Special Session
ICIL 2014 is hostinga separate session on 'Health Law and Information', chaired by
Professor David Frenkel

PhiloWeb 2014
Web and Philosophy:
Ethics, Logic and Law
PhiloWeb GR 2014, http://icil.gr/2014/philoweb
· Submission Deadline Extension:
· Acceptance notification:
Co-located with the 6th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics (ICIL 2014)
Thessaloniki, May 31, 2014
PhiloWeb 2014 GR is supported by the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the National Technical University of Athens, www.semfe.ntua.gr
Download PhiloWeb 2014 Call for Papers [.v2]
Download PhiloWeb 2014 Program [.v1]
The advent of the Web is one of the defining technological events of the twentieth-first century, yet its impact on the fundamental questions of philosophy has not yet been widely explored, much less systematized. The Web, as today implemented on the foundations of the Internet, is broadly construed as an information space, the space of all items of interest (“resources”) identified by URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers, such as “http://www.example.org”). Originally conceived as an hypertext system of linked documents, today the Web is rapidly evolving as a universal platform for data and computation, as URIs are used to identify everything from data on the Semantic Web and mobile code in Web applications. Even more swiftly is the Web-driven transformation of many previously unquestioned philosophical concepts of privacy, authority, meaning, identity, belief, intelligence, cognition, and even embodiment in surprising ways. In response, we hope to provoke the properly philosophical question of whether there is a consistent new branch or practice of philosophy that can weave these changes to technology and society into a coherent whole and have a real social impact? We welcome all submissions of a philosophical nature involving the Web.
Some questions that may be addressed include:
- Is the existence of the philosophy of the Web justified?
- What is the precise relationship between a more general philosophy and the Web?
- What are the historical and philosophical roots of the philosophy of the Web?
- Is “philosophical engineering” a genuine philosophical practice?
- Are philosophers trading places with engineers or craftsmen?
- Do philosophers of the Web have a special responsibility?
- Are there unifying principles underlying the architecture of the Web?
- How are URIs related to the naming and reference in the philosophy of language?
- Is the Web understood as a means to signify tied to freedom of speech?
- What is the impact on models built from massive amounts of Web data on philosophy?
- What is the impact of search engines like Google on questions of knowledge and belief?
- Does the increasing mediation of our social interactions by the Web challenge our existing conceptions of privacy and individuality?
- Can human cognition genuinely be extended by the Web?
- How does the philosophy of the Web interact with other empirically-informed philosophical questions around neuroscience and cognitive science?
- Does the communication and ubiquity accessibility of the Web alter our notion of embodiment?
- Is the Web an ethically relevant space? If yes, which are the main issues?
PhiloWeb series of Workshops was initiated by Alexandre Monnin and Harry Halpin (http://web-and-philosophy.org/) and the main aim is to bring together Web scientists and Philosophers and welcomes all submissions of a philosophical nature involving the Web. For more information on the History of the PhiloWeb Workshops please visit http://web-and-philosophy.org/
Submission Instructions
Submissions should be in the form of extended abstracts. Maximum number of pages is 2. Abstracts must be in English submitted as PDF files and formatted in double-column ACM SIG proceedings format.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically through EasyChair https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=philoweb2014.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected full papers will be considered for publication in a volume at a later date.
Important Dates (ΝΕW)
· Submission Deadline: 15/4/2014 28/4/2014
· Acceptance notification: 1/5/2014 8/5/2014
· Workshop dates: 31/5/2014
Organizing Committee:
- PetrosStefaneas (National Technical University of Athens).
- MichailVafopoulos (National Technical University of Athens).
- Alexandre Monnin, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne/INRIA.
- Harry Halpin, Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation (Marie Curie Fellow)/W3C.
Program Committee:
- Ioannis Anagnostopoulos (University of Central Greece)
- Nicola Angius (University of Sassari, Italy)
- Maria Bottis (Ionian University)
- Gunnar Declerck (Inserm, Laboratoire SPIM)
- Fabien Gandon (INRIA)
- Antoine Hennion (CSI MINES-Paris Tech)
- Yuk Hui (Institut de Researche et d’Innovation)
- Theodoros Karounos (National Technical University of Athens)
- Catherine Legg (Waikato University)
- Paul Smart (University of Southampton)
- ProdromosTsiavos (National Documentation Center, Athens)
Petros Stefaneas, petros[at]math.ntua.gr
Michalis Vafopoulos, vafopoulos[at]gmail.com
Program [.v6]
submissions@icil.grFurther Information
Aikaterini Yannoukakouicil2014@uom.gr
May 30-31, 2014
with co-organizers
IHRCDepartment of Applied Informatics
IT Law Team
Faculty of Law
International Society for Ethics & Technology