Young Scholars
Call for Papers
We are interested in papers on intellectual property, data protection, freedom of information, individual rights and information, privacy, cyberlaw and cyberethics, media law and ethics, digital divide and information technology, e-government, surveillance, intellectual freedom, open access, digital divide and other.
We are also particularly interested in papers on the historical development of information laws and ethical theory and we would also consider papers dealing with the social, political or psychological aspects of information.
We especially welcome abstracts on the main topics of the conference by young scholars (recent PhD graduates or PhD candidates etc).
Abstracts submissions at

Araka Iliana
Information Scientist, Library and Information Science Department
Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki, Greece
Freedom of teaching in Greek College Education: the role of the OERs according to academia’s perspectiveAuthors:
Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras, Elisa MakridouRead more
Iliana Araka is an Information Scientist of the Library and Information Science Department of the Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Thessaloniki, Greece and holds a MSc in Library and Information Science from the School of the Information and Informatics, Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology, Ionian University. Today, she works at the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link and more specifically at the IP Consulting Service. Since 2012, she has been an adjunct lecturer at the Library and Information Systems Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki. Last years she worked in the library of the TEI of Thessaloniki, in the Library and in the Qualitty Assurance Unit of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). Among her interests are: intellectual property, copyright issues, open access, information technology law, disaster and risk management, library science.
Freedom of teaching in Greek College Education: the role of the OERs according to academia’s perspectiveAuthors:
Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras, Elisa MakridouUpdated:30-04-2014 15:41

Chadjitheodorou Georgia
Candidate PhD, Lawer, Athens Bar Association
University of Athens, Greece
The `C.S.I. Effect`: Legal and ethical issues concerning the impact of televised forensic science on the criminal justice systemRead more
Georgia Chadjitheodorou was born in Athens. She graduated from Athens Law School in 2001 and completed the Postgraduate Master in Criminal Law and Criminology of the above Faculty. She is a Candidate PhD, under the supervision of Professor of Criminology of Athens Capodistrian University, N.E. Courakis. She has published academic papers and has participated in scientific researches in the field of Criminology, Penology and Forensics. She is a lawyer and member of the Athens Bar Association since 2003. She is fluent in English, French and German.
The `C.S.I. Effect`: Legal and ethical issues concerning the impact of televised forensic science on the criminal justice systemUpdated:05-02-2014 17:44

Chorbadjiyska-Angelova N. Victoria
PhD Candidate, Department “Creative industries and intellectual property”
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
Performing artists in the IP law of Bulgaria and the international treatiesRead more
17 May 11
Phd Student
University of national and world economy, Sofia (Bulgaria)
- Write out a dissertation in the field of Intellectual property
- Participating in various academic activities, arranged by the Creative Industries and Intellectual property Department with the collaboration of WIPO, OHIM, Patent Offices of Republic of Bulgaria, European Patent Office, Ministry of culture and etc.
- Leading seminars for students in their second and/or fouth academic year
1 Oct 09–17 Jul 10
Master Degree of Intellectual Property
University of National and World Economy, (Sofia)
- Researches in Industrial Design
- Franchise
- Traditional knowledge as an intellectual property object
- Electronic business
- International agreements in the field of Intellectual property and etc.
- Master thesis on "Biotechnology and intellectual property"
24 Oct 11–20 Jan 12
Advances Course on Biotechnology and Intellectual Property,
World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva (Switzerland)
1 Oct 10–15 Nov 10
General Course on Intellectual Property
World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva (Switzerland)
6 Feb 06–6 Feb 08
Levels A1, A2, B1.1 and M1 in German
Language School Prestige57 , "Dondukov bul" Sofia
German language class
25 Sep 05–13 Jul 09
Bachalor degree in Economy of intellectual property
University of national and world economy1700 Sofia, Students town, "Hristo Botev Str", UWNE Sofia
Special academic subjects:
- Trademarks- Utility models- Patents
19.2.14 © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 4
Curriculum Vitae Victoria Nikolaeva Chorbadjiyska-Angelova
- Industrial design- Copyright- Unfair competition
General economics subjects:
- Marketing and Management of the company- Economics- Finance- Accounting- Statistics- The fundamentals of Law
- Innovations
1 Mar 09–1 Apr 09
Patent Office of Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia (Bulgaria)
- Introduction in patent documentation and patent information among the patent funds of the countries
- Conducting patent and trade mark researches
- Introduction of the main activies in all departures of the Patent Office of Bulgaria
15 Sep 01–16 Jun 05
Language High School
" Akademik Lyudmil Stoqnov", Blagoevgrad city
Intensive english study class with subjects in english. Second language German.
23 Sep 09
Part-time assistant in Creative Industries and Intellectual property Department
University of National and World Economy, Sofia
- Teaching the students in their second and fourth year at University in the field of Basics of Intellectual property; Industrial design; Licensing trade
- Participating in workshops, conferences, seminars and different trainnings in field of Intellectual property
- Showing the students how to conduct Patent, Trade Marks and Industrial Design researches;
- Introducing the main Wipo, EPO and OHIM databases for online researches and assiting the students in preparation of course projects on the basis of IP searches.
Business or sector Academic Field
1 Jun 12
IP Expert (Intellectual Property Expert)
Manev and Partners LTD, Sofia (Bulgaria)
-Realization of strategy for protection of intellectual property objects
- Managing the IP portfolio of certain clients
- Dailywork with foreign partner firms in connection with the protection of IP objects of certain clients abroad.
- Monitoring over IP objects ( mostly trademarks).
- Assisting the main Attorneys at Law in the preparation and filing of applications for Trademarks and Industrial designs before the following Authorities: Bulgarian Patent Office, Office for Harmonization of Internatl Market; World Intellectual Property Organization.
Business or sector
3 Feb 10–5 May 10
Intellectual Property Expert
Global Trade Net, Medatex LTD""Akad. Ivan Geshov" Bul 2E, Business center Serdika, 2 fl, office 205, Sofia (Bulgaria)
- Assisting the protection of the intellectual property portfolio of the company by means of the following IP objects: trademarks, industrial designs, utility models, protection through copyright
- Preparation of licensing agreements in order to grant rights to third parties
- Conducting trademarks and industrial desigs' searches through IP databases
- Providing marketing and other type of market researches related to various commercial brands and their use
Business or sector Administrative and support service activities
1. "The translation and adaptation of a scenario for a drama play", University of Library studies and Information Technologies, Sofia - 2013
2. " Funding models in the theater sector", University of national and World Economy, Sofia - 2013
3. "Marine Biotechnologies - inovation and protections as intellectual Property", Southwestern University, Blagoevgrad city, Bulgaria - 2011
Performing artists in the IP law of Bulgaria and the international treatiesUpdated:24-02-2014 12:51

Çobo Gertjon
Doctoral Candidate in Philosophy
University of Tirana, Albania
Citizenship and biopolitics

Gerxhi Julejda
“Pavaresia” University, Albania
"Implementation of the right to information, as public administrations duties in the republic of Albania"

Giotitsas Chris
P2P Lab
Political Economist - member of the P2P Lab, Greece
Production and governance in hackerspacesAuthors:
Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis A. Niaros, and Chris GiotitsasRead more
Chris Giotitsas is a political economist and member of the P2P Lab. Currently he is pursuing post-graduate studies at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology
Production and governance in hackerspacesAuthors:
Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis A. Niaros, and Chris GiotitsasUpdated:05-02-2014 17:47

Haxhiraj Aulona
PhD student
University ”Ismail Qemali”, Albania
Cyber crime and measures for its preventionRead more
Work experience
Lecturer in History institutions, European Law, ETC
19.04.2011- 01.10.2011
Responsible of Legal Section
Advise and recommends Commander on issues relating to the interpretation and implementation of legislation.
Represents Marine Force in any litigation where Naval Force is litigants.
Monitor the implementation of laws, decrees, DCMs, Orders and revenue guidance in FD.
Naval Forces Command, Durres
01.12.2010 – 18.04.2011
Legal Advisor / Lawyer
Advises and recommends Commander on issues relating to the interpretation and implementation of legislation. Gives legal opinion arguing for each draft, the draft Decision, etc. addressed to the Naval Forces of the superior structures.
Naval Forces Command, Durres.
01.05.2010 – 30.11.2010
Specialist Programming and Information Interconnection System.
Management and maintenance of the information system. taking care System Modernization.
Southern Naval Flotilla, Vlore.
16.12.2008 – 30.04.2010
Specialists of Law.
Review of requests and complaints about law enforcement.
Law enforcement at sea. Interaction with other institutions involved in maritime.
Southern Naval Flotilla, Vlore.
01.08.2008 – 15.12.2008
Assistant Lawyer
Lawyer Zaqir Culaj, Vlore.
Education and training
Second level degree in “Law”
17.01.2009- 15.07.2010
Second master's degree level in “Executive Government”
09.11. 2012
PhD Candidate
PhD in Public Law
National Chamber of Advocates, Tirana
International Scientific Journal, “Academicus”: Judicial Enforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Right.
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. ISSN 2281 3993(Print) ISSN 2281-4612(Online). Role of the
European Union in Applying the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality
"Juridical Tribune" Journal, ISSN: 2247-7195, e-ISSN 2248 – 0382, ISSN-L 2247 – 7195: “The Covenant on civil and political rights”
Cyber crime and measures for its preventionUpdated:05-03-2014 16:08

Hereni Erlis
Assistant Lawyer, Lector, PhD Candidate in law at the Institute European Studies of Tirana
University of Tirana, Albania
The Border control cooperation in the European Union in the perspective of Schengen visa regimeAuthors:
Erlis Hereni, Elton Musa

Hitsevich Nataliya
Law - PhD Candidate
City University London, United Kingdom
Article 5 (3) of the Brussels I Regulation and its applicability in the case of intellectual property rights infringement on the InternetRead more
Areas of Expertise
Private international law and Intellectual property law;
Data protection law;
Contract law (including agency, distribution, franchising, joint venture, research and development agreements and technology transfer agreements);
Arbitration and dispute resolution;
Labour and employment Law;
Company Law;
Tax Law;
Law and policy in the former Soviet Union, particularly Belarus and Russia
Education and Qualifications
City University London, PhD in Law, 2013 (expected)
Stockholm University, LLM in Intellectual Property Law, 2008
Manchester University, LLM in International Business Law, 2007
Moscow School of Social and Economic Science, Diploma about retraining in Russian Law, 2007
European Humanities University, LLM in European Law. International Law, 2006
Belarusian State University, LL.B with distinction, 2004.
Non-State College for Business and Law, Diploma in Law with distinction, 1998
Professional qualifications
Qualified lawyer in Belarus and Russia
Professional and academic achievements
Republic of Belarus legal competition, Minsk, Belarus: `Best lawyer in Belarus: 2002`;
Belarusian State University`s Honors List, Minsk, Belarus: 1998-2004
Belarusian State University`s award, Minsk, Belarus: `Best graduate student in law: 2004`;
College`s of Business and Law award, Minsk, Belarus: `Best graduate student in law: 1998`
Secondary School Awards, Ostrovez, Belarus: Certificate of honor in history (1995), literature (1995), foreign languages (1995);
Winner of the Republic of Belarus Olympiad in Biology for High School Graduates, Minsk, Belarus: 1995
Winner of the Republic of Belarus Olympiad in Literature for High School student, Minsk, Belarus: 1994
Article 5 (3) of the Brussels I Regulation and its applicability in the case of intellectual property rights infringement on the InternetUpdated:05-02-2014 17:51

Kamocki Pawel
PhD candidate, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Université Paris Descartes, France
Should miners go on strike? Legal aspects of text and data mining.

Kasa Ilda
Assistant Professor
People's Friendship University of Russia, Russia
Freedom of Information of Central and Eastern European CountriesAuthors:
Rakel Muçaj, Ilda Kasa

Katsoula Vaia
Legal advisor, New Lawyer, LLM in Information Technology Law
Stockholm University, Greece
Data: Linked, Big and SocialRead more
Vaia Katsoula was born in Athens and is originally from Arta. She graduated from Athens Law School in 2008 and has completed the LLM in Law and Information Technology from Stockholm University in Sweden. Her first master thesis regarded “Voices in the digital age: Citizen’s Journalism and Blogs in e-Democracy” and her second thesis was: “Online Social Networks: Facebook in an evolving process, the risks and the future development”. During her master studies she has done research on telecommunication, network neutrality issues and the pirate bay case. She has a certified knowledge of Joomla programming language from the medialab of National and Technical University of Athens and has presented an educational seminar for parents proposing legal and technical ways to protect their children online. She is currently a lawyer and member of the Athens Bar Association and is interested in both the technical and legal aspect of IT Law focusing on digital privacy, social infrastructures, intellectual property rights and information security. She is a member in various associations and has participated in many conferences regarding information technology law.
Data: Linked, Big and SocialUpdated:05-03-2014 14:39

Kiortsi Panagiota
PhD Candidate
University of Athens, Greece
The kill switch: Disconnecting the Internet

Kostakis Vasilis
PhD, MSc, MA Political Economist and Founder of the P2P Lab
P2P Lab, Greece
Production and governance in hackerspacesAuthors:
Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis A. Niaros, and Chris GiotitsasRead more
Production and governance in hackerspacesAuthors:
Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis A. Niaros, and Chris GiotitsasUpdated:05-02-2014 17:49

Koutras Nikos
Political Scientist, MSc., PhD Cand.
University of Crete, Greece
Freedom of teaching in Greek College Education: the role of the OERs according to academia’s perspectiveAuthors:
Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras, Elisa MakridouRead more
He is Political Scientist of the Department of Political Science, University of Crete, holds Masters Degree in Science of Information of the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology, Ionian University and currently is PhD Candidate in Law at the Macquarie University in Australia. Moreover, he is member of the IHRC Research Group and last year was Instructor at the Institute of Vocational Training of Corfu in the course of Public Relations.
Freedom of teaching in Greek College Education: the role of the OERs according to academia’s perspectiveAuthors:
Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras, Elisa MakridouUpdated:30-04-2014 15:38

Kyriakidis Alexandros
PhD Candidate
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Cyberterrorism: A classified threat or an orphan idea?Read more
Research Interests
- EU politics
- International Political Economy
- International Relations
- Financial Crises Management
- Comparative Politics
Previous Education
- 2011-2012: MSc in Global Politics – University of Southampton, UK
- 2006-2010: BA in Political Science – The College of Wooster, OH, USA
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS Statistics)
Greek (native), English and German
Independent Research Theses
1) Doctoral Dissertation (PhD) 2013: The €zone Crisis & Democracy: An Evaluation (projected 80.000-90.000 words)
2) Postgraduate Independent Research Thesis (MSc) 2012: Greek Memorandums: The Oligarchy of a Union (15.000 words)
3) Undergraduate Independent Research Thesis (BA) 2010: Political Integration after EU Enlargement in Terms of Intergovernmentalism and Neofunctionalism (40.000 words)
Cyberterrorism: A classified threat or an orphan idea?Updated:11-03-2014 14:54

Makridou Elisa
Information Manager, Hellenic Academic Libraries Link
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Freedom of teaching in Greek College Education: the role of the OERs according to academia’s perspectiveAuthors:
Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras, Elisa MakridouRead more
Elisa Makridou is a graduate of Information Science (Ionian University), holds a Master's degree (DEA/ University of Barcelona, Spain) and is a PhD candidate at the same University. Currently, she works as an information manager at the Hellenic Academic Libraries Link, responsible for the Greek Scientific Journal Online Index service. Earlier she worked as a repository manager in the Library of Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Thessaloniki (Greece) and since 2012 she has worked as an adjunct Lecturer at the LIS Department of the same institute. Among her interests are: institutional repositories, open access, metadata and information retrieval, information architecture, information literacy and IPR.
Freedom of teaching in Greek College Education: the role of the OERs according to academia’s perspectiveAuthors:
Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras, Elisa MakridouUpdated:30-04-2014 15:39

Mammadli Elnur
PhD Candidate
University of Patras, Azerbaijan
Enforcement regime of copyright and related rights in Azerbaijan: recent challenges and perspectives

Metallidou Chrysi
B.Sc. Computer and Communication Engineering, School of Engineering, M.Sc. Informatics and Management
University of Thessaly, Greece
Computer Patents in Europe and in U.S.A. Challenges and Management of Technological Innovation

Muçaj Rakel
Albanian National Bar Association, Albania
Freedom of Information of Central and Eastern European CountriesAuthors:
Rakel Muçaj, Ilda KasaRead more
Education and training
February 2012 - November 2014
Title of qualification awarded: PhD Candidate
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: European University of Tirana
September 2007 – July 2011
Title of qualification awarded Title: “Jurist”
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Program of study: Civil law, Public law, Criminal law, Financial law, Commercial law
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: University Jo public “Justicia”
Freedom of Information of Central and Eastern European CountriesAuthors:
Rakel Muçaj, Ilda KasaUpdated:20-02-2014 14:00

Musa Elton
Assistant Lawyer, Lector at Tirana, PhD Candidate in law
European University of Tirana, Albania
The Border control cooperation in the European Union in the perspective of Schengen visa regimeAuthors:
Erlis Hereni, Elton Musa

Niaros Vasilis A.
P2P Lab
Tallinn University of Technology, Greece
Production and governance in hackerspacesAuthors:
Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis A. Niaros, and Chris GiotitsasRead more
Vasilis Niaros (MSc) is an engineer/urbanist and a PhD student at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology. His research interests include open source technologies, interactive urban spaces and do-it-yourself culture. He is a research fellow at the P2P Lab.
2013 - Tallinn University of Technology, Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, PhD Studies.
2008-2009 University of Thessaly, School of Engineering, Master of Science (MSc) in Planning and Regional Policy.
2002-2007 University of Thessaly, School of Engineering, Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Planning and Regional Development
Main areas of scientific work:
P2P urbanism, commons-based peer production, free/open source hardware, 3d printing, constructionist learning
Papers in international peer reviewed journals:
Kostakis, Vasilis, Niaros, Vasilis and Giotitsas, Christos. 'Production and governance in hackerspaces: A manifestation of Commons-based peer production in the physical realm?'. International Journal of Cultural Studies (in press).
Kostakis, Vasilis, Niaros, Vasilis and Giotitsas, Christos. 'Open source 3d printing as a means of learning: An educational experiment in two high schools in Greece'. Information, Communication and Society (in press).
Production and governance in hackerspacesAuthors:
Vasilis Kostakis, Vasilis A. Niaros, and Chris GiotitsasUpdated:05-02-2014 17:50

Nikita Maria
PhD candidate
University of Macedonia, Greece
The recommended RFID privacy and data protection impact assessment framework in the EURead more
Nikita Maria is a PhD student in the Department of Applied Informatics at the University of Macedonia. She graduated from the Applied Informatics Department of the University of Macedonia and received her master’s degree on Informatics and Management at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her PhD research concentrates on the implementation of privacy and data protection principles in applications supported by the RFID technology, focusing specifically to the privacy and security risks that arise through its use
The recommended RFID privacy and data protection impact assessment framework in the EUUpdated:30-04-2014 15:43

Panagiotou Athanasios
Solicitor, LLM in Medical Law
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Informed Consent in Modern Jurisdictions The Example of England: From a Flak Jacket for the Protection from Litigation to Shared Decision MakingRead more
Athanasios Panagiotou was born in Athens (Greece) and he is currently a lawyer in Athens, Greece and he sat for the Athens Bar Association exams in November 2013. Moreover from January 2014 to April 2014 he will take the Course 'Health and Society' (which deals with issues of Medical Sociology and Organisation of the American Health System) at the American College of Greece (Deree College). He has a strong interest for Medical Law and especially for issues such as medical malpractice, organ transplantation ,resource allocation in healthcare, patient's consent.
Informed Consent in Modern Jurisdictions The Example of England: From a Flak Jacket for the Protection from Litigation to Shared Decision MakingUpdated:05-02-2014 17:55

Papadimitriou Eleftheria
LLM, Attorney at law, ADRg Accredited Mediator in Civil and Commercial Cases
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
ODR: the future in dispute resolution. The pros, the cons and the ethical dimensions

Pashaye Amiri Amin
Lawyer, B.A, M.A.
Humboldt University, Iran
Status of Freedom of Information as a Human RightRead more
Educational degrees:
Diploma (graduation from high school), Humanities, 1997, Taleghani High school, Babol, Iran.
B.A., Law, 2001, Tehran University, Iran.
M.A., Private Law, 2003, Tehran University, Iran.
Work experience:
Worked as a lawyer in Iran from August 2003 till April 2007.
Worked as a lawyer and legal advisor for the Iranian Red Crescent (Red Cross) from April 2004 to March 2006.
Scientific successes:
Acquired the rank 71st among 560 645 participant in the nation-wide university entrance exam , and consequently awarded the title of “Elite” according to an Iranian law, in1997.
Passed the competitive entrance examination for M.A. course in 2001 and got a seat in Tehran University as a M.A. student in the field of private law.
Acquired the grade A (18.50 out of 20) for the M.A. thesis.
Passed the competitive examination of Iranian Bar Association, in 2002. (And awarded the degree of "First-Grade Lawyer and Legal Adviser" in 2005.)
Researches in Progress:
Finished writing a paper in Persian on “A Study on Iranian Freedom of Information Law from the Perspective of Internationally Accepted Principles” (It will hopefully be published in a law journal in Iran soon).
Areas of interests:
Comparative constitutional law, comparative administrative law, comparative and international human rights law, freedom of information Law.
Language skills:
Persian (mother tongue), English, German (average), some ability to read Arabic texts (I passed almost 10 semester courses on Islamic legal texts in Arabic during my Bachelor and Master).
Current status:
Doing a PhD in law at Humbolt Univeristy of Berlin under the supervision of Professor Georg Nolte. The title of my dissertation is “Freedom of Information and National Security: A Study of Judicial Review under U.S. Law ” (the dissertation is expected to be defended in a few months).
Status of Freedom of Information as a Human RightUpdated:05-03-2014 15:17

Skiathiti Giota
Law Student
University of Athens, Greece
e-Government and its implementation in GreeceAuthors:
Thomas Tsoulias, Giota SkiathitiRead more
Giota is an undergraduate law student at the University of Athens. She has been the co-founder of an international educational NGO and its crowning program, “Protagoras”, a moot court designed to simulate penal court procedure for the educational benefit of high school students participating as lawyers and judges. Giota is especially interested in constitutional and parliamentary law, international relations, arbitration and sustainable development, having participated in various seminars such as “Negotiation in Mediation” by Thierry Garby and “Creating an Age of Abundance” by Peter Diamandis & the MIT/Harvard Graduate Consulting Club. Regarding the field of parliamentary law, as the Secretary General and PR Supervisor of Political Acitivation (NGO), she is part of the Organising Committee of Model Hellenic Parliament, a simulation of the lawmaking procedures of the Hellenic Parliament for university students. She also works part time at an advertising company in Athens.
e-Government and its implementation in GreeceAuthors:
Thomas Tsoulias, Giota SkiathitiUpdated:06-02-2014 16:00

Smyrnaki Evgenia
Attorney-at-Law, LLM in Computers and Communications Law
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Read more
Smyrnaki Evgenia is an attorney at law registered at the Heraklion Bar Association since 2008. She holds an LLB from the University of Athens (2001-2005), a Master’s degree in Bioethics (University of Crete) and an LLM in Computer and Communications Law (Queen Mary University of London). She has participated with oral presentations in the 9th World Congress of Bioethics 2008 (paper title: “Criminal DNA Databases”), in the 18th World Congress on Medical Law 2010 (paper title: “Wrongful life: Medical Responsibility”) and the 7th Bioethics Retreat of the Joint Postgraduate Program in Bioethics- University of Crete (presentation title: "Το δικαίωμα της εγκύου να αρνηθεί θεραπεία"). Her publications include "Surrogate Motherhood" (Rhadamanthys, 2008), "Wrongful life and Birth" (Medicine and Law Journal, 2012).
Updated:18-02-2014 12:52

Spatha Despina
Attorney at Law, LLM
Athens Bar Association, Greece
My avatar and IRead more
Despina Spatha was born in Athens in 1984. She graduated from the Law School of Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) in 2006 and she completed her Master Degree in International and European Law with specialization in Information Technology Law of the University of Lille II (Droit et Santé -France) in 2011. The title of her thesis was “The protection of personal data in the era of Facebook”. She is currently a lawyer, member of Athens Bar Association since 2007. She focuses on the information law and she is very interested in the legal research of new technologies, the regulation of personal data within online social networking sites, online privacy, the conflict of rights in the field of semantic web and the legal and ethical issues related to the online digital identity.
My avatar and IUpdated:05-02-2014 18:22

Syroka - Marczewska Katarzyna
Phd candidate, Faculty of Law and Administration
University of Warsaw, Poland
Toward an informed discussion of informed consentRead more
Phd candidate at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration. Doctoral thesis concerns informed consent (European and United States legal and bioethics regulation).
Toward an informed discussion of informed consentUpdated:13-02-2014 12:16

Tsoulias Thomas
Law Student
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
e-Government and its implementation in GreeceAuthors:
Thomas Tsoulias, Giota SkiathitiRead more
Thomas is an undergraduate law student at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Law and an Anatolia College alumnus. An amateur programmer and a history & economics enthusiast, he combines his various interests with that of entrepreneurship and philanthropy in order to create start-ups for the benefit of the society. He is the co-founder of the very first simulation of the Hellenic Parliament, a project supported by the Hellenic Parliament itself, various national broadcasting stations, and the two major universities in Greece (the Athenian and the Aristotle University). Especially interested in education, Thomas supports and promotes the ideal of the practical polymath. His crowning achievement is the co-founding of an international educational NGO with the sole purpose of implementing a new paradigm of education: that of a personally designed curriculum cultivating the student’s inherent talents. He speaks fluently English, French and Greek, and has a basic command of Russian.
e-Government and its implementation in GreeceAuthors:
Thomas Tsoulias, Giota SkiathitiUpdated:06-02-2014 15:56