Guest Speakers

Intzessiloglou Nikolaos
Professor, Faculty of Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
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Nikolaos Intzessiloglou is a lawyer (registered in the Bar Association of Thessaloniki since 1975), Lawyer Emeritus (since Mars 2009), Professor in the Law Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (since 1985).
More information: School of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Updated:05-02-2014 17:39

Kotsiris Lambros
Professor emeritus, Member of the Greek Academy
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
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Lambros Kotsiris is Professor emeritus of Law at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and a Member of the Greek Academy. He teaches at the National School of Judges, at the Hellenic Open University and at the Law School of the Aristotelian University (Erasmus students and students of the LL.M. Program). He has been the Head of the Legal Department in Greek banks (Chios Bank and Piraeus Bank). He has chaired and participated in numerous national and international conferences, in WIPO and in UNCITRAL. He has served as member (and president) of many Committees working on law proposals in the fields of copyright, the structural reform of privatization, insolvency law and the adoption of Model Insolvency Law of UNCITRAL. He served also as a member and as a president of many institutions, such as the Hellenic Copyright Organization, the National Committee of Professional Athletics and the Institute of the Aegean for the Law of the Sea & Maritime Law. He has written more than 200 monographs, books, studies and articles, on all subjects of Commercial Law –and not only- in Greek, English, German and French.
Updated:05-02-2014 17:39

Mattsson Titti
Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law
Lund University, Sweden
Collecting data for quality improvement and research in Swedish health care, and the individual patient's right and ability to protect their privacyRead more
Speaker at the special session of Health Law and Information
Mattsson's research deals with legal security and integrity issues in health law and social welfare law. A central area of interest is the IT legal developments in these fields and how the requirements of legal certainty for individuals can be maintained. Earlier, she concentrated on social child and youth care issues. In recent years she has also done research in health care in general, including the issue of discrimination of patients in the health care system in a European perspective. Her current project, Research on decisionally incapacitated individuals – a legal study of the Act concerning the Ethical Review of Research Involving Humans, and its application is a multi disciplinary research project conducted at Lund University in close collaboration between researchers from the Department of Law and the Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Medical Ethics. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council. Another ongoing research project "Active Ageing for all?" examines older people's legal position in the health care services. Her research is closely linked to her expert assignments. She is the Chairman of the Council of Ministers' Committee on Bioethics and an expert of the Ombudsman for Children in Sweden.
Collecting data for quality improvement and research in Swedish health care, and the individual patient's right and ability to protect their privacyUpdated:05-02-2014 17:35

Taddeo Mariarosaria
PhD, Research Fellow in Cyber Security and Ethics, PAIS, Research Associate - Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford, President, International Association for Computing and Philosophy
University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Individual rights in the information age