov Jivko full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 141.24 KB

Updated:29-03-2011 21:33

Ferrazzano Michele

Ferrazzano Michele

PhD student, CIRSFID and Faculty of Law
University of Bologna, Italy

Paper: Control of File Exchange of Illicit Materials in Peer-to-Peer Environments
Authors: Maioli Cesare, Ferrazzano Michele
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ferrazzano Michele abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 9.34 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ferrazzano Michele full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 141.99 KB
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Michele Ferrazzano is currently reading for his PhD in Law and new technologies at University of Bologna in the field of surveys on illicit file sharing on peer-to-peer system. He obtained a degree and a masters' degree in Computer Science at University of Bologna where currently he works as tutor and lecturer in the courses of Computer Forensics and ICT for the Legal Practitioners. He is a consultant in ICT for law courts and lawyers.

Paper: Control of File Exchange of Illicit Materials in Peer-to-Peer Environments
Authors: Maioli Cesare, Ferrazzano Michele

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ferrazzano Michele abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 9.34 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ferrazzano Michele full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 141.99 KB

Updated:02-05-2011 17:37

no image

Flogaitis Spyridon

University of Athens, Greece

Paper: Transposing the Data Retention Directive in Greece: Lessons from Karlsruhe
Authors: Tsiftsoglou Anna, Flogaitis Spyridon
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Flogaitis Spyridon abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 11.43 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Flogaitis Spyridon presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 557 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Flogaitis Spyridon full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 173.22 KB

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Folinas Dimitris

Assistant Professor
Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: HADOPI 1 & 2: Analysis and Evaluation
Authors: Metaxa Eleni, Sarigiannidis Miltiadis, Folinas Dimitris
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Folinas Dimitris abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 65.95 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Folinas Dimitris full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 303.35 KB

Foteinou Georgia

Foteinou Georgia

Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Paper: E-Government Adoption in the EU: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in the Study of the Digital Divide
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Foteinou Georgia abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:03 - Size: 47.55 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Foteinou Georgia full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 533.49 KB
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Georgia Foteinou is an expert in IT strategy, working in EU development projects in South and Eastern Europe. She has studied Business Administration and Computer Science at the University of Patras, Greece. Currently, she is completing her studies in ‘European Politics and Society’ at the University of Oxford, UK. Her research interests include e-Government adoption analysis, networked governance, trans-national e-Government systems and reo-organization of the public sector using ICT.

Paper: E-Government Adoption in the EU: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in the Study of the Digital Divide

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Foteinou Georgia abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:03 - Size: 47.55 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Foteinou Georgia full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 533.49 KB

Updated:23-04-2011 16:48

Fragkou Anna

Fragkou Anna

Director of the Library & Information Center
University of Macedonia, Greece

Paper: Libraries and the Role of Copyright Exceptions and Limitations in the Contemporary Academic Environment
Authors: Fragkou Anna, Strakantouna Vassiliki
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Fragkou Anna abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 54.95 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Fragkou Anna full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 222.8 KB
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During her long service at the LIC of the University of Macedonia, Mrs Fragkou has been involved in a wide range of organizational and operational issues concerning Greek Academic Libraries. As a member of technical committees and through participation in research and developmental, national and european projects, Mrs Fragkou, worked for the dissemination and promotion of innovative library services. Issues related to: digitization of Greek scientific journals, development of Institutional Repositories, dissemination of the open access initiative, e-publishing, intellectual property rights, and library services to visually impaired persons, are among her most recent interests. Since 1998, Mrs Fragkou has been a member of the Standing Committee for Periodicals and e-Resources of the Hellenic Academic Library Consortium (HEAL-Link). The principal work of the Committee is to enter into negotiation with publishers in order to achieve common access of all Greek Academic Libraries to scholarly electronic publications (e-journals, etc.).

Paper: Libraries and the Role of Copyright Exceptions and Limitations in the Contemporary Academic Environment
Authors: Fragkou Anna, Strakantouna Vassiliki

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Fragkou Anna abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 54.95 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Fragkou Anna full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 222.8 KB

Updated:04-05-2011 17:25

Fragkouli Athina

Fragkouli Athina

Legal Counsel, LL.M Rechtsinformatik
RIPE NCC, Netherlands

Paper: RIPE NCC - Internet Governance and Registration of IP Addresses
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Fragkouli Athina full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 310.52 KB
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Athina Fragkouli joined the RIPE NCC in 2009 as legal counsel. She defines the RIPE NCC legal framework, provides advices and gives legal support for all RIPE NCC activities. Athina is responsible for all legal aspects of the RIPE NCC. She has partipated in a variety of fora like technical meetings, EU organised events etc and presented on numerous occasions.

Athina Fragkouli obtained her law degree from the Democritus University of Thrace in 2005 and she holds a postgraduate Master's degree in Legal Informatics (LL.M Rechtsinformatik) from the University of Hanover. She is a qualified lawyer and member of the Athens Bar Association.

Paper: RIPE NCC - Internet Governance and Registration of IP Addresses

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Fragkouli Athina full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 310.52 KB

Updated:21-04-2011 13:49

Giannakaki Maria

Giannakaki Maria

Attorney at Law, D.E.A.
Athens Bar Association, Greece

Paper: The EU Data Protection Directive revised: New challenges and perspectives
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannakaki Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 14.29 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Giannakaki Maria presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 89 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannakaki Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 310.19 KB
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Maria Giannakaki is an attorney at law at the Athens Bar Association since 2003. She graduated at the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens (2000) and received her master degree (D.E.A.) on Information Technology Law (“Informatique et Droit”) from the University Montpellier I, France (2002). She specialises on Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law, with a strong focus on Greek and EU data protection law. As an associate in “Karageorgiou & Associates Law Firm” her data protection practice involves international data transfers, employee data protection, as well as data protection and privacy compliance for multinational companies having presence in Greece. She regularly publishes articles and comments on data protection related cases in foreign law reviews. Further info at: Νέο παράθυρο

Paper: The EU Data Protection Directive revised: New challenges and perspectives

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannakaki Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 14.29 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Giannakaki Maria presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 89 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannakaki Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 310.19 KB

Updated:18-05-2011 11:56

Giannakoulopoulos Andreas

Giannakoulopoulos Andreas

Ionian University, Greece

Paper: A Web-based Application for the Registration of Intellectual Property
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannakoulopoulos Andreas abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 52.46 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Giannakoulopoulos Andreas presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 2.05 MB
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Andreas Giannakoulopoulos is a Lecturer at the department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University. With an interdisciplinary background including Economics, Logic and Communication studies, his main field of academic activities is Computer Mediated Communication and especially the web development technologies. His research interests focus on information architecture, web-based media, content management platforms and e-learning systems as means of effective communication via the web.

Paper: A Web-based Application for the Registration of Intellectual Property

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannakoulopoulos Andreas abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 52.46 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Giannakoulopoulos Andreas presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 2.05 MB

Updated:22-05-2011 21:38

Giannopoulou Alexandra

Giannopoulou Alexandra

Attorney-at-Law, PhD Candidate
Thessaloniki Bar Association, Greece

Paper: Digital Disposition of a Work: from Technical Protection Measures to Creative Commons
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannopoulou Alexandra abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 199.07 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannopoulou Alexandra full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 418.63 KB
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Alexandra Giannopoulou, born in Veria (Greece) in 1984, is an attorney-at-law registered to the Thessaloniki Bar Association since 2008. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2006. The following year, she received a masters’ degree in law and new technologies (Droit des nouvelles technologies et de la société de l’information) from the University of Nanterre (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense) in Paris. She is currently preparing her PhD entitled “Les licences Creative Commons” at the University Paris II-Panthèon Assas and her research is mainly focused in the “open licenses”.

Paper: Digital Disposition of a Work: from Technical Protection Measures to Creative Commons

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannopoulou Alexandra abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 199.07 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Giannopoulou Alexandra full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 418.63 KB

Updated:17-05-2011 12:47

Gorokhov Vitaly

Gorokhov Vitaly

Professor, Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Paper: The Old Ethical Problems in the New Information Society in Russia
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Gorokhov Vitaly abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 10.45 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Gorokhov Vitaly full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 154.51 KB
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Institute for Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Volkhonka 14, 119842 Moscow, Russia and Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), postbox 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany

Education: 1961-1965 - electronic engineering at the Moscow Radio/Mechanical Technical School, 1966-1971 - philosophy at the Moscow Lomonossow University, 1971-1974 - philosophy of science and systems theory at the Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (post graduate study), 1975 - doctorate („Methodology of Systems Engineering“), 1986 - habilitation („Methodological Analysis of the Development of the Theoretical Knowledge in the Modern Engineering Sciences“)

Carrier/Employment: 1971-1977 - Research Institute for Radiocommunication and Control, chief of department for the Methodology of Systems Engineering, 1977-1989 - member of the editorial staff of Voprossi filisofii („The Problems of Philosophy“), 1978-1989 - reader and from 1985 professor of the philosophy of science and technology at the Moscow Mining Institute (Technological University), from 1988 - Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, senior scientific fellow of the department for Interdisciplinary Problems of the Scientific and Technological Development, from 1995 – chief of the chair of the Philosophy of Science and Technology in the State Academic University for Humanity in Moscow, from 2005 – professor of the Moscow State Lomonosov University, from 2006 – visiting and since 2008 senior scientist in the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (from 1.10.2009 of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) (Germany)

Specialization: history of science and technology from the philosophical point of view, philosophy of science, technology and environment, methodology of systems engineering and project management

Paper: The Old Ethical Problems in the New Information Society in Russia

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Gorokhov Vitaly abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 10.45 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Gorokhov Vitaly full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 154.51 KB

Updated:23-04-2011 16:38

Gupta Indranath

Gupta Indranath

PhD scholar, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Brunel University, United Kingdom

Paper: Consent for data processing in e-commerce transactions: UK empirical evidence
Authors: Karapapa Stavroula, Gupta Indranath
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Gupta Indranath abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 98.92 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Gupta Indranath full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 358.9 KB
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Indranath Gupta is currently reading for his PhD in Intellectual Property Rights at Brunel University, London. His topic of research relates to non-original database rights. Previously, he gained his LLM (Taught and Research) in the UK. Other than a PhD scholar, Indranath is a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Brunel Law School and he is also currently working as research assistant in relation to data protection project. Indranath was also associated with the Counter Project, 2010 as a researcher.

Paper: Consent for data processing in e-commerce transactions: UK empirical evidence
Authors: Karapapa Stavroula, Gupta Indranath

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Gupta Indranath abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 98.92 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Gupta Indranath full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 358.9 KB

Updated:22-04-2011 19:54

Iglezakis Ioannis

Iglezakis Ioannis

General Co-Chair, Sessions Chair - Assistant Professor of Computers & Law, Faculty of Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: Regulation Models Addressing Data Protection Issues In th EU Concerning RFID Technology
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Iglezakis Ioannis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 10.54 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Iglezakis Ioannis presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 354.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Iglezakis Ioannis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 104.29 KB
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Ioannis Iglezakis is an Assistant Professor of Computers & Law at the Faculty of Law in the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (Greece) and attorney-at-law at the Thessaloniki Bar Association. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Aristotle University (Thessaloniki). After completing master degrees in the Universities of Thessaloniki (1990) and the University of Hannover (1993), he received his Ph.D. from the University of Thessaloniki in 2000. He was scientific collaborator in the postgraduate program "Single European Legal Space: sector of New Technologies and Law", in the University of Thessaloniki (2002-2003) and Visiting Lecturer in the same University (2003-2009). He is the author of seven books related to I.C.T. (in Greek) and has various publications in Greek, German and English legal reviews, on issues related to I.T. law, public, economic and EU law. He is also the co-author of Cyberlaw (Hellas), Kluwer Law Editions, and Legal and Socioeconomic Aspects of Intrusion, IGI editions.

Paper: Regulation Models Addressing Data Protection Issues In th EU Concerning RFID Technology

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Iglezakis Ioannis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 10.54 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Iglezakis Ioannis presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 354.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Iglezakis Ioannis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 104.29 KB

Updated:14-05-2011 18:58

Jougleux Philippe

Jougleux Philippe

Dr in Law, Visiting Lecturer at the Law Department of the
European University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Paper: Videogames and the Law
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Jougleux Philippe full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 471.14 KB
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Philippe Jougleux graduated from the Faculty of law of the University of Lille II. He pursued postgraduate studies at the University Aix-Marseille III and he completed his doctoral studies at 2002 in the field of the law of new technologies with a state scholarship. He has participated as a short expert to EU programs. He is now teaching law at the European University of Cyprus.

Paper: Videogames and the Law

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Jougleux Philippe full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 471.14 KB

Updated:12-09-2011 16:25

Kaiafa-Gbanti Maria

Kaiafa-Gbanti Maria

Professor, Faculty of Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: Criminalizing Attacks against Information Systems in the EU – The Anticipated Impact of the European Legal Instruments on the Greek Legal Order
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kaiafa-Gbanti Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 10.88 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kaiafa-Gbanti Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 196.3 KB
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Professor Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi graduated from the Law Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She obtained her Ph.D. in Criminal Law from the Georg Augusta Universität zu Göttingen in Germany (1981). She was elected and appointed lecturer in Criminal Law at the Law Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1984) and serves as a professor at the same faculty since 1996.
Moreover, she is a fellow of the "Alexander von Humboldt" Foundation (Germany) since 1990.
She teaches in undergraduate and postgraduate courses all modules related to Substantive Criminal Law at the Law Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Furthermore, she teaches Substantive Criminal Law in the National Academy of Judges.
Prof. Kaiafa-Gbandi has been a member of the Special Supreme Court (Anonato Eidiko Dikastirio) in 2004-2005 and 2008-2009.
She has also been a member of the University Senate, the Legal Commission (twice), as well as the Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is also a member of the Committee for the Postgraduate Studies Programme since 2004 and member of the Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Culture since 2008.
Additionally, she is a member of the Executive Board of the "Research Group of Medical Law and Bioethics", administrator of the Network of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki "Modern Medical Practice, Biomedicine and Law" and member of the Administrative Council of the "Institute for European Constitutional Studies of the Law Faculty and the Faculty of Culture and Social Sciences" of Hagen University (ongoing, since 2008).
She is a member of the Bar of Thessaloniki, the Editorial Board of the criminal law journals "Yperaspisi" (1991-2000) and "Poiniki Dikaiosyni" (since 2001) and various other scientific bodies such as: the Greek Society of Criminal Law, the Society of European Jurists, the Northern Greece Society of Jurists, the Greek Society of Penologists, the International Association of Penal Law and the International Academy of Comparative Law.
Prof. Kaiafa-Gbandi has repeatedly submitted expert rescripts on issues of International and European Criminal Law to the "Institute of International Public Law and International Relations" (Thessaloniki, Greece), various institutions of the European Union (Commission & Parliament), as well as the "European Union Committee of the House of Lords" (United Kingdom). She is also a contributor to the series of Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals.
As a scientific co-ordinator she has materialised numerous research programmes funded by the European Union ("Integra", "Horizon", "Youth", "Daphne", "AGIS", "EPEAK I-III"), Foreign Universities ("European Criminal Policy Initiative" by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich; "Elaboration of a standard evaluation model of the implementation and the impact of EU instruments adopted in the framework of Title VI of the Treaty of the European Union" by Université Libre de Bruxelles), Greek State or other institutions ("DIODOS", "EPAFI").
She is a peer-reviewer for research programmes of the Dutch Social Science Research Council (Netherlands National Organization for Scientific Research, 2004/2008).
She has been founding member of the team responsible for drafting a Plan for European Criminal Justice (co-ordinated by Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. B. Schanemann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich), founding member of the Academic Research Team of 13 Universities "European Criminal Policy Initiative" (co-ordinated by Prof. H. Satzger, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich) and member of the European University Network ECLAN (European Criminal Law Academic Network).
She is director of the series "Publications of Medical Law and Bioethics" (along with Professor E. Kounougeri-Manoledaki and Professor E. Symeonidou-Kastanidou) and "Special Criminal Laws" (along with Professor E. Symeonidou-Kastanidou).

Paper: Criminalizing Attacks against Information Systems in the EU – The Anticipated Impact of the European Legal Instruments on the Greek Legal Order

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kaiafa-Gbanti Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 10.88 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kaiafa-Gbanti Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 196.3 KB

Updated:09-05-2011 16:30

Kaponi Alexandra

Kaponi Alexandra

LLM (Heidelberg), Attorney at Law
Athens Bar Association, Greece

Paper: Public Domain Vigor in Copyright based on John Locke
Authors: Papadopoulos Marinos, Kaponi Alexandra
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kaponi Alexandra abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 184.45 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Kaponi Alexandra presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 475 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kaponi Alexandra full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 386.01 KB
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She is an Attorney-at-Law registered in Athens, Greece, member of the Athens Bar Association. She holds a law degree from Athens Law School and a graduate degree Legum Magister (LL.M.) from Heidelberg University focusing on Internet Law. She is a Judge-Arbitrator of the European Arbitration Court on .eu domain names, and an Attorney-at-Law specializing on Telecommunications Law, electronic crime, and .gr domain names. She is an active participant in international fora upon issues of Information Technology & Law as well as Information Society. (Further info at URL: Νέο παράθυρο)

Paper: Public Domain Vigor in Copyright based on John Locke
Authors: Papadopoulos Marinos, Kaponi Alexandra

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kaponi Alexandra abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 184.45 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Kaponi Alexandra presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 475 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kaponi Alexandra full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 386.01 KB

Updated:17-05-2011 19:20

Kapsi Αrchontoula

Kapsi Αrchontoula

Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Athens Bar Association, Greece

Paper: Copyright Holders and Peer-to-Peer Network Users: An Uncompromised Relationship?
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kapsi Αrchontoula abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 100 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Kapsi Αrchontoula presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 1.8 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kapsi Αrchontoula full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 185.09 KB
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Archontoula Kapsi, born in Patras (Greece) in 1984, is an Attorney at Law registered to the Athens Bar Association. She holds an LL.M in New Technologies-IT Law (“Droit des nouvelles technologies et de la société de l’information”) from the University of Nanterre, in Paris (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense), since 2007. She had previously graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. During her post graduate studies, she offered her legal expertise to the French Company “Union Nationale des Peintres-Illustrateurs” in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. As a member of the Athens Bar Association she has worked for several law firms in Athens acquiring experience and practical skills in Internet and Intellectual Property Law, especially in fields such as e-commerce, web advertising, privacy policies, peer-to-peer technologies, domain names, trademarks, copyright and data protection. She is currently employed as associate by the Law firm “Nikolaos Andrikopoulos & Partners”, specialising in Intellectual Property Law, IT Law, Company Law, Commercial Law and Commercial Contracts.

Paper: Copyright Holders and Peer-to-Peer Network Users: An Uncompromised Relationship?

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kapsi Αrchontoula abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 100 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Kapsi Αrchontoula presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 1.8 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kapsi Αrchontoula full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 185.09 KB

Updated:18-05-2011 13:56

Karakolidou Eleni

Karakolidou Eleni

Master (MSc) degree in Information and Communication Systems Security
University of the Aegean, Greece

Paper: Surveillance in the Workplace: New Technologies, New Challenges, New Solutions?
Authors: Karakolidou Eleni, Mitrou Lilian
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karakolidou Eleni abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 57.69 KB
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Work Experience
05/10/2010 - 08/2/2011, Teacher, IEK Lagada
01/12/2008 - 31/12/2008, Network, Network assistant, STEFANIDIS, MANTINEIAS 35, THESSALONIKI
01/10/2007 - 31/03/2008, Hellas Com, Network assistant, OTE, ERMOY 40, 54623 THESSALONIKI

Education and training
2009 - 2011, Master (MSc) degree in Information and Communication Systems Security, University of the Aegean, school of engineering, department of information & communications systems engineering
7/09/2010- 21/02/2011, CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals, Multi Dynamic Municipal Youth Center of Neapoli (Course), Thessaloniki
19/7/2010 – 30/7/2010, Intensive Program on Information & Communication Systems Security (IPICS), University of the Aegean, school of engineering, department of information & communications systems engineering
18/03/2008, Computer engineering, A.Τ.Ε.Ι. of Thessaloniki, Department of Information Technology (Higher education), Thessaloniki
29/10/2008 - 30/12/2008, Maintenance and rehabilitation network, Ε.Ε.Τ.Α.Α. (SEMINAR), Thessaloniki
13/12/2007 - 14/12/2007, Data Base Design & Case Tools, Open Source Enterprise Operating Systems, Open Source and network applications, GNU/Linux and management of operations, Mac OS X Server and Open Source Implementation. University of Macedonia (SEMINAR), Thessaloniki
07/06/2007, Development of Women's Employment and Entrepreneurship, EPIX (SEMINAR), Thessaloniki
11/04/2006 - 12/04/2006, Internet safety. Application of modern programs, Ministry of education (Science Polysynedrio festival study)(SEMINAR), Thessaloniki
11/04/2006 - 12/04/2006, E-Business. Application of modern programs, Ministry of education (SEMINAR), Thessaloniki
23/05/2005 - 24/05/2005, E-Business. Internet Security, General Secretariat fοr Youth (P.Y.P.N.) (SEMINAR), Thessaloniki

Paper: Surveillance in the Workplace: New Technologies, New Challenges, New Solutions?
Authors: Karakolidou Eleni, Mitrou Lilian

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karakolidou Eleni abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 57.69 KB

Updated:27-02-2011 04:40

Karapapa Stavroula

Karapapa Stavroula

Brunel University, United Kingdom

Paper: Consent for data processing in e-commerce transactions: UK empirical evidence
Authors: Karapapa Stavroula, Gupta Indranath
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karapapa Stavroula abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 98.92 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karapapa Stavroula full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 358.9 KB
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Stavroula Karapapa (LLB, LLM, PhD) is lecturer in intellectual property law at Brunel University Law School and practicing Barrister at the Athens Bar, specialising in Intellectual Property and Internet law. Her research interests focus on the complex intersection of law and technology. She is now preparing the publication of her monograph entitled “Digital Private Copying: The Scope of User Freedom in EU Digital Copyright” with Routledge Publishers (forthcoming 2011). She has also published on issues of intellectual property and digital copyright.

Paper: Consent for data processing in e-commerce transactions: UK empirical evidence
Authors: Karapapa Stavroula, Gupta Indranath

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karapapa Stavroula abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 98.92 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karapapa Stavroula full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 358.9 KB

Updated:22-04-2011 19:54

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Karydi Dimitra

Ionian University, Greece

Paper: imediaTV: Open and Interactive Access for Live Performances and Installation Art
Authors: Deliyannis Ioannis, Karydis Ioannis, Karydi Dimitra
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karydi Dimitra abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 56.68 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karydi Dimitra full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 215.21 KB

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Karydis Ioannis

Ionian University, Greece

Paper: imediaTV: Open and Interactive Access for Live Performances and Installation Art
Authors: Deliyannis Ioannis, Karydis Ioannis, Karydi Dimitra
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karydis Ioannis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 56.68 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Karydis Ioannis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:04 - Size: 215.21 KB

Katrougalos George

Katrougalos George

Associate Professor
University of Thrace, Greece

Paper: IT and the Tension between Personal Freedom and Security
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Katrougalos George full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 258.08 KB
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Constitutionalist and international lawyer, Associate Professor of Public Law (Demokritos University of Thrace, President of the Department of Social Administration), Mediator and Arbitrator of the Greek Organization for Mediation and Arbitration Services (O.ME.D).

George Katrougalos was born in Athens in 1963. He is married to Iris Adamopoulou, with whom he has two little daughters, Chloe and Avghi. He has obtained his Law School Degree from Athens University (1985) and his master (D.E.A -1986-) and Doctorate in Public Law from the University Paris I-Sorbonne (1990). His thesis (summa cum laude) had as theme The legitimation crisis of the Administration. The case of Greece (Paris I-Sorbonne, Paris, 1990, Sakkoulas Brs. Publishers, 1994, Athens). In 1994-1995 he has been visiting professor at Roskilde University, Denmark, under a fellowship of the Danish Research Academy. In 1998-2000 he taught public law at the University of Orleans, France, branch in Athens. In 2007 he has been visiting researcher at the Law School of New York University, as an Emile Noel fellow.

He is Vice-President of the Centre for Educational Research. He has been the first President and CEO of Vocational Training S.A (2002-2003), a public organisation of the Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Security, and member of the Management Board of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), the EU agency specialized in vocational training policy.

He has worked on research projects of the Council of Europe, the American Bar Association (CEELI Project), the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, the French National Center of Research (C.N.R.S.), the Institute of Greek Constitutional History and Constitutional Law, and the University Research Center of Social Security, Health and Assistance of the Law School of Athens (deputy member of its council of administration 1995-1996). He has worked, as international expert, in various projects of institutional building in Uzbekistan (1997, 2005), FYROM (2000), Slovakia (2004), Syria (2003), Armenia (2004). In 1998 and 1999 he has offered legal consulting to the Albanian Parliament for the drafting of the new Albanian Constitution and in 2000 was Coordinator of the Stability Pact Programme Institutional Support to the countries of Southern Europe of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs-CECL. He has worked as special legal advisor to the Greek Minister of Education (1994, 1997-2002). He has represented Greece as legal advisor to the 3d Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations (2000-2003) and was member of the advising group of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the drafting of the Convention on the Draft Constitution of the European Union (2003-2004).

He is the writer of many books and articles in the legal press of Greece, France, USA, Germany, Russia and Mexico. He is also editor (with Pr D. Tsatsos) of the presentation of the Albanian Constitution in Greek. Among his monographs are the following: Social Policy and Social Rights at national and international levels, Law Library, Athens, 2009 (in Greek), Fundamental Social Rights, A. Sakkoulas, Athens, 2006 (in Greek), Southern European Welfare States (with G. Lazaridis), Palgrave/Macmillan, 2003, The social state in post-modern era, A. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1998 (in Greek), Constitution, Law and Rights in the Welfare State ... and beyond, first edition Forlaget Samfundsokonomi & Plaenlaegning, Roskilde, 1995, second edition A. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1998, The Right to live the and the Right to die, Athens, Ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 1993. He has also published many articles in Greek, American and European legal journals, among which: USA and social states, an Ocean apart?, European Constitutional Law Review, 4, 2, 2008, The dim perspectives of the European social citizenship, NYU Jean Monnet Paper 7 2007, Rights in the Welfare State, Jahrbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts, 1995, The implementation of social rights in Europe, Columbia Journal of European Law, Summer 1996, The rights of foreigners in Europe, Web Journal of Current Legal Issues 5, 1995, The principle of legitimate expectations, Review of the Administrative Judges, Dioikhtikh Dikh, 4/1993. Press here for some other publications.

He is responsible for the Greek electronic page at the WWW project International Constitutional Law (ICL), member of the international legal network Cyberlaw and member of the Secretariat of the Balkan Law Network Rigas. He is also member of the Greek Association of Constitutional Law and the Greek Society of Political Sciences, as well as member of the Council of the International Association of Constitutional Law, research fellow and member of the Executive Committee of the Centre for European Constitutional Law, Foundation Th. and D. Tsatsos. He is also member of the Board and pro bono legal advisor of the Greek National Committee of UNICEF.

Paper: IT and the Tension between Personal Freedom and Security

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Katrougalos George full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 258.08 KB

Updated:17-05-2011 18:09

Kitsos Panayiotis

Kitsos Panayiotis

LLM PhD (cand.)
University of Macedonia, Greece

Paper: Personal Data Protection in the era of cloud computing. New challenges for european regulators.
Authors: Kitsos Panayiotis, Pappa Paraskevi
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kitsos Panayiotis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 6.27 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kitsos Panayiotis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 197.6 KB
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He is a Lawyer (Court of Appeal) admitted in Ioannina Bar in 1997, specializing in civil, commercial and criminal law matters. He holds a law degree from Thessaloniki Law School (1997) Magisterexamen (LL.M) from University of Stockholm (1999), specialized in Telecommunications law. He is currently finishing his PhD in the field of privacy protection in electronic communications, in the University of Macedonia, Department of Applied Informatics.

Paper: Personal Data Protection in the era of cloud computing. New challenges for european regulators.
Authors: Kitsos Panayiotis, Pappa Paraskevi

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kitsos Panayiotis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 6.27 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kitsos Panayiotis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 197.6 KB

Updated:20-06-2011 23:16

Kosmides Timoleon

Kosmides Timoleon

Lecturer, Juristische Fakultät
Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Germany

Paper: The legal nature of the controller's civil liability according to art. 23 of Directive 95/46 EC (Data Protection Directive).
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Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 121.24 KB
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LL. M. Eur., Dr. jur. (University of Munich), Lecturer (University of Munich) – Attorney at Law
Timoleon Kosmides, born in Thessaloniki (1983), is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany, and an Attorney-at-Law registered in Thessaloniki, Greece. He is an Honors graduate of the Law Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds a master’s degree (with highest honors) in European and International Economic Law from the Law Faculty of the University of Munich and a Ph.D. (summa cum laude) from the same Law Faculty. He was a guest researcher and a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law in Munich (2007-2009). In 2009, he was appointed a postdoctoral research assistant at the Max Planck Institute. He also worked as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Munich (2007-2010).
Timoleon has authored 2 books in German as well as many articles in Greek and German. His main scientific fields of interest are: civil law, european civil law, information and information technology law, intellectual property law, EU law, environmental law and others.

Paper: The legal nature of the controller's civil liability according to art. 23 of Directive 95/46 EC (Data Protection Directive).

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Kosmides Timoleon full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 121.24 KB

Updated:02-05-2011 20:30

Latifulhayat Atip

Latifulhayat Atip

Senior Lecturer, International Law, Cyber Law, Air and Space law at the Faculty of Law
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia

Paper: Internet Governance and Ius Cogens
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Latifulhayat Atip abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 153.69 KB
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Atip Latifulhayat is Senior Lecturer in International Law, Cyber Law, Air and Space law at the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University, Bandung – Indonesia. He obtained his first degree of law from the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University (Indonesia). He received his Master of Laws (LL.M) and Ph.D from Monash University Law School, Melbourne – Australia. He is the author of various articles on international law, cyber law, telecommunications law, air and space law in Indonesian and English.

Paper: Internet Governance and Ius Cogens

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Latifulhayat Atip abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 153.69 KB

Updated:27-02-2011 04:46

Laurent Philippe

Laurent Philippe

Attorney-at-Law, Senior Researcher
University of Namur, Belgium

Paper: Open Licenses before European Courts
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Laurent Philippe abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 8.13 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Laurent Philippe presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 353 KB
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Philippe Laurent is Senior Researcher at the CRID (Research Centre on IT and Law of the University of Namur, Belgium) and Lawyer at the Brussels Bar (at the MVVP lawfirm). As a researcher, he is currently doing a PhD on intellectual property licensing and studies the legal aspects of open source schemes. He also carries out researches on copyright limitations, as well as on data and software protection. Philippe’s work as attorney-at-law focuses on Intellectual Property and IT law, privacy, data protection, distribution agreements, trade practices, as well as on broader commercial law matters. Philippe is also appointed by the CEPANI as Third-Party Decider for ".be" domain name disputes, and is alternate member of the copyrights and neighbouring rights section of the Intellectual Property Council of the Belgian Ministry of Economy.

More information on Philippe Laurent’s activities is available here: Νέο παράθυρο

Paper: Open Licenses before European Courts

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Laurent Philippe abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:51 - Size: 8.13 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Laurent Philippe presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 353 KB

Updated:25-05-2011 15:33

Lefakis Leandros

Lefakis Leandros

PhD, Adj. Lecturer
University of Central Greece, Greece

Paper: Patenting Human Genes: Is it possible to set an ethical minimum based on common values?
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Lefakis Leandros abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 21.2 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Lefakis Leandros full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 124.17 KB
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Dr. Leandros Lefakis, graduated from the Law School of the University of Athens andreceived a postgraduate degree in International Business Transactions from the University of London with a scholarship from "Clara Abbott Foundation" and another postgraduate degree (LL.M) in Intellectual Property from the University of Kent. He also received a doctorate degree from the University of Athens regarding biotechnology patents and conducted postdoctoral studies in the area of human stem - cell patents. As a lawyer he gives advice in respect of a wide area of issues arising in multinational corporations' investments in Greece, coordinating legal due diligence teams and counseling on respective regulatory issues. He also advises local companies on ongoing corporate and industrial property issues and drafts and negotiates commercial contracts. He has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic intellectual Property Organization of the Greek Ministryof Culture and he represented Greece in many international organizations and European Union instruments. Concurrently, he teaches civil and company law at the Faculty of Regional Economic Development of the University of Central Greece. He has published three books related to biotechnology, stem - cell patents and bioethics, so as many articles in Greek, English and French.

Paper: Patenting Human Genes: Is it possible to set an ethical minimum based on common values?

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Lefakis Leandros abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 21.2 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Lefakis Leandros full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 124.17 KB

Updated:16-05-2011 13:40

Maioli Cesare

Maioli Cesare

Professor, CIRSFID and Faculty of Law
University of Bologna, Italy

Paper: Control of File Exchange of Illicit Materials in Peer-to-Peer Environments
Authors: Maioli Cesare, Ferrazzano Michele
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Maioli Cesare abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 9.34 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Maioli Cesare full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 141.99 KB
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Cesare Maioli is full professor of Legal informatics at the University of Bologna where he teachs also Computer Forensics and ICT for the Legal Practitioners, after obtaining a degree in Mathematics, being a researcher and a manager at the Italian Energy Authorithy and at at the Italian National Council of Research, being a professor of Computer Science in several universities, being project leader and director of public administration projects at the regional and national level in Italy as well as in European projects, being consultant and ICT expert for law courts and lawyers. He has published widely in information systems, e-government, ICT law, computer science.

Paper: Control of File Exchange of Illicit Materials in Peer-to-Peer Environments
Authors: Maioli Cesare, Ferrazzano Michele

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Maioli Cesare abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 9.34 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Maioli Cesare full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 141.99 KB

Updated:02-05-2011 17:36

Marin Luisa

Marin Luisa

Assistant Professor
University of Twente, Netherlands

Paper: The liability of Internet Service Providers (ISP) for violations of data protection laws in the era of Web 2.0
Authors: Viola de Azevedo Cunha Mario, Marin Luisa, Sartor Giovanni
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Marin Luisa abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 9.58 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Marin Luisa full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 116.4 KB
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Luisa Marin currently works as an assistant professor at the University of Twente. Before joining Twente (2007), she served as post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Helsinki and before it, at the University of Verona, where she defended her PhD on the principle of mutual recognition in criminal matters (2006) and collaborated to education since 2003.
The background of Dr. Marin's research is the constitutional law analysis of European law developments, with a special focus on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, and in particular, EU's cooperation in criminal matters. Recurring research questions are: which are the implications of governance regimes and regulatory choices endorsed at EU level? How to "fix” them according to the traditional toolkit of constitutionalism? She has co-edited a book and published a number of articles on the European Arrest Warrant, among others.
Luisa pursued her education mainly in Italy (Law Degree and Master in European Law, University of Bologna), but also in France and The Netherlands. She is a member of the Bar of Solicitors of Treviso (Italy).

Paper: The liability of Internet Service Providers (ISP) for violations of data protection laws in the era of Web 2.0
Authors: Viola de Azevedo Cunha Mario, Marin Luisa, Sartor Giovanni

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Marin Luisa abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 9.58 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Marin Luisa full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 116.4 KB

Updated:21-04-2011 12:48

Markellou Marina

Markellou Marina

Adj, Lecturer
Ionian University, Greece

Paper: Rejecting the Works of Dan Flavin and Bill Viola: Revisiting the Boundaries of Copyright Protection for Post-Modern Art
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Markellou Marina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 9.57 KB
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Marina P. Markellou is an Intellectual Property Attorney in Greece. After accomplishing a Master of Laws in Intellectual Property (LLM) on September 2005 in Montpellier of France, she defended her PhD thesis on copyright contracts in France, Greece and Germany on September 2009. Her primary research interests concern intellectual property in the digital age as well as electronic business law, data protection law and antitrust law. Member of the Greek group of the International Literal and Artistic Association (ALAI), she often participates as a legal expert in many European programs such as the IDABC project on December 2008 (creation by the European Commission of the first European Public Open Source License) or the Twinning Project on December 2007 (enforcement of Turkish IP law). Since 2006, Mrs Markellou regularly publishes articles and comments on internet related cases in Greek and foreign law reviews. She also participates in many international conferences such as the third international congress for Free/Open Source Software on May 2008 in Athens.

Paper: Rejecting the Works of Dan Flavin and Bill Viola: Revisiting the Boundaries of Copyright Protection for Post-Modern Art

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Markellou Marina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 9.57 KB

Updated:02-05-2011 13:16

Markova-Ananaieva Maria

Markova-Ananaieva Maria

Associate Professor
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria

Paper: Audio-visual Work as an Intellectual Property
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Markova-Ananaieva Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 92.09 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Markova-Ananaieva Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 109.92 KB
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1996 to present: University of National and World Economy, Sofia, St. grad 1700

2010 - present – Acting director of Intellectual property department of UNWE
2006 - now – Assoc. Professor
2002 - present – member of the Council of Economic Faculty,UNWE
2002 – present – academic coordinator of WIPO’s university’s initiative for Bulgaria
1996 - 2006 – Assistant Prof.
1996 -1998 – Scient.secretary of Intellectual property department

Responsible for lectures on the following academic subjects “Intellectual property”; “Marketing of intellectual products”; “Design management”, “Corporate culture”, “Biotechnological achievements”, “Actual problems of intellectual property”.

University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria
Ecomomist, Lawyer
Master of Economics, specialty “Managemen of Industry” and
“Marketing”, 1988
Master of Law, 2006
Doctor of Economics, 1988

Paper: Audio-visual Work as an Intellectual Property

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Markova-Ananaieva Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 92.09 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Markova-Ananaieva Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 109.92 KB

Updated:21-03-2011 16:35

Mc-Kenna Alan

Mc-Kenna Alan

Associate Lecturer, Kent Law Schoool
University of Kent, United Kingdom

Paper: Profiling and Manipulating Human Behavior: A Core Privacy Concern
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mc-Kenna Alan abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 168.02 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Mc-Kenna Alan presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 229 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mc-Kenna Alan full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 90.16 KB
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Dr Alan Mckenna is an Associate Lecturer at the University of Kent, UK, teaching Tort Law, and a Visiting Lecturer at City University, London, teaching Intellectual Property Law. He holds a Ph.d and LLM in International Commercial Law from the University of Kent. His published work includes articles on communications convergence, online privacy, and computer waste. With Maria Anestopoulou he jointly wrote for the Association for Progressive Communication an Internet Rights Country Report on Greece. He will shortly have published a book entitled, 'A new human right to participate in the Information Society'. His current research interests include, online profiling and digital surveillance, negligently caused asbestos related diseases, and a human right to communicate.

Paper: Profiling and Manipulating Human Behavior: A Core Privacy Concern

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mc-Kenna Alan abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 168.02 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Mc-Kenna Alan presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 229 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mc-Kenna Alan full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 90.16 KB

Updated:12-05-2011 17:23

Menezes Rubens

Menezes Rubens

Historian, Professor of Operating Systems
University of São Paulo, Brazil

Paper: The Struggle over Privacy, Security, Cyber-Crimes and the Civil Rights in the Brazilian Law - a Historical Overview
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Menezes Rubens abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 5.32 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Menezes Rubens full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 249.45 KB
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Rubens is a Historian and also a professor of Operating Systems. He received a master's degree in History of Science and Technology from University of São Paulo (2006). As a historian he focus on Modern and Contemporary History, with special research interest on subjects like: Linux and Microsoft interactions, FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software), ideology and technology, patents, software history, tecnoscience and STS (Science and Technology Studies). He is currently a PhD student in the Program of Social History at the University of São Paulo, where he does research the history of ownership of intangible properties.

He also teaches at FATEC, a public funded Technology Faculty at the state of São Paulo, in Brazil and coordinates the development of "SIZOO" a laboratory control system for the Biological Institute of São Paulo, a project funded by Brazilian agency of research promotion: CNPq.

Paper: The Struggle over Privacy, Security, Cyber-Crimes and the Civil Rights in the Brazilian Law - a Historical Overview

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Menezes Rubens abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 5.32 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Menezes Rubens full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 249.45 KB

Updated:21-04-2011 13:23

Metaxa Eleni

Metaxa Eleni

Thessaloniki Bar Association, Greece

Paper: HADOPI 1 & 2: Analysis and Evaluation
Authors: Metaxa Eleni, Sarigiannidis Miltiadis, Folinas Dimitris
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Metaxa Eleni abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 65.95 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Metaxa Eleni full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 303.35 KB
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2009 Master’s Degree
Law School of Paris V – René Descartes University, France

2007 Law School Degree
Law School of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH)

May 2010: Registration as a member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki.

April 1st 2010 – September 30th 2010:
Trainee Legal Executive in the Legal Department of the company “Fox International Channels France”

October 1st 2009- January 31st 2010:
Trainee Legal Executive in the Legal Department of the company “CoPeerRight Agency”

July 2009 – September 2009 and September 2007- July 2008:
Trainee Attorney at Law in the Law Firm “A. Stamoulos – S. Goridaris – Dr. St. Katsios”

Paper: HADOPI 1 & 2: Analysis and Evaluation
Authors: Metaxa Eleni, Sarigiannidis Miltiadis, Folinas Dimitris

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Metaxa Eleni abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 65.95 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Metaxa Eleni full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 303.35 KB

Updated:23-04-2011 16:27

Mihos Stathis

Mihos Stathis

Lawyer, Legal Manager
Hellenic Fuels S.A., Greece

Paper: Social Networking and the Employment Relationship
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mihos Stathis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 110.08 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mihos Stathis presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 1.69 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mihos Stathis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 308.47 KB
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Stathis Mihos was born in Athens, Greece, in 1964. He studied Law at the University of Athens and later got his postgraduate degree (LL.M.) on Information Technology and Telecommunications Law from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. He also holds a M.A. degree in Tourism Business Administration. He worked as a Lawyer in Law Firms and in recent years he manages in-house legal departments (for Lafarge from 2001 until 2006 and for BP since then and until December 2009, at which time the employing Greek affiliate for ground fuels of BP was renamed to “Hellenic Fuels S.A.”, after having been sold to the “Hellenic Petroleum” Group). He is a Board Member and the country representative for Greece of the Association of Corporate Counsel (Europe) and a member of many non governmental organizations and professional associations. He is a regular contributor (column «In house») to the legal magazine ‘Synigoros’ (‘Counsel’). He is the author of the book «Monitoring of Internet Communications in the Workplace» (Sakkoulas Publications, Athens, 2007)

Paper: Social Networking and the Employment Relationship

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mihos Stathis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 110.08 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mihos Stathis presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 1.69 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mihos Stathis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 308.47 KB

Updated:04-07-2011 11:19

no image

Mikalef Katerina

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: Asymmetric information into politics and the quality of democratic performance

Milossi Maria

Milossi Maria

Attorney at Law, DESS, PhD (cand.)
University of Macedonia, Greece

Paper: ’Personal financial data: Regulatory framework of their e-processing focusing on the function of interbanking information systems in Greece and France
Authors: Milossi Maria, Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Tzeni
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Milossi Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 9.68 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Milossi Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 273.38 KB
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Maria Milossi, born in Thessaloniki-Greece, 1979, is attorney at law at the Bar of Thessaloniki since 2005. She graduated at the Faculty of Law of the School of Law, Economics and Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2003) and received her master degree (DESS) on Internet Law (Droit de l’Internet) from the Faculty of Law of the Sorbonne Paris-I Panthéon University in Paris, France (2004). During her post graduate studies, she worked for the Communication Service of the same University as responsible for legal issues, co-operated with French Personal Data Authority (CNIL) and helped to the reconstruction of University’s dynamic site by creating new data-bases. At the moment, she is preparing her PhD in personal data entitled “The legal protection of economic personal data and their electronic treatment in Greece and France” at the University of Macedonia-Department of Applied Informatics. Since 2008 she teaches legal informatics, public administration and e-government at the Interbalkan Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) in Thessaloniki. During the first semester of 2009-2010 she was teaching legal issues on personal data, cyber crime and internet security in the Public Institute of Professional Training (I.E.K) in Thessaloniki. Her interests focus on personal data protection, human rights and cyber crime. She has also attended several conferences about e-government, personal data and privacy in electronic communications.

Paper: ’Personal financial data: Regulatory framework of their e-processing focusing on the function of interbanking information systems in Greece and France
Authors: Milossi Maria, Alexandropoulou-Egyptiadou Tzeni

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Milossi Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 9.68 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Milossi Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 273.38 KB

Updated:30-08-2011 15:30

Misic Klemen

Misic Klemen

State Supervisor
Personal Data Protection, Slovenia

Paper: e-Privacy in Practice
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Misic Klemen full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 173.7 KB
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Klemen Mišič graduated at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. While still at the University, he began working for the Slovenian National television as a journalist, editor and anchor of the programme Slovenian chronicle. After graduating he attained his first employment with the Slovenian national television, where he worked for a total of five years and then he joined the Slovenian Information Commissioner as a researcher and later as a State Supervisor for Personal Data Protection. He wrote numerous legal opinions about Personal Data Protection and inspected many of Slovenian Data Controllers. Lately he is specialized in Data Protection in social networks, specially raising awareness of the dangers of those networks for youths and in security of Data Protection, regarding to physical and electronic security of those data.

Paper: e-Privacy in Practice

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Misic Klemen full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 173.7 KB

Updated:18-05-2011 21:10

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Mitka Kalliopi

PhD, Attorney at Law
Thessaloniki Bar Association, Greece

Paper: Internet Banking and Legal Issues Related to its Use
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mitka Kalliopi abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 20.56 KB

Mitrou Lilian

Mitrou Lilian

Assistant Professor
University of the Aegean, Greece

Paper: 1) e- ID Card and Data Protection: a Field of Controversy or the Path for Good Governance? // 2)Revising the Data Protection Directive Reinventing Data Protection? // 3) Surveillance in the Workplace: New Technologies, New Challenges, New Solutions?
Authors: Antoniou Athina, Mitrou Lilian
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mitrou Lilian abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 25.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Mitrou Lilian presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 406 KB
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Dr. Lilian Mitrou, born in Athens-Greece (1964), is Assistant Professor at the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering (University if the Aegean). She holds a PhD in Data Protection (Law School of Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt). L. Mitrou teaches electronic democracy, electronic governance,information law and data protection at the University of Athens (Dept of Law, Dept. of Political Sciences - Postgraduate Studies) as well as information law and electronic governance at the National Academy of Public Administration. She has served as a Member of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (1999-2003) and as Adviser to the Prime Minister in sectors of Information Society and Public Administration (1996 - 2004). From 1998 till 2004 she was the national representative in the EC- Committee on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data. She served as member of many Committees working on law proposals in the fields of data protection(transposition of Directives 95/46/EC, 97/66/EC and 02/58/EC), electronic government, electronic commerce etc. Her professional experience includes senior consulting and researcher positions in a number of private and public institutions. She published twelve books or chapters in books (in Greek, German and English) and many journal and national and international conference papers.

Paper: 1) e- ID Card and Data Protection: a Field of Controversy or the Path for Good Governance? // 2)Revising the Data Protection Directive Reinventing Data Protection? // 3) Surveillance in the Workplace: New Technologies, New Challenges, New Solutions?
Authors: Antoniou Athina, Mitrou Lilian

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Mitrou Lilian abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 25.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Mitrou Lilian presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 406 KB

Updated:23-05-2011 13:02

Monteleone Shara

Monteleone Shara

Department of Law
European University Institute, Italy

Paper: Ambient Intelligence and Data Protection. Challenges and Opportunities after the Lisbon Treaty
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Monteleone Shara abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 11.16 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Monteleone Shara full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 1.18 MB
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Shara Monteleone, graduate from the Law Faculty of Florence (Italy), held a PhD in IT Law at Media Integration and Communication Centre (MICC) of Florence and a LLM at European University Institute of Florence (EUI), focusing on the impact of the new technologies on fundamental rights, such as privacy and data protection. As post-doc researcher at INRIA (France) she worked on the PRIAM project (Privacy Issues in Ambient Intelligence) and, previoulsy, conducted researches in Media Law, with special attention to the balance between the right to privacy and freedom of expression. As university lecturer, she has taken part in several European projects including “Support to the reform of Serbian media legislation towards EU standards” (Cards Program, 2005) and two projects on the e-Evidence in the European Courts (under the JPEN Program 2005, 2007). Other research interests include copyright law and computer forensics. Currently assistant researcher at the EUI, Shara Monteleone has published various articles concerning the mentioned topics and participated as a speaker in national and international conferences.

Paper: Ambient Intelligence and Data Protection. Challenges and Opportunities after the Lisbon Treaty

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Monteleone Shara abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 11.16 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Monteleone Shara full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 1.18 MB

Updated:03-06-2011 13:42

Nomikou Eirini

Nomikou Eirini

Attorney at Law, Master Degree in Web Law
Athens Bar Association, Greece

Paper: E-Commerce: The e-Consumer and the attacks against the personal data
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Nomikou Eirini abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 19.82 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Nomikou Eirini presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 649 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Nomikou Eirini full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:01 - Size: 230.04 KB

Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen

Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen

Public Relations Officer
Federal Polytechnic OKO (Atani-Campus), Nigeria

Paper: Freedom of the Press in the Eyes of Nigerian Law
Authors: Ude Akpeh Chinelo E., Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 12.82 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 52.21 KB
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IMO State University: 2000-2002 (MBA) Advertising / Public Relations.
Federal Polytechnic, OKO: 1991-1993 (HND) Mass Communication.
Federal Polytechnic, OKO: 1988-1990 (ND) Mass Communication
Girls' Secondary SCH, ICHI: 1981-1986 (WAEC)
Community Primary SCH, ICHI: 1976-1981

2002 MBA
1993 HND
1990 OND
1986 WAEC
2004 September Certificate in public Service Transformation for Great Service Delivery.
2010 August Certificate in Education, Empowerment, Development.
2010 December Certificate in Corporate Governance and National Development.

Work Experience
Federal Polytechnic OKO May 1997-date, Public Relations Officer, Siroko Pharmaceutical Ent, 34, Adeiola Odeku, Victoral Island, Lagos. June 1995-1997
Shell Petroleum Development, Cooperation (SPDC), December 1993-1995
Anambra Board Casting Service (ABS)., 1990-1991 on Industrial Training.

Paper: Freedom of the Press in the Eyes of Nigerian Law
Authors: Ude Akpeh Chinelo E., Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 12.82 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 52.21 KB

Updated:29-03-2011 12:17

Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi

Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi

Snr. Librarian
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria

Paper: Passage of Freedom of Information Bill in Nigeria: The Unending Journey
Authors: Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa, Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 62.6 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 175.69 KB
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1. Queen’s School Enugu 1978-1983
2. Aminu Kano College, Kano 1985
3. School of Foreign Languages Studies 1986-1987
Minsk Belarussia (USSR)
4. Minsk Institute of Culture, USSR 1987-1991

1. WASC 1983
2. WASC 1985
3. M.A. Library and information Science (Specialisation in Automation/Mechanisation)

1. NYSC- University Library, University of Port Harcourt 1991-1992
2. Librarian, Spiritan International, School of Theology, Enugu 1993-1997

University Library, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Awka, Snr. Librarian

Paper: Passage of Freedom of Information Bill in Nigeria: The Unending Journey
Authors: Anyaegbu Mercy Ifeyinwa, Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 62.6 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Obiozor-Ekeze Roseline Nkechi full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 175.69 KB

Updated:30-05-2011 11:08

Panagopoulou Fereniki

Panagopoulou Fereniki

LL.M. PhD, M.P.H. (Harvard), Legal Auditor
Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Greece

Paper: Facebook as a Challenge to Privacy
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Panagopoulou Fereniki abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 8.68 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Panagopoulou Fereniki full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 263.21 KB
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Fereniki Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi works as a legal Auditor at the Data Protection Agency in Greece. She has studied Law at the University of Athens (law degree and LL.M.) and the University of Humboldt in Berlin (PhD) and Public Health and Law at the Harvard University (M.P.H.). She has teaching experience at the Universities of Athens, Piraeus, and Peloponnese in Greece, the University of Berlin, and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (Main courses: Bioethics, Public Law, and American Law). She has published three books concerning bioethics, social networks and blogs and many papers regarding public law, new technologies, bioethics and medical law. She speaks English, Greek (mother tongue), German, French and Italian.

Paper: Facebook as a Challenge to Privacy

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Panagopoulou Fereniki abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 8.68 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Panagopoulou Fereniki full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 263.21 KB

Updated:14-06-2011 13:38

Papadopoulos Marinos

Papadopoulos Marinos

Attorney-at-Law, LLM, PhD (cand.)
University of Athens, Greece

Paper: Public Domain Vigor in Copyright based on John Locke
Authors: Papadopoulos Marinos, Kaponi Alexandra
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Papadopoulos Marinos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 184.45 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Papadopoulos Marinos presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 475 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Papadopoulos Marinos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 386.01 KB
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He is an Attorney-at-Law registered in Athens, Greece. He holds a law degree from Athens Law school and a graduate degree Master of Science from Boston and Harvard universities. He has, also, graduate studies at Stanford University upon Information technology and Law as well as The George Washington University upon Management. He's candidate for a PhD in Law at Athens Law School. He is an active participant in international fora upon issues of Information Technology & Law as well as Information Society. He is the Legal Lead for Creative Commons in Greece. (Further info at URL: Νέο παράθυρο)

Paper: Public Domain Vigor in Copyright based on John Locke
Authors: Papadopoulos Marinos, Kaponi Alexandra

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Papadopoulos Marinos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 184.45 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Papadopoulos Marinos presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 475 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Papadopoulos Marinos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 386.01 KB

Updated:17-05-2011 19:22

Papadopoulos Thomas

Papadopoulos Thomas

Attorney-at-Law, LLB (AUTH), MJur(Oxford), MPhil(Oxford), DPhil (Oxford)
Thessaloniki Bar Association, Greece

Paper: Online gambling and EU Law
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Papadopoulos Thomas abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 17.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Papadopoulos Thomas presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 150.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Papadopoulos Thomas full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 324.53 KB

Papadopoulou Maria-Daphne

Papadopoulou Maria-Daphne

Hellenic Copyright Organization, Greece

Paper: ACTA and Copyright in EU: a Love-Hate Relationship?
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Papadopoulou Maria-Daphne full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 558.46 KB
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Dr. Maria Daphne Papadopoulou graduated in 1996 from the Law School at Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. From the same University she received her first Master's Degree in Commercial and Economic Law (1998). In University of Houston she received her second Master in Laws in International & Intellectual Property Law with a scholarship from Onassis Public Benefit Foundation (2000). At the same University she worked as a Fellow Researcher in European Intellectual Property Law for a year. Following that, she was employed by several international law firms (Taylor Wessing, PricewaterhouseCoopers Veltins, Simmons & Simmons), in Dusseldorf, Germany, while at the same time she was writing her doctoral thesis "The exercise of Moral Right in Copyright Law" (Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, 2005) with a scholarship from Onassis Foundation (2002-2005). Since 2005 she has been working as a counsellor at law at Hellenic Copyright Organization, gives speeches at copyright conferences and writes articles in journals and collective works regarding copyright matters. Lately, she participated in the Amendment Committee of Greek Copyright Law.

Paper: ACTA and Copyright in EU: a Love-Hate Relationship?

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Papadopoulou Maria-Daphne full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 558.46 KB

Updated:23-09-2011 18:39

Papakonstantinou Vangelis

Papakonstantinou Vangelis

Dr., Adj. Lecturer
University of Patras, Greece

Paper: Social Networking Websites: Privacy Concerns and Netiquette Solutions
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Vagelis Papakonstantinou is a partner in PKpartners Law Firm in Athens, Greece, as well as adjunct lecturer in the University of Patras, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics. He has received his Dr.Jur. from the University of Frankfurt and his LLM from the University of Strathclyde. He has extensive theoretical and practical experience in all fields of Information Technology Law and is the author of several books and articles with Greek and international publishers; he is also a regular speaker at national and international events, publishes regularly in the Greek press, has participated in several research projects at national and EU level and frequently consults the Greek government on related fields. Since March 2010 he is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Copyright Organisation.

Paper: Social Networking Websites: Privacy Concerns and Netiquette Solutions

Updated:01-12-2010 11:42

Pappa Paraskevi

Pappa Paraskevi

Ioannina Bar Association, Greece

Paper: Personal Data Protection in the era of cloud computing. New challenges for european regulators.
Authors: Kitsos Panayiotis, Pappa Paraskevi
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Pappa Paraskevi abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 6.27 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Pappa Paraskevi full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 197.6 KB
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She is a Lawyer registered in Ioannina Court of Appeal, member of the Ioannina Bar Association since 1999. She holds a law degree from Thessaloniki Law School (1999) and a graduate degree Magister Examen from Stockholm University (1999) specialized on European Commercial Law. She is a PhD candidate in The Law School of Thessaloniki, Department of Commercial Law and she is a Lecturer of European Law in the Department of Finance and Auditing at the Technological Institute of Epirus.

Paper: Personal Data Protection in the era of cloud computing. New challenges for european regulators.
Authors: Kitsos Panayiotis, Pappa Paraskevi

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Pappa Paraskevi abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 6.27 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Pappa Paraskevi full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:57 - Size: 197.6 KB

Updated:20-06-2011 23:17

Platsas Antonios E.

Platsas Antonios E.

Lecturer, Comparative Law
University of Derby, United Kingdom

Paper: The Idea of Legal Convergence and Electronic Law
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Platsas Antonios E. abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 54.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Platsas Antonios E. presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 1.12 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Platsas Antonios E. full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 251.91 KB
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Dr. Antonios E. Platsas (LLB, LLM, PhD, PGCert, FHEA, Advocate) is Lecturer in Comparative Law and Member of the Governing Council of the University of Derby. He holds a PhD (2007) from Trinity College/ University of Dublin on Law Convergence Methodology and prior to that he attained an LLM (2002) in International Business Law from the University of London and an LLB (2001) in European Law from Coventry University and the University of Potsdam. From 2003 to 2004 he was Tutor of Comparative Law at the leading academic institution in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin. From 2008 to date, he lectures law in various areas of the discipline at the University of Derby. Antonios is a qualified Advocate in Greece, whilst he is active in legal research. He is a member of various professional and academic bodies including the British Society of Legal Scholars and the British Higher Education Academy where he is a Fellow. He is author of a number of academic papers and he has presented in various academic fora around the world.

Paper: The Idea of Legal Convergence and Electronic Law

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Platsas Antonios E. abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 54.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Platsas Antonios E. presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 1.12 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Platsas Antonios E. full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 251.91 KB

Updated:02-01-2012 11:20

Rau Marco

Rau Marco

Legal Counsel / Regulatory Counsel
Telefónica o2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Germany

Paper: Digital Confidence – Is Europe’s Information Society ready for a shift from ICT company driven data protection to user driven data management?
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Rau Marco abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 8.26 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Rau Marco full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 137.46 KB
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Dr. Marco Rau, born 1977 in Berlin/Germany, Law Studies at Mainz University and Université Paris XII (Maîtrise en droit européen, 2001); almunus German-French Studies Mainz University, internship at WTO Headquarters Geneva/Permanent Mission of Germany Geneva/Switzerland 2002; Master in comparative law - master thesis in cybercrime law (Mag. iur., Université Paris XII/Universität Mainz, 2004).

Legal clerkship inter alia at German University of Administrative Science Speyer, Germany, Baur & Klein P.A. Miami (USA) as well as with the Permanent Mission of Germany to the EU, Brussels.

PhD in Law at Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Dr. iur.) 2006-2009, thesis on the international protection of domain names and trademarks on the internet. 2006-2010 Lawyer in ICT Law and Media Law in Frankfurt am Main; since 2010 Legal Counsel / Regulatory Counsel at Telefónica o2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG with a focus on ICT / IP Law. Member of DGRI (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik), Association des juristes francoallemands (DFJ), German American Lawyers’ Association (GALA), INTA (International Trademark Association).

Paper: Digital Confidence – Is Europe’s Information Society ready for a shift from ICT company driven data protection to user driven data management?

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Rau Marco abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 8.26 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Rau Marco full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 137.46 KB

Updated:05-05-2011 10:41

Rethimiotaki Helen

Rethimiotaki Helen

University of Athens, Greece

Paper: European Public Space and digital Political Communication : Facebook as a medium of political participation
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Rethimiotaki Helen abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 19.72 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Rethimiotaki Helen presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 250 KB
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Dr. Helen Rethimiotaki, born in Athens-Greece (1964) is a Lecturer at the Department of Law of the University of Athens, teaching Sociology of Law and Sociology since the year 2005. She is a graduated of the same Faculty and holds a PhD in Sociology of Law (Faculté Droit-Economie-Sciences sociales - Université Panthéon~Assas~Paris II). She is a lawyer, a member of the Athens Bar Association since 1990. She has worked as legal consultant of a bank’s commercial credit insurance company (1997-2005). She also was a Special Teaching Fellow at the Law Department of University of Athens (2001-2005). She is an author of five books or chapters in books and of various publications. Her research interests focus on political sociology of Law, i.e. professional deontology (doctor-patient relationship), bioethics and informatics as examples of social autoregulation combined with law or European legal integration and “postmodern” legal pluralism. Her research interests also include gender analysis and private power relationships focused on family law.

Paper: European Public Space and digital Political Communication : Facebook as a medium of political participation

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Rethimiotaki Helen abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 19.72 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Rethimiotaki Helen presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 250 KB

Updated:18-05-2011 14:05

Samartzi Vasiliki G.

Samartzi Vasiliki G.

Attorney-at-Law, PhD student
Queen Mary College - University of London, United Kingdom

Paper: On Uploading and Downloading copyrighted works: The potential legality of the users’ Interest in engaging in such acts - The case of the EU and the US paradigm
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Samartzi Vasiliki G. abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 39.14 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Samartzi Vasiliki G. presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 1.42 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Samartzi Vasiliki G. full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 274.06 KB
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Vasiliki G. Samartzi is an attorney-at-law registered at the Athens Bar Association since 2006. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens at 2003. She received an LL.M in Commercial Law from the University of Bristol and an LL.M in Computer and Communications Law from the University College London (UCL). She is a Ph.D candidate in Information Technology Law at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London.

Paper: On Uploading and Downloading copyrighted works: The potential legality of the users’ Interest in engaging in such acts - The case of the EU and the US paradigm

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Samartzi Vasiliki G. abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 39.14 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Samartzi Vasiliki G. presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 1.42 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Samartzi Vasiliki G. full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 274.06 KB

Updated:18-05-2011 23:41

no image

Sarigiannidis Miltiadis

Lecturer, Faculty of Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: HADOPI 1 & 2: Analysis and Evaluation
Authors: Metaxa Eleni, Sarigiannidis Miltiadis, Folinas Dimitris
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Sarigiannidis Miltiadis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 65.95 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Sarigiannidis Miltiadis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 303.35 KB

Sartor Giovanni

Sartor Giovanni

Professor of Legal informatics and Legal Theory
European University Institute, Italy

Paper: The liability of Internet Service Providers (ISP) for violations of data protection laws in the era of Web 2.0
Authors: Viola de Azevedo Cunha Mario, Marin Luisa, Sartor Giovanni
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Sartor Giovanni abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 9.58 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Sartor Giovanni full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 116.4 KB
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Giovanni Sartor is Marie-Curie professor of Legal informatics and Legal Theory at the European University Institute of Florence and professor of Computer and Law at the University of Bologna (on leave), after obtaining a PhD at the European University Institute (Florence), working at the Court of Justice of the European Union (Luxembourg), being a researcher at the Italian National Council of Research (ITTIG, Florence), and holding the chair in Jurisprudence at Queen’s University of Belfast (where he now is honorary professor). He has published widely in legal philosophy/theory, legal informatics (artificial intelligence and law), computational logic, legislation technique, and computer law.

Paper: The liability of Internet Service Providers (ISP) for violations of data protection laws in the era of Web 2.0
Authors: Viola de Azevedo Cunha Mario, Marin Luisa, Sartor Giovanni

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Sartor Giovanni abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 9.58 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Sartor Giovanni full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 116.4 KB

Updated:21-04-2011 12:49

Sinanidou Maria

Sinanidou Maria

Attorney at Law and Legal Counselor
Hellenic Copyright Organization, Greece

Paper: YouTube, YouRisk, YouProtect - Copyright Issues
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Maria G. Sinanidou, Int. IP LLM is an Attorney at Law and Legal Counselor at the Hellenic Copyright Organization. She holds a Law Degree from Germany (University of Bielefeld), where she has later also practiced as a legal counselor in the field of copyright, and a Master’s Degree in International Intellectual Property Law from the University of Exeter (UK) and the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). Her master’s thesis „Das Droit de Suite der Künstler - Auswirkungen der Folgerechtsrichtlinie und ihrer Umsetzung auf die Praxis des Kunstmarktes“, has been published from the VDM Verlag (Saarbrücken 2008. Furthermore, she has published articles in journals and collective works and participates in many conferences giving speeches about various copyright issues. She is a Member of the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (E.K.D.D.A.) and has participated (2007-2008) in the Committee for the Amendment of the Greek Copyright Law 2121/1993.

Paper: YouTube, YouRisk, YouProtect - Copyright Issues

Updated:28-11-2010 23:22

Smyrnaki Evgenia

Smyrnaki Evgenia

Attorney-at-Law, LLM in Computers and Communications Law
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Paper: Blogging : From Online Diaries to Online “Unmonitored” Media (?)
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Smyrnaki Evgenia abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 11.28 KB
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Smyrnaki Evgenia is an attorney at law registered at the Heraklion Bar Association since 2008. She holds an LLB from the University of Athens (2001-2005) and a Master’s degree in Bioethics (University of Crete). She is currently an LLM student at Queen Mary University of London (LLM in Computers and Communications Law). She has participated with oral presentations in the 9th World Congress of Bioethics 2008 (paper title : “Criminal DNA Databases”) and in the 18th World Congress on Medical Law 2010 (paper title: “Wrongful life : Medical Responsibility”).

Paper: Blogging : From Online Diaries to Online “Unmonitored” Media (?)

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Smyrnaki Evgenia abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 11.28 KB

Updated:28-02-2011 16:38

Spyropoulos Christos

Spyropoulos Christos

Attorney at Law, LL.M
University of Essex, United Kingdom

Paper: Victimization of Children by Cyber-Bullies and Online Groomers: Minor Netizens Facing the Web’s Reality
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Spyropoulos Christos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 60.01 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Spyropoulos Christos presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 178.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Spyropoulos Christos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 347.05 KB
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Christos Spyropoulos (born in Athens, 1978) is an Attorney at Law (Athens Bar Association, 2002). He holds a LLM in Information Technology, Media & e-commerce law from the University of Essex (“Distinction”). He specializes in civil and commercial law and in special aspects such as telecoms and cybercrime law.

Paper: Victimization of Children by Cyber-Bullies and Online Groomers: Minor Netizens Facing the Web’s Reality

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Spyropoulos Christos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 60.01 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Spyropoulos Christos presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 178.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Spyropoulos Christos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 347.05 KB

Updated:23-05-2011 11:53

Stamatellos Giannis

Stamatellos Giannis

Centre for Neoplatonic Virtue Ethics - Department of Media, Cognition and Communication
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Paper: Self-Determination and Information Privacy: a Plotinian Virtue Ethics Approach
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stamatellos Giannis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 9.61 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Stamatellos Giannis presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 6.69 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stamatellos Giannis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 107.28 KB
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Giannis Stamatellos is a post doc researcher at the Center for Neoplatonic Virtue Ethics (University of Copenhagen), working on virtue ethics in Plotinus and Giordano Bruno. He obtained his Master of Arts (2001) and PhD (2005) from the University of Wales, Lampeter. He is the author of the books Computer Ethics: A Global Perspective (Jones and Bartlett, 2007) and Plotinus and the Presocratics (SUNY, 2007).

Paper: Self-Determination and Information Privacy: a Plotinian Virtue Ethics Approach

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stamatellos Giannis abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 9.61 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Stamatellos Giannis presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 6.69 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stamatellos Giannis full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 107.28 KB

Updated:17-05-2011 16:59

Stamatoudi Irini

Stamatoudi Irini

General Director
Hellenic Copyright Organization, Greece

Paper: Towards an Updated EU Enforcement Directive? Selected topics and problems.
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stamatoudi Irini full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 167.93 KB
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Irini Stamatoudi is the General Director of the Greek National Copyright Organization. She is teaching on the WIPO - ILO - University of Turin Masters in Intellectual Property, on the WIPO Academy specialisation courses on copyright and e-commerce and she was a lecturer in Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leicester in England. She holds degrees from the University of Athens in Greece (Ptyhio Nomikis) and from the University of Leicester (LL.M and Ph.D). She has published six books (I. Stamatoudi and P. Torremans (eds), Copyright in the New Digital Environment: The Need to Redesign Copyright, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2000; I. Stamatoudi, Multimedia products as copyright works, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002; I. Stamatoudi, Community Competition Law and Intellectual Property, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2006 (in Greek); I. Stamatoudi, Copyright Law. National Laws, Community Laws and International Conventions, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2007 (in Greek); L. Kotsiris - I. Stamatoudi, Commentary to the Greek Copyright Act, P. N. Sakkoulas, 2009 (in Greek); I. Stamatoudi (ed.), Journalists and Mass Media Publishers. Copyright Law Issues, P. N. Sakkoulas, 2009 (in Greek)) and numerous articles in law journals in Greece, UK, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the US, Poland and Turkey.

Paper: Towards an Updated EU Enforcement Directive? Selected topics and problems.

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stamatoudi Irini full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:50 - Size: 167.93 KB

Updated:06-06-2011 16:13

Stefaneas Petros

Stefaneas Petros

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Paper: Beyond the Boundaries of Open, Closed and Pirate Archives: Lessons from a Hybrid Approach
Authors: Tsiavos Prodromos, Stefaneas Petros
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stefaneas Petros abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 60.09 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stefaneas Petros full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 781.08 KB

Stiakakis Emmanouil

Stiakakis Emmanouil

Lecturer, Digital Economics at the Department of Applied Informatics
University of Macedonia, Greece

Paper: Evaluating the Quality of e-Democracy Processes: An Empirical Study in the Greek Context
Authors: Stiakakis Emmanouil, Togaridou Konstantina
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stiakakis Emmanouil abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 10.55 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stiakakis Emmanouil full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 325.32 KB
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Emmanouil Stiakakis is a lecturer in Digital Economics at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece, Thessaloniki. He holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, an MSc in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Cranfield University, UK, and a PhD in Applied Informatics from the University of Macedonia. In the past, he worked as a tutor in an affiliated organization of a British University and instructor in many seminars. His research interests include the measurement of productivity in the digital economy, the digital divide, e-government, and the implications of Information and Communication Technologies on the environment. His research has been published in international journals and conference proceedings. He is a member of the Hellenic Society of Operational Research and the Technical Chamber of Greece.

Paper: Evaluating the Quality of e-Democracy Processes: An Empirical Study in the Greek Context
Authors: Stiakakis Emmanouil, Togaridou Konstantina

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stiakakis Emmanouil abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 10.55 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Stiakakis Emmanouil full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 325.32 KB

Updated:21-04-2011 13:18

Strakantouna Vassiliki

Strakantouna Vassiliki

MSc, Head Librarian, Civil Law Library
University of Athens, Greece

Paper: Libraries and the Role of Copyright Exceptions and Limitations in the Contemporary Academic Environment
Authors: Fragkou Anna, Strakantouna Vassiliki
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Strakantouna Vassiliki abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 54.95 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Strakantouna Vassiliki full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 222.8 KB
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She is a librarian at the Civil Law library of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a degree on Psychology from the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy & Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and a degree on Librarianship from the Department of Librarianship of the Technological Education Institute of Athens, where now she is a lecturer. She also has a graduate degree Master of Information Science from the Ionian University, Department of Archives & Library Science and a degree on drama of the School of Drama 'Eugene Hatzikou'. She is an active participant in Pan-Hellenic fora upon issues of Libraries & Information Society.

Paper: Libraries and the Role of Copyright Exceptions and Limitations in the Contemporary Academic Environment
Authors: Fragkou Anna, Strakantouna Vassiliki

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Strakantouna Vassiliki abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:52 - Size: 54.95 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Strakantouna Vassiliki full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 222.8 KB

Updated:04-05-2011 17:26

Sujitha Subramanian

Sujitha Subramanian

Lecturer at the Department of Law & Criminology
Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom

Paper: The new Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
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I have been lecturing in the Department of Law & Criminology, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK since 2008. Previously I have been a visiting lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge; tutored at Norwich Law School, University of East Anglia, UK and also taught under the Access to the Legal Education Program run by the local government body – the Norfolk County Council, UK. I have taught at Wroclaw University, Poland under the Erasmus Teaching Exchange program funded by the British Council.

I passed my undergraduate degree in law and was enrolled to work as Advocate in India in 2000. After a brief stint as in-house legal personnel in a multi-national consumer electronics firm, I completed my LLM in Trade and Finance Law at Aberdeen University, UK. Thereafter, I completed my PhD in the area of Intellectual Property Law from University of East Anglia, Norwich. My PhD was funded jointly by University of East Anglia PhD Studentship and by Norwich Law School. Logistical support was granted by the ESRC Centre for Competition Policy, Norwich. My research interests include the interaction between intellectual property law and competition policy, trade policy and innovation policy. I am also interested in public procurements; and the interaction between political science and trade law.

I have published in various peer-reviewed journals including International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law; European Intellectual Property Review; Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice and European Journal of International Law. I have presented my research work at various international conferences held in UK, France, Spain, Netherlands, Indonesia and Germany.

Paper: The new Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)

Updated:24-11-2010 22:48

Synodinou Tatiana

Synodinou Tatiana

Assistant Professor, Nicosia Law School
University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Paper: The Principle of Technological Neutrality in Copyright Law: Myth or Reality
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Tatiana-Eleni Synodinou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Law of University of Cyprus. She graduated from the Law Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and earned a Master in Media Law from the University Aix-Marseille III in France. She earned a PhD in copyright law from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and conducted postdoctoral studies in copyright law.
She has published three books and various articles, chapters in books and essays in the field of copyright law, computer law and media law and company law.

Paper: The Principle of Technological Neutrality in Copyright Law: Myth or Reality

Updated:07-02-2011 18:41

Tao Qian

Tao Qian

PhD student
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy

Paper: Liability Exemption of Web 2.0 Platforms for User's Infringements - comparison of rules in the US, the EU and China
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tao Qian abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 54.86 KB
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Qian Tao, born in China(1983), is a third year PhD student at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa in Italy. Her research interests lie broadly in the field of intellectual property law,information law and media law. Currently, she is focusing on comparison of the liablity of social media platforms in China, the EU and the US. She received her bachelor degree in law and master degree in civil & commercial law at China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing. She has joined several research projects, including the EU-China European Studies Centre's Program which supported her to visit Münster University in 2007. She has also stayed in the Information Law Institute at University of Amsterdam for a short-term visit in 2010. Besides, she has presented her papers in several international conferences.

Paper: Liability Exemption of Web 2.0 Platforms for User's Infringements - comparison of rules in the US, the EU and China

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tao Qian abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 54.86 KB

Updated:22-04-2011 18:29

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Tarawneh Jasem

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Paper: The Protection of Famous Trade Marks and its Impact on the Freedom of Speech
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tarawneh Jasem abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 20.26 KB

Tassis Spiros

Tassis Spiros

Athens Bar Association, Greece

Paper: Regulation and Self regulation in Online Activity – Blogs and Electronic Social Media
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tassis Spiros abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 42.36 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tassis Spiros presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 330.56 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tassis Spiros full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 689.93 KB
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Spiros Tassis is an independent legal consultant specialized in IT and Telecommunications Law since 1999. He holds an LLB (Law School of Athens) and an LLM (IT and Telecommunications, Law School, Strathclyde University, Glasgow). In 2000 he joined a mid-sized law firm in Athens, as a senior associate, advising local and international clients mainly for the Greek telecommunications market and regulatory framework (he also advised a participant to the auctioning procedures for the FWA licenses) and also for corporate, commercial and competition issues. In 2002 he joined Vodafone Greece where he gained a great experience on market legal analysis and regulation. Since 2007 he is advising several foreign and domestic companies among which it is the company "Cosmoline SA" which was granted the last FWA license in Greece for deploying a nation-wide WiMAX network and foreign funds considering having business in the communications sector in Greece.

He is, since 2005, editor of the "Review of Media and Telecommunications Law", the biggest nation-wide law review related to IT, Media and Electronic Communications and currently he is preparing a book about the Greek telecommunications legislation and recently advised the Ministry of Communications in relation to the establishment of an FTTH network in Greece and has co-drafted the law for the "Deployment of a Fiber-Optics Network in Greece", that is currently on public consultation.

Paper: Regulation and Self regulation in Online Activity – Blogs and Electronic Social Media

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tassis Spiros abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 42.36 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tassis Spiros presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 330.56 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tassis Spiros full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 689.93 KB

Updated:08-06-2011 23:14

Togaridou Konstantina

Togaridou Konstantina

University of Macedonia, Greece

Paper: Evaluating the Quality of e-Democracy Processes: An Empirical Study in the Greek Context
Authors: Stiakakis Emmanouil, Togaridou Konstantina
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Togaridou Konstantina abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 10.55 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Togaridou Konstantina full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 325.32 KB

Trokanas Theodore

Trokanas Theodore

PhD, Attorney-at-Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: Legal Challenges in the e-Health Area
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Theodoros D. Trokanas was born in Thessaloniki in 1978. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2000. He holds a Master’s degree on «Human Rights and Protection of the Humanity» in a private law specialty from the University of Burgundy in France. His Phd dissertation was approved by the Civil Law Sector of the Faculty of Law at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has a particular interest in the area of bioethics and biolaw, majoring in the implications of assisted human reproduction on family law. He has been a lawyer and a member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki since 2002. He has an excellent command of English, French as well as a good command of German and Spanish.

Paper: Legal Challenges in the e-Health Area

Updated:17-12-2010 23:13

Tsaoussi Aspasia

Tsaoussi Aspasia

LL.M., Ph.D. (University of Chicago), Lecturer in Sociology of Law , Faculty of Law/School of Legal, Economic & Political Sciences
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Paper: The Impact of Online Social Networking: Facebook and the Public/Private Dichotomy
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsaoussi Aspasia abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 10.56 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsaoussi Aspasia full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 220.71 KB
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Aspasia Tsaoussi is a Lecturer in Sociology of Law at the Faculty of Law of the School of Law, Economic and Political Sciences at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has taught “Law and Economic Institutions” and “Legal Negotiations” as a visiting professor at ALBA Graduate Business School (2001-2010). She has also taught “Gender Sociology” at the University of Athens and “Economic Sociology” at the Athens University of Economics and Business. She graduated from the Law Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1990 and three years later, obtained her Master’s Degree (with highest honors) from the same Law Faculty, majoring in Sociology of Law. She continued her graduate studies at the University of Chicago Law School, studying law & economics and legal sociology. She received her Master of Laws (LL.M.) Degree (cum laude) in 1995, and her doctorate in August of 2000, under the supervision of Prof. Gary S. Becker (Nobel Prize in Economics 1992) and Judge Richard A. Posner (Chief Judge, U.S. 7th Court of Appeals and the founding father of economic analysis of law). Her research interests focus on sociology of law, law & economics, negotiation & dispute resolution, and economic sociology. She has published widely and has presented her work in many conferences both in Greece and abroad. She is an active member of several international scientific associations, the National Reporter for Greece of the International Association of Feminist Economics and the local coordinator of the European Network on Gender Equality in Higher Education. She has collaborated with the Greek Ministry of Education, as Scientific Advisor in the Institute of Continuing Education and as editor of textbooks in the field of culture and human capital. In the past three years she has been actively involved with the Hellenic Mediation and Arbitration Center as a founding member and as an accredited mediator (CiArb). She is an attorney, a member of the Thessaloniki Bar Association since 1992 and of the American Bar Association since 1994.

Paper: The Impact of Online Social Networking: Facebook and the Public/Private Dichotomy

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsaoussi Aspasia abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 10.56 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsaoussi Aspasia full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 220.71 KB

Updated:02-05-2011 13:19

Tsiavos Prodromos

Tsiavos Prodromos

Research Officer
London School of Economics, United Kingdom

Paper: Beyond the Boundaries of Open, Closed and Pirate Archives: Lessons from a Hybrid Approach
Authors: Tsiavos Prodromos, Stefaneas Petros
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsiavos Prodromos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 60.09 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsiavos Prodromos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 781.08 KB

Tsiftsoglou Anna

Tsiftsoglou Anna

PhD Candidate, Public Law
University of Athens, Greece

Paper: Transposing the Data Retention Directive in Greece: Lessons from Karlsruhe
Authors: Tsiftsoglou Anna, Flogaitis Spyridon
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsiftsoglou Anna abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 11.43 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Tsiftsoglou Anna presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 557 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsiftsoglou Anna full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 173.22 KB
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Anna Tsiftsoglou is a PhD Candidate in Public Law at the University of Athens, Greece. Her research interests include security & human rights from a comparative perspective. She studied Law at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece (LL.B) and under a University of California scholarship at Berkeley Law School (LL.M.), where she served as an Associate Editor of Berkeley Technology Law Journal (BTLJ). She has worked for the European Commission in Brussels and as a lawyer in private practice in Greece. Currently, she is a contributor to the Greek legal periodical Administrative Law Review. Her research is funded from the ‘IRAKLITOS II’ grant for young scholars.

Paper: Transposing the Data Retention Directive in Greece: Lessons from Karlsruhe
Authors: Tsiftsoglou Anna, Flogaitis Spyridon

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsiftsoglou Anna abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 11.43 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Tsiftsoglou Anna presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 557 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsiftsoglou Anna full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:58 - Size: 173.22 KB

Updated:18-05-2011 23:35

Tsingos Thanos

Tsingos Thanos

Barrister, Greece

Paper: Enforceability of Free/Open Source Software Licensing Terms: A Critical Review of the Global Case - Law
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsingos Thanos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 58.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Tsingos Thanos presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 275.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsingos Thanos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 473.16 KB
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Thanos K. Tsingos is an attorney at law and a member of the Athens Bar Association since 2005. He Holds a Bachelor Degree in Law from the Faculty of Law, University of Thrace (Greece) and a Master of Laws (LLM) in Information Technology, Media and E – Commerce from the Faculty of Law, University of Essex (UK). He is a co-operator of the Centre of International and European Economic Law and a member of the relevant E-Business Forum Group dedicated to study the application of the Creative Commons and GPL&LGPL Licenses comparatively across the EU member States. Since 2007 he has been participating in many international and European conferences and workshops and has published several journal articles. He currently works in Greece as a legal adviser at four software development companies.

Paper: Enforceability of Free/Open Source Software Licensing Terms: A Critical Review of the Global Case - Law

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsingos Thanos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 58.33 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Tsingos Thanos presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 275.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tsingos Thanos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 473.16 KB

Updated:24-05-2011 00:10

Tzanou Maria

Tzanou Maria

PhD Researcher, Law Department
European University Institute, Italy

Paper: Law and ethics in the modern EU ‘surveillance society’: Are the data protection principles ‘dead’ in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice? The case-study of the information systems of VIS and EURODAC
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tzanou Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 10.77 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tzanou Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 100.35 KB
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Sept. 2008- current Doctoral Program (PhD) in Law - European University Institute (EUI)
Sept. 2010-Dec. 2010 Global Hauser Fellow: Visiting Doctoral Researcher- New York University School of Law
2008- 2009 Master in Comparative, European and International Laws (LL.M.)- European University Institute
2007- 2008 Greek- French Postgraduate Program (Master II) in ‘Specialized Public Law’, University of Athens-Université de Bordeaux IV
2006- 2007 LL.M in European Law- University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law, Darwin College
2002- 2006 Bachelor’s degree (‘ptyxio’), National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law

Admitted to Athens Bar Association. April 2009.
Legal Council of the State – Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece. Legal Traineeship August 2007- July 2008
Timagenis Law Firm, Piraeus, Greece. Intern July- August 2007.

Paper: Law and ethics in the modern EU ‘surveillance society’: Are the data protection principles ‘dead’ in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice? The case-study of the information systems of VIS and EURODAC

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tzanou Maria abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 10.77 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Tzanou Maria full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 100.35 KB

Updated:20-04-2011 15:39

Ude Akpeh Chinelo E.

Ude Akpeh Chinelo E.

Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), AWKA, Nigeria

Paper: Freedom of the Press in the Eyes of Nigerian Law
Authors: Ude Akpeh Chinelo E., Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ude Akpeh Chinelo E. abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 12.82 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ude Akpeh Chinelo E. full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 52.21 KB
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University of Nig. NSUKKA 1999-2008(M.A) Phonology
University of Nig. NSUKKA 1991-1993(BA(ED) Igbo/Lang
College of Educ. 1982-1985(N.C.E)
Abakpa Nike ENUGU 1977 – 1982 (WASC)
Central SCHL UMUOBA ANAM 1972 – 1977

2008 M.A
1993 BA. (ED)
1985 NCE
1982 W.A.S.C
1993 Best final year student in the Dept of Education, U.N.N.
1997 Certificate in Articulatory Speech Improvement and Presentation
2008 March Broadcast Programmes Production
2008 June Press Freedom and Responsibility
2008 January U.S. President’s Council on Service & Civic Participation President’s volunteer service Award.
2008 January Certificate of special congressional recognition for outstanding and invaluable service to humanity – Jan. 08 by U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Congress.

Work Experience
Niferian Television Authority (AWKA) May 2009 - DATE
Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) 1997 - 2009
Public Realtions Officer Wisdom Ent, 136 Oguta RD Onitsha 1993-1994
Community High SCH. OROMA – ETITI ANAM 1990-1991
Teacher, Model Comp. Sec. SCHL NKWELLE EZUNNAKA 1988-1990

Paper: Freedom of the Press in the Eyes of Nigerian Law
Authors: Ude Akpeh Chinelo E., Nwanolue Ifyinwa Maureen

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ude Akpeh Chinelo E. abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 12.82 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Ude Akpeh Chinelo E. full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:02 - Size: 52.21 KB

Updated:29-03-2011 12:18

Vantsiouri Petroula

Vantsiouri Petroula

LLM (Harvard), PhD candidate, Faculty of Law
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Paper: Inconsistencies in the Regulation of Anti-Circumvention in the EU
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Vantsiouri Petroula abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 11.77 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Vantsiouri Petroula presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 1.28 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Vantsiouri Petroula full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 152.98 KB
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Petroula Vantsiouri is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Cambridge and her research explores topics in intellectual property law. She holds an LL.M. from Harvard Law School, a Postgraduate Specialization Diploma from the University of Thessalonki, and a law degree from the University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She has worked as a practicing lawyer, a trainee for the Office of Harmonization in the Internal Market and as a research assistant, and she is a member of the New York State Bar Association as well as of Thessaloniki Bar Association.

Paper: Inconsistencies in the Regulation of Anti-Circumvention in the EU

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Vantsiouri Petroula abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 11.77 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Vantsiouri Petroula presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 17:00 - Size: 1.28 MB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Vantsiouri Petroula full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 152.98 KB

Updated:15-06-2011 11:34

Viola-de-Azevedo-Cunha Mario

Viola-de-Azevedo-Cunha Mario

PhD Candidate, Law Department
European University Institute, Italy

Paper: The liability of Internet Service Providers (ISP) for violations of data protection laws in the era of Web 2.0
Authors: Viola de Azevedo Cunha Mario, Marin Luisa, Sartor Giovanni
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Viola-de-Azevedo-Cunha Mario abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 9.58 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Viola-de-Azevedo-Cunha Mario full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 116.4 KB
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Mario Viola is a PhD Candidate at the Law Department of the European University Institute, from where he holds a Master of Research in EU, International and Comparative Law. He also holds an L.L.M. in Private Law from Rio de Janeiro State University (Brazil). He is a public attorney (on leave) of the Municipality of Saquarema (Brazil). He has published many articles, book chapters and also a book and an edited book, dealing with IT Law, Data Protection Law, e-Commerce, Internet Service Providers Liability and EU-Mercosur integration studies.

Paper: The liability of Internet Service Providers (ISP) for violations of data protection laws in the era of Web 2.0
Authors: Viola de Azevedo Cunha Mario, Marin Luisa, Sartor Giovanni

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Viola-de-Azevedo-Cunha Mario abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 9.58 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Viola-de-Azevedo-Cunha Mario full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:56 - Size: 116.4 KB

Updated:20-04-2011 16:17

Volanis Nikos

Volanis Nikos

IT/IP Lawyer, Associate
Ballas, Pelecanos & Associates, Greece

Paper: “All That Is Solid Melts Into Air”: The History Of Copyright As A Form Of Industrial Regulation And Its Disorientation In The Age Of Information
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Volanis Nikos abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 102.18 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Volanis Nikos full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 271.07 KB

Weber Karsten

Weber Karsten

Representative of the
International Institute for Information Ethics, Germany

Paper: Mobile Devices, Virtual Presence and Surveillance: New Challenges for Privacy and Data Protection
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Weber Karsten abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 97.67 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Weber Karsten full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 316.83 KB
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University study and vocational training:
Winter term 1986/87: Begin of university study of Informatics at University of Karlsruhe, Germany
12/01/1987 – 12/31/1988: Student assistant at Research Center for Information Technology (FZI), University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Winter term 1988/89: Withdrawal from university registers without a degree.
1989 – 1991: Vocational training, management and computer technology trainee
02/06/1991: End of vocational training
01/02/1991 – 03/31/1995: Occupation as software engineer and as system administrator
Winter term 1993/94: Begin of university study of Philosophy, Informatics, and Sociology at University of Karlsruhe, Germany
01/01/1995 – 09/30/1999: Student assistant at Institute of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
01/01/1995 – 09/30/1999: Freelancer at Siemens AG, Karlsruhe, Germany: author of technical documentation, online help files, and WWW pages
03/25/1996: End of study with degree “Magister Artium”
04/01/1996 – 12/31/1997: Occupation in research project “Violence in the media”, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
01/01/1998 – 10/30/1999: Scientific staff, Deutsch-Russisches Kolleg, University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
02/22/1999: Ph. D. in Philosophy, title of thesis “Simulation and explanation”.
1999-2008: Scientific staff, Chair of Philosophy, European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).
12/15/2003: Postdoctoral teaching qualification (habilitation) in Philosophy.
04/20/2004: Inaugural Lecture “What is the mind? Ideas of Philosophy of Mind and their popular presentation in recent movie pictures”, receiving venia legendi or Philosophy.
2004 – 2007: Head of project „Mobile Internet Services and Privacy“, funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
2005 – 2008: Member of Young Scientists Network of Center of Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at University of Bielefeld.
Since 2006: Professor for Philosophy at University Opole, Poland.
Since 2007: Adjunct Professor for Culture and Technology, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus, Germany
2008/2009: Visiting Professor for Information Ethics and Data Protection, Technical University Berlin, Germany
2009/2010: Visiting Professor for Computers and Society, Technical University Berlin, Germany
2010/2011: Visiting Professor for Computers and Society, Technical University Berlin, Germany

See Νέο παράθυρο
See http Νέο παράθυρο

Paper: Mobile Devices, Virtual Presence and Surveillance: New Challenges for Privacy and Data Protection

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Weber Karsten abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 97.67 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Weber Karsten full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:55 - Size: 316.83 KB

Updated:01-06-2011 10:58

Wester Misse

Wester Misse

Phd, Department of Philosophy and the History of Technology
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Paper: From Theory to Practice: Autonomy, Privacy and the Ethical Assessment of ICT
Authors: Bülow William, Wester Misse
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Wester Misse full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 138.26 KB
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Misse Wester has a PhD in psychology and is currently working as a researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Her research interests lies in differences in risk perception between actors such as experts and lay people, and how these differences affect risk and crisis communication.

Paper: From Theory to Practice: Autonomy, Privacy and the Ethical Assessment of ICT
Authors: Bülow William, Wester Misse

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Wester Misse full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:59 - Size: 138.26 KB

Updated:22-04-2011 20:24

Williams John Robert

Williams John Robert

Professor, Department of Law and Criminology
Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom

Paper: Minding the Gap: the Digital Divide and Older People
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Williams John Robert presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 1.9 MB
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Professor of Law, LLB Wales, LLB Cantab, Barrister-at-Law

Teaching Areas include: Medicine Ethics and Law, Welfare Law, Family and Child Law, Psychology & Crime, Applied Research Skills in Law and Social Sciences.

My research interests concentrate on the impact of the law on older people. People are living longer and in some cases enjoying a better quality of life for longer. However, the fact that we are living longer is very often portrayed as 'a problem' and we constantly hear reference to the 'demographic time bomb'. This is regrettable as we should be celebrating the fact that we live longer.

Ageism is a deeply regrettable feature of modern living. As with any other form of discrimination, it is demeaning and abusive. Ageism is prevalent in the public and private sectors; older people are discriminated against in the provision of services. People who are not 'old' (whatever that may mean) fear the ageing process and see older people as an image of what they may be like in years to come, without recognizing the pleasure of living longer and the important contribution that older people make to the economic, social and cultural life of society.

A particularly disturbing example of ageism is the fact that significant numbers of older people are subjected to some form of abuse. A recent study funded by Comic Relief found that prevalence of elder abuse in Wales is 6%, Scotland 4.3%, and Northern Ireland 3%. These figures underestimate the true level abuse as they do not include older people in institutional settings or those with dementia. A key part of my research is the argument that we should introduce a public law designed specifically to enable intervention in the cases of serious abuse. Such a law is fraught with difficulties, but these can be overcome as illustrated by the Scottish and American experiences.

Recently I have been working on the rights of older prisoners. Although relatively small in number, the over sixties are the fasting growing sector of the prison population. To what extent does the prison system recognize the rights of older people to health care and social care? Are prisons and prison regimes aware of special needs that some older prisoners may have? To what extent are the human rights of older prisoners being violated by the belief that there is some kind of iron curtain between human rights and the prison system?

An area of recent interest is the link between the design of care homes and human rights. This is based on a joint paper delivered at the British Psychological Society in 2010. To what extent does the design of care home violate rights to liberty, dignity and family life.

Although a legal approach to these and other issues relating to older people is not the solution, law does have a role to play in improving the lives of older people and eradicating ageism and promoting social exclusion. My research explores some of the areas where law can work for the rights of older people.

Paper: Minding the Gap: the Digital Divide and Older People

Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Williams John Robert presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:54 - Size: 1.9 MB

Updated:25-05-2011 15:43

Yadin Aharon

Yadin Aharon

Senior Lecturer at the Management Information Systems, Economics and Management, and Sociology Departments
The Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Israel

Paper: Information Technology, Millennials and Privacy, Can They Blend or will They Collide
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Yadin Aharon abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 9.56 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Yadin Aharon presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 544.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Yadin Aharon full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 73.37 KB
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Aharon Yadin is a Senior Lecturer at the Management Information Systems, Economics and Management, and Sociology Departments, the Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel (Israel). Aharon's primary teaching areas are Computer Programming and Architectures, Business, Management and Marketing Information Systems, Project Management and Ethics. Prior to entering the academic world, Aharon worked in the high tech industry. He has over 30 years of Information Technology experience including: management, system performance analysis and enhancement, computer center and Information Systems management, communication technologies, wireless networks and document management. Aharon is involved with research, development, consulting and lecturing on innovative and new computing technologies.

Aharon has published and presented papers at many conferences, he is the author of 11 textbooks and consults various organization as well as the European Commission on software related projects and technologies (research, development and marketing).

Paper: Information Technology, Millennials and Privacy, Can They Blend or will They Collide

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Yadin Aharon abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 9.56 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PowerPoint presentation Yadin Aharon presentation
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 544.5 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Yadin Aharon full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 73.37 KB

Updated:12-05-2011 18:04

Yannopoulos George

Yannopoulos George

University of Athens, Greece

Paper: Technology Beats the Law?
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Yannopoulos George abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 14.29 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Yannopoulos George full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 225.87 KB
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Georgios Yannopoulos (born Athens, 1964) is a Lecturer at the Department of Law of the University of Athens, teaching Legal Informatics. He is a graduate of the same Faculty (1988) and holds interdisciplinary qualifications in Computer Programming (1986) and Systems Analysis (1987). He has accomplished a PhD (1996, Greek State Scholarship) and has conducted post-doctoral research (1997), at Queen Mary College, University of London. In 1996-97 he was a Senior Research Fellow at the University of London and in 1998 a Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster. From 1999 to 2004 he was a Special Teaching Fellow at the University of Athens. He is the author of two books and various publications relating to substantive IT Law and Computer Applications in Law. His research interests include Internet Law and Regulation, the Liability of Intermediaries, Access to Legal Information, Legal Databases and Legal Expert Systems. He is a Lawyer (admitted 1990, Athens Bar Association), currently counselling a bank and has worked in telecommunications (OTE SA) and the Organising Committee of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

Paper: Technology Beats the Law?

Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Yannopoulos George abstract
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 14.29 KB
Attachment language: English File type: PDF document Yannopoulos George full_text
Updated: 19-10-2016 16:53 - Size: 225.87 KB

Updated:15-07-2011 17:59